Natural remedies

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  • Soonbald
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2015
    • 179

    hi not sure if RU is helping me as of yet...been using minox for 3 months "no results" and RU at 250mg "5ml" every other day....cant do it everyday then im out on RU too fast and I use the "premixed solution" from anagen inc 5%...some say the premixed is not as "potent" but it says on all RU sites that its stable for 6 months at room temperature so it must have SOME effect still on the least I hope hair is pretty long I dont wanna cut it too short then my hair will really look thin and my hair just barely grows at then I will be stuck with thin looking hair all the time.. but I spike my hair up with alcohol gel then I spray the RU "5ml" 250mg mixed with 1ml of minox in a small bottle and spray it all over my scalp then rubb it in carefully with a small plastic thing..been doing it for 2 months results yet but I have noticed I do lose less hairs after starting using minox and RU....but tbh my hair actually looks thinner =/.... I did try finasteride 1 year ago but after exactly 1 month my Eyes were so dry it was crazy burning feeling they just felt bone dry and as soon as I just focused my Eyes they started tearing up BADLY and Eye drops didnt work at all only made it worse...they started getting red later on due to the was painfull I stopped immidiately and my Eyes were dry for 4 long Days it felt like forever but on the forth day they were back to normal again I could breath out again... living with dry Eyes is no Life at all its annoying and painfull...I had no sexuall or mental side effects anyway just the dry Eyes...I read anti-androgens can indeed cause dry Eyes, I read some hairloss forums where guys also got dry Eyes from finasteride some get it early and some alot later "years of use" I read one guy used finasteride for 5 years developed dry Eyes quit the pill hes been off for years now and his Eyes are still dry its permanent...I read a guy taking fina for 1 month and he said he developed severely dry Eyes and he stopped...exactly what happaned to me..and many guys on "" they also have experienced dry Eyes... this is why I wont ever use finasteride again...I actually started using proscar at 1.25mg for 14 Days then I got Dizzy and lightheaded...then I tried normal finasteride started at 0.5mg for 3 weeks then I took 1mg for 1 week and then at the end of that week developed "severely dry Eyes" ...this is the reason why I jumped on RU and minoxidill but no luck with the treatments so hoping your naturall regime works...or else im just doomed to be bald and it ****ing sucks -_-


    • Herbaliser
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2015
      • 436

      The reason started this treatment was because me and my wife started green juicing, because her and my hair got thicker after a wile.
      I read about the benefits of coriander and coconut milk (high in manganese)

      Therefore i thought why not use it on the scalp, due to the enzymes and the oxidation progress.
      Many states that they tried the natural way by using synthetic supplements biotin etc..., but you cant gain the complexity as a simple herb like coriander for example.
      You cant fool your body with snake oil supplements, since your body docent know how to digest it as pure naturals does.

      The funny part is that you cant patent natural resources
      This video for example pissed me off, since the pharma companies are using us and the FDA like puppets and we are buying in since fin and other chemicals are approved to gain money from our desperation.

      Kind off a spin off about "conspiracy" but it triggered me to prove that pure naturals does work, but i canīt prove it since there is no evidence behind it and will never be.


      • Soonbald
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2015
        • 179

        well..there is a guy on Youtube saying he had a receeded hairline and thinning at the back...he did "scalp exercises" for 7 months and he got baby hairs growing on his he says his hair is the same as when he was "15" lol he then started using coconut oil and emu oil on his scalp....not sure what to Believe but the guy is really smart I have noticed... its like that guy tom hagrety that did the scalp exercises for 9 months and stopped his hairloss...the guy on youtube said he had a very tight scalp and now its looser so it helped to regrow his hair back..but my scalp is not tight its never been I can move it pretty good back and forward by flexing my scalp muscles...he got lucky thats how I see dont work for all guys at all "I have read"....I saw a guy on a forum using only emu oil+castor oil and he got new hairs growing on his hairline he even posted Before and after photos... and then we have these guys saying they stopped masturbating and their hairloss stopped and they grew back their guy said he stopped masturbating for 1 year and his hair has grown back...I have read a few of these comments/ does seem to work for some guys its not impossible...the IDEA here is to try to stop hairloss WITHOUT reducing a male sex hormone by 70% thats just stupid in my book..since DHT has other functions in the body other than maintaining healthy sex drive and strong erections...people wouldnt experience mentall side effects and other stuff otherwise... and in my case "dry Eyes" from finasteride use...when you mess with your hormones it can cause problems...for some it dont seem to cause much problems at all...but some guys can really get ****ed up by it...the problem with us balding guys isnt that we got too much DHT its that our hair folicles are just sensitive to the DHT...this is a genetic defect...but this doesnt mean that we should take a pill that reduces our male sex hormone by as much as 70% and making our dht receptors everywhere in the body malfunction and not work properly to take in that DHT...but sure when you are desperate you are desperate I cant argue with you guys on that...since I did try finasteride TWO TIMES....and now I use this RU that isnt even considered "SAFE" one guy seems to have gotten heart failure from RU and hes gonna die now thats what he said he posted it on goodlookingloser forum...some guys say they got red Eyes and chest pains from RU...I havent experienced anything and I have put 250mg of RU on my scalp many times already..most guys seem to only use 50-100-150mg I pretty much double that...anyway im gonna give this naturall treatment herbaliser has shared with us and if it works it works if it doesnt work it doesnt work at least I gave it a shot!


        • Soonbald
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2015
          • 179

          btw gonna buy myself a "juicer"soon.. would you be so kind to tell me what exactly you put in the juicer ? what kind of green stuff u put in there? I wanna make a healthy drink everyday combined with the topicall treatment too ofc!


          • Herbaliser
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2015
            • 436

            This is when i noticed my new hair growing.
            Attached Files


            • Herbaliser
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2015
              • 436

              Iīm using this one since it juices green leaves without a problem:
              And this is how it works:

              I put in cucumber, celery (high in silica) and spinach, kale for there vitamin recourse.


              • Soonbald
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2015
                • 179

                great to see its working for you!...the thing is that our hair folicles are being choked to Death by DHT...but if we give it more nutrients "topically" in this case it will be able to survive longer and even grow stronger...makes sense...we either block DHT or try to give the hair folicles more vitamins and such to stay alive and get stronger...


                • Soonbald
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 179

                  wow thats one expensive machine right there haha im not sure I wanna spend that much on a juicer tbh...I will get a cheaper one and hopefully it will work decently... but thanks anyway I wont buy the cheapest thats for sure...but sure in the long run it will pay off I bet...I could buy it...but only if it would make my hair grow back because thats my goal here xD


                  • Herbaliser
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2015
                    • 436

                    The juicer is mostly for our health in overall.
                    You can stick with the topical remedy and chlorella powder, since they are the main key for the hair.


                    • Soonbald
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2015
                      • 179

                      yes thats what I was thinking :P but im still gonna buy a juicer


                      • Eire1980
                        • Dec 2013
                        • 66

                        Interesting thread..glad it's working for you...I've started trying chlorella in tablet form but think I'm going to switch to's expensive though €20 for 200g��..I'm also using coconut oil mixed with pumpkin seed oil and matcha green long should you leave this on?
                        appreciate some feedback��


                        • Herbaliser
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2015
                          • 436

                          Sorry i forgot.
                          I leave it on for 20-30 minutes on my scalp.
                          You can put the matcha green tea in this remedy, since the matcha is higher in nutrition compared to the dry green tea.

                          The green tea and coriander combines well, and when you put the paste in the oils it reacts directly and turns green.


                          • Brock
                            Junior Member
                            • Jul 2015
                            • 12

                            Hi Herbaliser,

                            Ever since you started using your topical, even though you've noticed hair growth, has it stopped falling out too, or are you still losing it, but more slowly (does a lot of hair fall out when showering for example) ?


                            • Herbaliser
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2015
                              • 436

                              Nope, no hair fall.
                              I even tested with a black piece of paper on the table, and rubbed my scalp hard.


                              • Brock
                                Junior Member
                                • Jul 2015
                                • 12

                                Thanks, hope it works for me too !

