Horrible Avodart side effects

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  • stuntman47
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 7

    Horrible Avodart side effects

    I started taking Avodart 2.0 mr/day about 7 weeks ago. After a few weeks, my legs became very weak to the point I have trouble walking. My balance is so bad I fell flat on my face in the street. I stopped about 2 weeks ago but the side effects continue. I guess it is because of the longer time it takes to clear Avodart out of the body. I actually hope it is because of the Avodart. If not, then I have some serious problems. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
  • Jotronic
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 1541


    We have prescribed Avodart off and on for a few years but we have never heard of your issue before. It is true the half life of Avodart is much longer than that of Propecia so if your symptoms are related then they should subside over the next several weeks. Granted, we do not have a lot of patients on the medication so perhaps you should speak to a practitioner that has prescribed it more often. I suggest speaking to a specialist such as a colorectal oncologist(?) since it is a prostate medication to begin with.

    All opinions are my own and may not necessarily be shared by Dr. Wong and/or Dr. Hasson.

    If you are interested in having an online consultation visit www.hassonandwong.ca

    To view my story and history visit my website at www.hairtransplantmentor.com


    • stuntman47
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 7

      Dht 1

      Thanks for your response. I did some research and found the following.
      DHT1 is blocked in Avodart, but not Propecia. DHT 1 also has a significant presence in the brain. It is particularly important in maintining the myelin sheath, which detemines the speed of signals from the brain to muscles. If the DHT 1 is negatively affecting the myelin related to the conductivity of nerve signals, it seems like my symptoms are consistent with the side effects I am experiencing.

      What do you think?


      • SteinbergerXL2
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2008
        • 5

        Avodart Side Effects

        Originally posted by stuntman47
        Thanks for your response. I did some research and found the following.
        DHT1 is blocked in Avodart, but not Propecia. DHT 1 also has a significant presence in the brain. It is particularly important in maintining the myelin sheath, which detemines the speed of signals from the brain to muscles. If the DHT 1 is negatively affecting the myelin related to the conductivity of nerve signals, it seems like my symptoms are consistent with the side effects I am experiencing.

        What do you think?
        Avodart is a dual 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. It inhibits both 5 alpha reductase isoenzymes 5AR I and 5AR II. It does, however, have a greater affinity for 5ARII. While there is some 5AR I in the brain, I would not think the side effects you are experiencing are due to the Avodart. I have been taking 2mg daily along with 2 8-oz. glasses of white grapefruit juice to inhibit the cytochrome P-450 enzymes responsible for metabolizing Avodart. Essentially, I wind up with more of it in my system since first pass intestinal metabolism is significantly reduced. I have had no problems going on 1 year. The symptoms you are describing are neurological in nature. Don't rely on a hair loss forum for something this potentially serious. Go to yout doctor or neurologist. get an MRI or any diagnostic procedure that will rule out MS or other serious medical conditions. Avodart will not cause MS. Good luck!


        • Notcoolanymore
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2013
          • 2260

          I want my hair as much as the next guy, but if I believed the above symptoms were the result of any hair loss treatment, I would drop it in a minute. Hair isn't worth risking your life.


          • goldbondmafia
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2011
            • 406

            OP you were taking 2mg per day?!?!!?!?!?! I think you should be taking 0.5mg per day MAX, anything over will not have better effects on hair, only increase risk of sides


            • AfterHair
              Doctor Representative
              • May 2014
              • 45

              Avodart is such a strong drug. There's a reason most people take Fin, rather than Avodart. There's less side effects to Finasteride. I'd recommend working with your physician to determine if the effects are really due to Avodart (sound likely) and if so, getting off of it. How have you fared with Finasteride in the past?.. assuming you have tried it.
              AfterHair is a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi

              AfterHair's regimen includes:
              HT #1 2710 grafts by Dr Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA in 2012
              Rogaine foam 2xdaily, since 2012
              Finasteride 1.25mg daily, since 2012

