Im new here
My name is Eden Im 22 yo
I take 1.5mg avodart per day (4 months allready)
And a week ago i started using minox12.5 of Dr. Lee (the solution)
My story is a little difrent then the alot of men
in the past 3 years I started smoking sigarets and green as well
in the past to years i smoked so mutch weed I got depressd and alot of sterss 24/7 in my head and anxiety attacs all the time
I was fighting all day with family members and friends
was crying all the time.
my wight was going down from 66 kg to 53 in a month
my hair was shedding so bad in the front and the sides of the top of the head
(as u understand im not an english speeker lol)
from then I had some eating disorder thow I eat alot and not junk just didnt gaind wait because of the weed and depression (I was a heavy smoker)
so I started using the avodart 1.5 mg per day (original) 4 months ago
I had few days in the middle that i had 3 days off few times
my hair was alittle thicker and i stoped having a hair loss
I didnt have any new hair growth on my head but my hair looked beter.
A week ago i started using minoxidil 12.5 of Dr. Lee
And I have alot of hair sheding my hair look so much oful (bed)
I dont know what to do
some people say that using minox is natural in the first 3 months to have sheding from hair
but have like mine???
Im new here
My name is Eden Im 22 yo
I take 1.5mg avodart per day (4 months allready)
And a week ago i started using minox12.5 of Dr. Lee (the solution)
My story is a little difrent then the alot of men
in the past 3 years I started smoking sigarets and green as well
in the past to years i smoked so mutch weed I got depressd and alot of sterss 24/7 in my head and anxiety attacs all the time
I was fighting all day with family members and friends
was crying all the time.
my wight was going down from 66 kg to 53 in a month
my hair was shedding so bad in the front and the sides of the top of the head
(as u understand im not an english speeker lol)
from then I had some eating disorder thow I eat alot and not junk just didnt gaind wait because of the weed and depression (I was a heavy smoker)
so I started using the avodart 1.5 mg per day (original) 4 months ago
I had few days in the middle that i had 3 days off few times
my hair was alittle thicker and i stoped having a hair loss
I didnt have any new hair growth on my head but my hair looked beter.
A week ago i started using minoxidil 12.5 of Dr. Lee
And I have alot of hair sheding my hair look so much oful (bed)
I dont know what to do
some people say that using minox is natural in the first 3 months to have sheding from hair
but have like mine???