Baldness and anger

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  • fred970
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 924

    Originally posted by IAMX
    God i'm ****ing sick of hierarchy bullshit on online community forums. **** off you bitter troll.
    I was just sharing and trying to help, but that means nothing to an NW-elitist douche-bag like you, your bitterness shines more than your head ever will Fred.
    You've inspired me to never be like you when I do reach your '100% down-to-earth oh-so-real genuine' level of NW.
    Wait until you're bald. You will wish you could delete those "uplifting" posts.

    Of course I'm bitter, because that's what true baldness does to a human being.

    You will become like me whether you want it or not.


    • IAMX
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2015
      • 6

      Originally posted by fred970
      Wait until you're bald. You will wish you could delete those "uplifting" posts.

      Of course I'm bitter, because that's what true baldness does to a human being.

      You will become like me whether you want it or not.
      I'll make it a point never to be like you, thanks
      enjoy your misery Fred.


      • Follisket
        • Aug 2014
        • 61

        Moreso in defense of the truth than fred: misery is still preferable to delusion.


        • jamesst11
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2014
          • 1092

          this is not so black and white...there are people with full heads of hair that will know a depression greater than any of us ever could fathom. To deny this fact is delusional. It's brain chemistry, it's biochemical. "Every man thinks his burden is the heaviest"


          • fred970
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 924

            Originally posted by IAMX
            I'll make it a point never to be like you, thanks
            enjoy your misery Fred.
            What makes you think I'm miserable? I'm not. And my life was alright when I was bald too.

            I was only miserable when:

            - A girl told me she could not be with a bald guy
            - A girlfriend would leave me for a NW1
            - People threw jokes at me for being bald
            - People asked me if I had cancer or some harsh disease
            - I remembered I was inferior to the other young guys with hair
            - I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself.
            - I thought about all the things I could have lived if I still had a full head of hair, that will now never happen. A youth never truly lived.
            - I had to be on medication and to be hospitalized because the above became unbearable.

            Other than that, I still had a good life overall.

            Hair loss doesn't prevent you from laughing and having a great time with your friends, or having short-term relationships until the girl realizes she's dating an inferior man.

            Fast forward after my successful hair transplant: all the things cited above disappeared. I haven't taken an antidepressant in 3 years (had never took them before hair loss by the way).

            Life is quite good, when you (look like you) have hair on your head. When you don't, you can still be relatively OK, if you can deal with all the above.

            Also: I'm 6'3, I have the perfect head shape for being bald, and I'm not bad looking. Most balding guys don't have these advantages.

            Try being 5'7, with a weird head shape and average-looking. What are your uplifting advices for these guys?

            Originally posted by jamesst11
            this is not so black and white...there are people with full heads of hair that will know a depression greater than any of us ever could fathom. To deny this fact is delusional. It's brain chemistry, it's biochemical. "Every man thinks his burden is the heaviest"
            Wrong, I had never seen the inside of a psychiatrist's office before hair loss hit me at the age of 19. (16 in fact, but it took me 3 years to notice it).


            • MrBald
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2014
              • 23

              I agree with you Jamesst11. Balding is among the hardest things. What NW are you?


              • MrBald
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2014
                • 23

                I am glad that I at least have you guys on this forum, that can relate to this hell we are all facing...

                And I am glad for those of you who manage to cope with it, personally I just can't.


                • fred970
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 924

                  Originally posted by MrBald
                  I am glad that I at least have you guys on this forum, that can relate to this hell we are all facing...

                  And I am glad for those of you who manage to cope with it, personally I just can't.
                  No one can deal with it, those who pretend not to care are either NW1-2, or extremely delusional.

                  I've met countless guys in real life who pretended to be "alpha males" who didn't give a sh*t about their hair loss.

                  Yet don't ask them to remove their hats... at night! Or don't ask them why there is no picture of them after hair loss on their Facebook.

                  They always crack though, and reveal they spent a fortune in snake oil to treat their hair loss, cried and drank themselves to sleep for years because of it.

                  Only guys who don't give a sh*t about anything (who also get fat, in debt etc.) don't give a sh*t about hair loss. Everyone else will care.


                  • jamesst11
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 1092

                    Originally posted by MrBald
                    I agree with you Jamesst11. Balding is among the hardest things. What NW are you?
                    I don't even know. I am horribly diffused thin every where, but especially in the temples and crown. I also have thick, evenly and spaced too far apart transplants on just one side of my head... I would say "weird looking and disfigured". I would pay 50k right now for a normal bald head, and I had a full head of hair 2 years ago. Mark my words, 50k.


                    • MrBald
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2014
                      • 23

                      Originally posted by jamesst11
                      I don't even know. I am horribly diffused thin every where, but especially in the temples and crown. I also have thick, evenly and spaced too far apart transplants on just one side of my head... I would say "weird looking and disfigured". I would pay 50k right now for a normal bald head, and I had a full head of hair 2 years ago. Mark my words, 50k.
                      So the transplant you had, did you have it only on one side? Or did it just take on one side?

                      Does it look weird if you shave it? A scar in the back?


                      • jamesst11
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 1092

                        I had, for some unknown reason, a almost full head of hair, but a bald area forming on the left temple area. Not knowing how aggressive my MPB could be, I was "convinced" into doing a transplant in that area. The day came and she started transplanting hairs all through the left side of the head and in the center. Four months later, I started pulling out hair in CLUMPS, literally 300-400 hairs per day. That was march-april, 2014. I lost literally half my hair by the end of 2014. Early in 2015, started finasteride, which has seemingly perpetuated the problem. I have bald spots everywhere now. In the area of the transplantation, I only have transplants. Many of them 2-4 hair grafts placed right by the hair line. In short, my hair is a cluster f*ck and looks totally abnormal.


                        • IAMX
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2015
                          • 6



                          • IAMX
                            Junior Member
                            • Nov 2015
                            • 6

                            Originally posted by MrBald
                            I am glad that I at least have you guys on this forum, that can relate to this hell we are all facing...

                            And I am glad for those of you who manage to cope with it, personally I just can't.
                            Yes it's hard, have you considered a transplant in the future? I know it's hard to talk about, but once you share your feelings with friends/family it will be a bit of a relief, them knowing why you're upset... Have you shaved your head? Just curious...

                            Originally posted by jamesst11
                            I had, for some unknown reason, a almost full head of hair, but a bald area forming on the left temple area. Not knowing how aggressive my MPB could be, I was "convinced" into doing a transplant in that area. The day came and she started transplanting hairs all through the left side of the head and in the center. Four months later, I started pulling out hair in CLUMPS, literally 300-400 hairs per day. That was march-april, 2014. I lost literally half my hair by the end of 2014. Early in 2015, started finasteride, which has seemingly perpetuated the problem. I have bald spots everywhere now. In the area of the transplantation, I only have transplants. Many of them 2-4 hair grafts placed right by the hair line. In short, my hair is a cluster f*ck and looks totally abnormal.
                            That's really tough, will you get more transplants in the future to even everything out? My thought is once the majority of my bald area is gone, i'll get a transplant if nothing better has come along... but It'll be a little bit of a painful wait until then.


                            • IAMX
                              Junior Member
                              • Nov 2015
                              • 6

                              Originally posted by fred970
                              - A girl told me she could not be with a bald guy
                              - A girlfriend would leave me for a NW1
                              - People threw jokes at me for being bald
                              I suspect the girls left you and made fun of you because of your personality.


                              • fred970
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 924

                                Originally posted by IAMX
                                I suspect the girls left you and made fun of you because of your personality.
                                Because that's why women get into relationships in the first place, personality.

                                This explains why funny 5'5 balding ugly guys with great personalities all have supermodel girlfriends.

