Girlfriend dumped me this Thursday... For a guy with a full head of hair

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  • baldduders
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 8

    Originally posted by hairlosskills
    I cant speak for every girl. But the younger women i know are very vocal about there attraction to a nice head of hair.
    Well to bad for them then, how many women you need anyways ? Of course most times the young girls would rather a nice head of hair, until they fall in love with a bald guy ...

    You guys are giving women to much power over you and your insecurities, gees.. smarten up and go develop the other parts of your body, mind and interesting factor, those things are what you can change about yourself..

    Most women just want a big list of things.

    Dealing with a pretty strong feminist culture around them, every guy gets screwed around by, on and over by some delusional shallow women at one point, one day you will meet some women that are attracted to you, and probably have enough self esteem to not care that others thing she is dating a bald guy.

    If bald guys mattered so much , they wouldn't be so popular in the human evolution to be so numerous. You just gotta get over being bald or cause if you just sit around feeling insecure you will find out what no women wants is some cry baby ! You got have some confidence to mate !


    • baldduders
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2014
      • 8

      Originally posted by FlightTL
      I have been rejected all my life by women. So, yes, they hated my hair loss with a passion. I can't pull off the Kelly Slater or Vin Diesel look....
      I think your the perfect candidate for a hairpiece.. **** it, if you look so bad bald, then just get a glue on hair piece, and who cares what anyone thinks that you have one, they will give the illusion you have hair and make you feel so good it will be worth the regular idiots that will want to bug you about it..


      • FlightTL
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2011
        • 842

        Originally posted by baldduders
        I think your the perfect candidate for a hairpiece.. **** it, if you look so bad bald, then just get a glue on hair piece, and who cares what anyone thinks that you have one, they will give the illusion you have hair and make you feel so good it will be worth the regular idiots that will want to bug you about it..
        THanks cat man!... I've been wanting a hair system for a long time now. It's just that if I run into someone I know, its gona feel real uncomfortable when they ask about it, or stare at it. Also, I can't just show up one day bald and the other day with hair. I gotta stick to it for a while...


        • RanDave
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2014
          • 128

          Don't worry about this girl. I think that you are a good guy and you will meet the girl who will value you, and not your hair or its absence. And I think that this blonde will regret very soon, as this workless fat boy on a car will not make her happy.


          • Artista
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 2100

            Hello Kudu, Something you said at the end....
            "why do so many people judge on looks alone? Even if it's just a couple of flaws?"

            Kudu, if some people would judge or reject you primarily due to your looks, then would they REALLY have been WORTH being involved with or connected to anyways?

            The objective answer is --NO.
            Those people have internal PROBLEMS to begin with anyways.

            Do NOT allow the actions of those 'type' of people ruin your day or hurt you.
            It is NOT WORTH IT my friend.
            STAY CONFIDENT.

            That goes for all of us,,stay strong-be confident.


            • FlightTL
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2011
              • 842

              OP, sorry for ur pain. I know what it's like to be reject by a woman for looks.


              • Kudu
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2013
                • 206

                Thanks for the kind words Artista and I think you are absolutely right. As an update I can say that I've moved on, granted I am single but taking advice like Artista's I'm actually being more selective and careful about who I talk to. I'm a relationship kind of guy, I like to get to know people and not just have a one night stand. Luckily I am stilled blessed with overall attractive looks so I am not as unlucky as others who are more affected by hair loss. However, I think my confidence and personality is the primary factor when it comes to decent girls.

                Flight, man I know it sucks but you can't give up! Focus on working out, finding a better job, and I think a hair system would do you good. Women can grind us into the ground or make us bullet proof depending on what they do. It's tough, but with work you can achieve anything. Focus on getting in shape right now man, try to work on your personality and confidence.

                If people reject you, they have done their worst already, all you gotta do is give them the finger and find someone new, this planet has over 7 billion people, you'll find somebody!


                • Artista
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 2100

                  Kudu ,you have the RIGHT POSITIVE attitude!
                  That positive attitude will take you very far in LIFE too.
                  Being that you ARE a young man, in time you (and others ) WILL experience BETTER hair loss treatments in the future!
                  (I try to avoid using the term 'cure')
                  Because of the 'Human Genome Project' (which was finalized in 2003) International medical science was able to
                  'map out all of our genes' creating a Genetic Blueprint in which so many new things/treatments will and have been created,,already. Not just speaking about hair loss of course.
                  Now keep in mind, overall, hairloss is NOT a physical danger to any of us.
                  (except of course, for those who are seriously depressed which makes up a small % overall -regarding hairloss)
                  If it were a physical danger then the medical scientific community would have jumped all over it!!
                  When you young guys get a little more older you will start to see just how quickly a matter of 10 years go by so FAST.
                  That being said, it is time to LIVE FOR TODAY and NOT WAIT for a new treatment to make you feel better. 'You' can make yourself feel better by living your life to its fullest regardless of how much hair there is....
                  Kudu, you gave great advice to others-keep up the good work bro..Cheers.


                  • Kudu
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 206

                    Thanks Artista! Really appreciate that sir! I'm positive we will see better treatments if not a cure at some point. Keeping our heads up and marching forward is the REAL solution to our problems I feel. This thread was kind of an advice and opinions thread. I've obtained both and I guess it shows we can't let things get to us, whether that be women, hair loss, or anything else in life. Thanks guys and case closed, we have good things ahead of us!


                    • Artista
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 2100

                      I really like your positive attitude. Please spay active here as much as you can..
                      Our youth must be given proper common sense, truthfulness and GOOD advice in order for them
                      NOT TO HOLD BACK ON LIFE!!
                      There is NO DOUBT that the youth of our times WILL experience BETTER treatments in the future
                      (no one knows exactly when of course) ... The point is that they must accept what they are given for right now/today ..meaning that IF their hair loss is unbiasedly prevalent enough there ARE treatments available now.
                      (in my experience Finasteride is doing well) But there are many different avenues to CONSIDER, like~~
                      ACCEPTING hair loss for what it is or SHAVING your head(some do,,I almost DID),
                      OR as Spencer has mentioned many times, hair pieces.
                      (today's hair pieces can be AMAZING) OR eventually looking into hair transplants with
                      REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS of course!! (hopefully Dr Wesley's new science proves out)..
                      OR topical treatments like Minoxidil..or medicines like Finasteride.
                      It all depends on each INDIVIDUAL.
                      But the youth of today MUST NOT ALLOW their emotions to get the better of them!!
                      It IS NOT WORTH IT!
                      Kudu, I will try to spend more time back on the forum for the SAKE of our 'kids' !!


                      • Vox
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 298

                        Originally posted by Artista
                        Now keep in mind, overall, hairloss is NOT a physical danger to any of us.
                        Not in most cases, but advanced hair loss is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This is well known today. What is not known is the link between the two. I wish one day the link is found and hair loss is genetically cured to address this risk too.


                        • Vox
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 298

                          Originally posted by baldduders
                          Of course most times the young girls would rather a nice head of hair, until they fall in love with a bald guy ...
                          I don't know which ones you consider as such. In my mind, "young girls" refers to 18-20 years old women, and in this age range they never fall in love with a bald guy. This is a fact of life, looks are almost everything in younger ages where the mental function has not yet reached its full potential and humans are often driven by primitive (animalistic, if you wish) forces, especially when it comes to reproduction instincts.

                          Of course analogous things can happen to the girls. I have seen countless times in other forums, girls in the above age range, to "cry" because no one wants them. The reason? They are fat, ugly (whatever this may mean) ...

                          Later on of course this changes progressively, and with it many other things.


                          • 35YrsAfter
                            Doctor Representative
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 1421

                            Originally posted by Vox
                            I don't know which ones you consider as such. In my mind, "young girls" refers to 18-20 years old women, and in this age range they never fall in love with a bald guy. This is a fact of life, looks are almost everything in younger ages where the mental function has not yet reached its full potential and humans are often driven by primitive (animalistic, if you wish) forces, especially when it comes to reproduction instincts.

                            Of course analogous things can happen to the girls. I have seen countless times in other forums, girls in the above age range, to "cry" because no one wants them. The reason? They are fat, ugly (whatever this may mean) ...

                            Later on of course this changes progressively, and with it many other things.
                            I remember a girl I worked with who in her early twenties had a really bald boyfriend. She mentioned the reason she stayed with him related to certain skills.



                            • Vox
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2013
                              • 298

                              Originally posted by 35YrsAfter
                              I remember a girl I worked with who in her early twenties had a really bald boyfriend. She mentioned the reason she stayed with him related to certain skills.

                              Good to know. But I have never seen a girl younger than 25 being with a bald guy. Not even remotely. I am not saying that it cannot happen, but it seems that this is the rule. Anything else is an exception.


                              • 35YrsAfter
                                Doctor Representative
                                • Aug 2012
                                • 1421

                                Originally posted by Vox
                                Good to know. But I have never seen a girl younger than 25 being with a bald guy. Not even remotely. I am not saying that it cannot happen, but it seems that this is the rule. Anything else is an exception.
                                I have mentioned my Norwood 6 friend who shaves his head quite a few times here in the forum. He is about 46 and had a girlfriend in her early twenties. This guy meets women everywhere he goes. He flirts with women and is pretty overt. It can be at Home Depot, Starbucks or while he's on vacation somewhere. He really knows how to talk to women and has a positive self-confident personality.


