lost girl due to being bald

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  • zac
    Junior Member
    • May 2016
    • 5

    lost girl due to being bald

    So i've been hooking up with this girl on and off for years now. I've been bald the entire time but she's never seen me without a hat hahah... anyways

    She messages me the other night and we had a good convo for a while, she sent me a pic... and then i sent her this one.... after that, she barely responds and does not seem interested in meeting up lol...oh well, it is what it is..
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  • Soonbald
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2015
    • 179

    wow you look GREAT shaved bro..lucky you I wish I looked as good as you shaved
    I see no problems with your bald head you look COOL..the girl is too shallow you dont need her.


    • pkipling
      • Sep 2014
      • 605

      More often than not, we don't really know what's going on in someone else's head unless they flat out tell us, so I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this is the reason she stopped talking to you. It's a possibility, but so are a dozen other reasons as well. The main thing is to not treat it as if it's a fact and let it manifest itself into something bigger than it is in your head. Your tone seems like you've laughed it off, but just in case you start to take it to heart.... don't.

      I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.


      • Johny41
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2014
        • 145

        Pkipling is right, it is not evident that your baldness is the reason she stopped talking to you. I'd like to give you an advice for future: don't hide your head under the hats, because you are a great-looking guy and bald head is your spice, but not disadvantage. You just need to increase self-confidence.


        • bmoreno515
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2014
          • 220

          Dude you'll find a new and better girl, you can pull the look off.


          • zac
            Junior Member
            • May 2016
            • 5

            I really appreciate the positive comments guys, thank you


            • Hairbrain
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2016
              • 128

              You look great shaved. But I want to know how you hook up with a girl for years without removing your hat........


              • JohnMPB
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 382

                Originally posted by pkipling
                More often than not, we don't really know what's going on in someone else's head unless they flat out tell us, so I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this is the reason she stopped talking to you. It's a possibility, but so are a dozen other reasons as well. The main thing is to not treat it as if it's a fact and let it manifest itself into something bigger than it is in your head. Your tone seems like you've laughed it off, but just in case you start to take it to heart.... don't.

                I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.
                Solid advice right here


                • JohnMPB
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 382

                  Originally posted by Hairbrain
                  You look great shaved. But I want to know how you hook up with a girl for years without removing your hat........
                  I'd like to know the same...so u boned this chick for years with a hat on? True alpha if so


                  • zac
                    Junior Member
                    • May 2016
                    • 5

                    Originally posted by JohnMPB
                    I'd like to know the same...so u boned this chick for years with a hat on? True alpha if so
                    lol not much of an alpha, i worked with her at a grocery market where i was able to wear a hat 24/7 and we would either hook up in the bathroom at work or at her place from time to time, no sleepovers, she never asked about my hat lol, as strange as that sounds


                    • Hairbrain
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2016
                      • 128

                      Strange yes, but believable cause I've been there. Hat comes off with the lights.


                      • richter101
                        • Jan 2015
                        • 84

                        I find it hard to believe.. You look fine bald, I wished I looked as good. ha But of course we all know how you feel. If it really starts getting to your head (no pun intended) I'd suggest looking into FUE procedure. That's what I did. Game changer.

                        Richter101 is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi

                        Born Oct ’89
                        Began Seeing Gradual Hair Loss Oct ’09
                        Began Seeing Gradual Hair Gain June ’15

                        My regimen includes:
                        HT #1 2200 (ARTAS- FUE) grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2016
                        Finasteride daily, since 2014
                        Rogaine experimenter from 2012- ’13 RIP

                        Planning HT #2 By End of This Year


                        • GoingGoing
                          Junior Member
                          • May 2014
                          • 17

                          I don't know for a fact, but I can almost assure you that's not the reason she seems to have bailed - there can be plenty of other reasons.

                          You're one of the fortunate ones who can pull the look off well. Embrace it and move on with your life. That would be my advice.


                          • BaldBearded
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2017
                            • 551

                            1. You are hot!

                            2. Stop hiding it.

                            3. She was a twat... so... good riddance.


                            • Kashman
                              • Jan 2017
                              • 35

                              I d let that girl go on day 1 bro. what a shallow person !

