What is the Best Recommended time for propecia dosage?

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  • Constantine
    • Jan 2010
    • 37

    What is the Best Recommended time for propecia dosage?

    May i know which is the best time to consume propecia?
    Day or Night time? After food?
    If i miss or forgot to consume one day, is that ok?
  • bigmac
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 253

    I take my Fin at night usually.I dont think it matters when you take it.
    I miss the odd day every now and again due to forgetting or too much vino,it does not hinder its effectiveness on me,so in my non medical opinion i would say yes its ok.


    • thejack
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2009
      • 172

      Hey Bigmac, is it not safe to take finasteride after drinking?Or does it just suppress its effectiveness?Ive had quite a few heavy nights in the past and taken fin before hand or the next morn. Anyways Ive had pretty decent results from what I gather. This leads me on to an off subject question but I had some regrowth on my temples after fin which dont look like full blown hairs but do not look on their way out either. Do you know if these will be more likely to suffer from shock loss if I had a procedure? Cheers, Jack


      • thejack
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2009
        • 172

        Sorry before I was in a rush when i decided to post.. I'll rephrase the last question. Do you think the new hair grown from the meds im on are more likely to suffer from permanent shockloss due to them being fresh? Thanks again


        • namratasnv
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2010
          • 17


          Generic propeciacan be taken for more than 3 months and the recommended dosage is one tablet daily 1mg once a day now it is better if you take this medicine after meal in night, which is better opiton for you.


          • bigmac
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 253

            Not sure if the beer has any effect,a doctor would need to answer that.
            It does not seem to hinder my Proscars effectiveness.
            If you are seeing some regrowth with meds,that is good news,i`m ot sure about how they will stand up against shockloss if you had a HT.
            Again a doctor is better suited to answer this.


            • vjchamp
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2010
              • 5

              Some doctors may prescribe half a tablet once a day or one tablet every other day, however these are not the official recommended dosages. One reason is that official clinical research has found that the once a day dosing gave the maximum benefit from male pattern hair loss

