Ray Woods

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  • Tsakalos
    Junior Member
    • May 2009
    • 20

    Ray Woods

    Ray Woods the Australian surgeon is credited as being the invertor of FUE since 1989. And in fact this is true. Apart from being the FUE invertor other Dr.s in various sites also claimed that he also the most experienced. which leads to the conclusion that he makes better work.

    So my question is this ?

    Why never see almost any work from him on the internet ? and why we dont see patients of him arround? all these many years i have seen very few patients on line.

    I think Woods should be doing great work and we need to see more of him.

    Are there any other reasons that we dont see anything from him ? I remember in the past a so called "popular" but currently infamous hairloss site refused to continue allowing posts about him becouse he didnt want to pay the fees anymore.

    Further more on the Woods promotion of his work there is non. And even worse by visiting his site, u get the idea that the site was created by a 10 yeard old boy in notepad in a half our time or so..

    Too bad.
  • PayDay
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 604

    I think Dr. Woods was like a bright shooting star that burned itself out. He was the man several years ago but he was always very emotional when he posted on the sites. I began reading the forums about six years ago or so when I first found Spencer Kobren’s radio show in New York, and I vividly remember the drama surrounding Dr. Woods. I remember the owner of that site you are referring to posting constantly and fighting with EVERYONE, which turned me off from that site and the idea that Dr. Woods was as great as everyone said he was. I think the reason you don’t hear much from him is because he’s irrelevant now especially with doctors like Shapiro, Feller and others doing FUE. I bet people are flying from Australia to the States to have FUE even though Woods is right there. I am not saying that he’s a bad doctor, I’ve both read and heard Spencer Kobren saying he has much respect for Dr. Woods, I’m just saying that he lost the PR game and has become irrelevant.


    • Tsakalos
      Junior Member
      • May 2009
      • 20

      ok but how come we dont see any of his patients on line sharing their results?


      • Delphi
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 546

        Is it possible that Dr. Woods’s patients are not told about these sites? If they don't find him on the forums then they might not know to post their pictures and stories. Just a thought.


        • HelpROGER
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 120

          Maybe the work is not up to par anymore? If his FUE was better than everyone else I am sure that we would see examples of his work online.


          • the B spot
            Doctor Representative
            • Jan 2009
            • 85

            I do not think there is any drop off in Dr. Woods work---He has always seemed to march to his own tune, which does not necessarily include promoting his work or views online on a bunch of forums. I know he posts on another site, but have not seen him elsewhere.

            From those I have spoken to, he only does 500-800 grafts per day max (based on their relaying information to me on their consults) and some have said they find him a bit cost prohibitive.

            However, I have said before, when deciding between doctors, cost should only be a factor once you have narrowed your choices down. The quality of work is most important, not cost.

            Take Care,
            Patient Advocate/FUE Coordinator for Shapiro Medical Group. My advice and opinions are my own and is not medical advice. I am a Cubs fan.


            • morelocks
              • Jul 2009
              • 91

              The Whole woods things really confusing me too. His the doctor i want to use at the moment for the 3rd procedure. thing is he may not be the best out there anymore but seeing as iv been messed around a few times he definitly cnt do a bad job im sure. Any comments, has anyone been to him in the last 12 months?


              • simnorth


                Did you have any information to share regarding Woods. I'm in Australia as well and was considering seeing him for a consult?

                Originally posted by morelocks
                The Whole woods things really confusing me too. His the doctor i want to use at the moment for the 3rd procedure. thing is he may not be the best out there anymore but seeing as iv been messed around a few times he definitly cnt do a bad job im sure. Any comments, has anyone been to him in the last 12 months?


                • morelocks
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 91

                  [QUOTE=simnorth;5983]Did you have any information to share regarding Woods. I'm in Australia as well and was considering seeing him for a consult?

                  Hi simnorth, yes i recently had a procedure with him around 6 weeks ago and id be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please PM me anytime. This is the first time iv used the Woods clinic but iv had FUE work done before and im quite confident that i will have good results.


                  • Winston
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 943

                    I'd be interested in seeing some pictures. Can you upload some?


                    • Fixed by 35
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 618

                      Bumping an old post. I looked into Dr. Woods and found the following anecdotal evidence:

                      1) He invented FUE but like a lot of inventors, he didn't improve on the original. Others did.

                      2) He invented body hair transplant, which doesn't always work that well.

                      3) He doesn't have the best 'bedside manner' and it is alleged that he hates hair loss drugs like propecia and encourages his patients not to use them.

                      4) He is prohibitively expensive (something like $8,000 for 500 grafts).

                      5) Apparently, he is currently researching some form of hair multiplication himself, which involves splitting hair cells. Research is what this guy does best.

                      6) A Norwood VII had a hair transplant with him which really doesn't look very good. However, it should be pointed out the Norwood VII is happy with it and not happy that the internet community say it's not great!


                      • GrowIt
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 2

                        Originally posted by Tsakalos
                        Ray Woods the Australian surgeon is credited as being the invertor of FUE since 1989. And in fact this is true. Apart from being the FUE invertor other Dr.s in various sites also claimed that he also the most experienced. which leads to the conclusion that he makes better work.

                        So my question is this ?

                        Why never see almost any work from him on the internet ? and why we dont see patients of him arround? all these many years i have seen very few patients on line.

                        I think Woods should be doing great work and we need to see more of him.

                        Are there any other reasons that we dont see anything from him ? I remember in the past a so called "popular" but currently infamous hairloss site refused to continue allowing posts about him becouse he didnt want to pay the fees anymore.

                        Further more on the Woods promotion of his work there is non. And even worse by visiting his site, u get the idea that the site was created by a 10 yeard old boy in notepad in a half our time or so..

                        Too bad.
                        Just found this post when doing research on Dr Woods Tsakalos and there seems to be a fair bit of proof out there about the effectiveness of his technique.

                        This video seems pretty real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RA55Dpz6Fs and some guys has started a blog about his whole experience with quite a neutral view about him http://www.fuehairtransplanttruth.com/.

                        From what I found I think he looks like a pretty safe bet, so I'm going for a consult. I'll keep it updated.

