Help ran out of Fincar

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  • Redroom
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 1

    Help ran out of Fincar

    I've been on Fincar + Rogaine for about 6 years now and have had GREAT results. My hair went from definately thinning to people complimenting me on having such a full head of hair!

    I have been using generic (Costco) rogaine + generic propecia (fincar)
    But just a few weeks ago I noticed that I ran out of Fincar. I had usually been on top of ordering on time all these years, but this time I was totally out.

    I ordered the day I noticed, but it seems the post office has lost my shipment! Now I'm on week 3 of just rogaine and I'm freaking out that my hair will fall out like it was before I started treatment. I don't know if I'm paranoid, but my hair feels a bit thinner already.

    How long am I good for? Has anyone ever been off propecia and then gone back? Will I be ok? What else can I do? I ordered a new batch but I'm paranoid it will get seized or lost also. I'm really in a bind here. How can I be sure I get something asap?

    In the meantime my sex drive has gone out of control! So I know the fincar was real at least. But since my sex drive wasn't that bad on the Fincar, I'd rather get back on it.
  • Dr. Glenn Charles
    IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
    • Nov 2008
    • 2419

    It is not recommended that a patient stop taking finasteride nless they are experiencing negative side effects. I do not think you have been off the medication long enough for all the positve results to be eliminated. If you have had some thinning since stopping, those follicles are most likely still alive and can be salvaged if you start taking the finasteride again. Try asking your doctor for a prescription for Proscar. This is a similar generic Finasteride, but only comes in a 5 mg tablet that would need to be cut into quarters. The dosage would be 1/4 tablet daily.
    Dr. Glenn Charles
    Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
    View my IAHRS Profile

