I had 5,250(approx.) grafts performed by Dr. Wong in March 2010. It's been a long six months of waiting but I'm now a "believer". I'm quite happy with the results at six months post-op. I've hear the full results will be seen in a year. So I'm excited about looking forward to seeing what the results are at one year post-op. You can click the attached pictures to enlarge them.
Dr. Wong: 6 month update/pics
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Wow, you look great at this stage. Yes, you can expect more thickening to come. Please keep coming with the updates!www.HassonandWong.com
All opinions are my own and may not necessarily be shared by Dr. Wong and/or Dr. Hasson.
If you are interested in having an online consultation visit www.hassonandwong.ca
To view my story and history visit my website at www.hairtransplantmentor.comComment
Dr. Wong: 6 months update/pics
Good to hear from you again. Tell Dr. Wong that everything is going fine. You might want to share my pics from this web with him. I had a great time in Vancouver! I felt like you gave me the "red carpet" treatment. I've never stayed in 5 star hotel before. Thanks for all your help! DelComment