Scar Poll for post-op hair transplant patients

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  • chrisis
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2012
    • 1257

    Scar Poll for post-op hair transplant patients

    Please answer the following questions:

    I had FUT and my scar is:

    a) better than I'd hoped
    b) as I expected
    c) worse than I'd expected

    I had FUT and:

    a) I'm happy with it
    b) I wish I'd had FUE
    c) I wish I'd not had a hair transplant at all

    Please add any relevant additional information, such as the surgeon.
  • DAVE52
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 775

    Not as bad I thought and not as bad as other people's scars
    I can buzz it with a 1 1/2 guard and it is very faint and does not go ear to ear

    d) wish I had the B*lls to buzz it all off a long time ago.


    • chrisis
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 1257

      Dave, if you're happy with your scar, why do you regret surgery? Was the surgery just not good enough?

      Highlander, I can't afford the £14k for FUE. Even FUT is a big financial commitment for me.


      • topcat
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 849

        My opinion would be that the percentage of guys who have experienced both types of procedures and would have never opted to have the cesarean section on the back of their head with what they know now is probably well over 95%

        They would have settled for less hair if need be and if they were not financially able to afford FUE they would just wait.

        The odds of having many unhappy strip patients post to this thread are slim. You would have needed to spend years on the forums to watch them come and go as it’s a better indicator of what is really going on.

        And this does not mean that unhappy FUE patients are not out there. Most of them complain about white dotting from doctors that use punches that are too large because they simply do not have the skill to use something smaller. Then you have the ones with poor yield because once again the doctor is not skilled. Unskilled doctors give both types of procedure a bad name.


        • chrisis
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2012
          • 1257

          Thanks for your feedback topcat.

          I suppose this is too broad a question. The hair transplant industry in general is saturated with bad doctors and bad work as a result.

          Would you say one of the top docs, such as Dr Feller, Dr Rahal, Hassan and Wong etc. are exceptions to your comments?


          • topcat
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 849

            I would say any skilled doctors performing FUE using small hand punches and keeping the size of the procedure at a number that does not compromise both yield and healing would be a good choice.

            In my opinion anything outside of this would be a bad choice and that would also include doctors that sue their patients, pay to keep them quiet, perform mega sessions, or tell them they are not a candidate for fue but would gladly perform a strip on them. This is not directed at any one specific clinic but in my opinion is generally good information to keep in mind. Everyone needs to research on their own and that includes studying the history of the industry and each clinic.

            Doctor that are looking to speed up the process with their new technologies are more often than not looking for ways to speed up the revenue stream or somehow feed their own egos. Sometimes proven methods like the hand punch are slow and laborious but the proof is in the results and doing what is best for the patient. Nothing wrong with investigating new methods but always remember you are the test subject and speaking from experience you do not want to be the test subject so that the doctor and try some shit on you.


            • chrisis
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2012
              • 1257

              Thanks topcat. I was edging further towards sorting out the finance for the hair transplant, but now I'm back to being unsure again

              Can you possibly email me off board:, I have a few other more specific questions. I need balanced and sensible opinions like yours


              • northeastguy
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2012
                • 367

                Ha! cesarean section .... great choice of words. To answer the question I am completely unhappy with my scars from FUT. I can't cut my hair any shorter than a #6. As a matter of fact, I am having FUE and scar grafting done Monday to begin repair......I'll post my progress on a new link. As far as I am concern I would never advise anyone to do FUT....period. Maybe if we were guaranteed a 1mm scar I might say OK but that will never happen. If a Doc says he If I were to do it all over again, I would choose a great FUE doc with an outstanding reputation and history and have him do a test of about 100 grafts. That would give you an idea of his skill level and your healing characteristics. Plus limit any scarring and donor loss should it be an issue. If you don't have the money for FUE then wait and save. Also try talking to the Docs. Most will work with you.

                Topcat...sorry to hear about your travel issues.


                • topcat
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 849

                  NEguy thanks, totally unexpected and I will have to give myself and extra day for my next procedure which is scheduled for November. Best wishes on you repair journey and after you experience FUE my guess is your conviction for what you have just written will only be stronger.


                  • El Nino
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 191

                    I have had two C sections (FUT) with Dr. Rahal and my scar is as expected and I am happy with it.

                    For any further work I will continue to have FUT until it's exhausted and then FUE to finish off. Which in my opinion is called, doing it properly.


                    • Follicle Death Row
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2011
                      • 1066

                      El Nino your hair is outrageously good. Said it before, but the density of transplanted hair means you don't have an illusion going on but actually just dense hair. Kind of interesting to see a case going from back to front rather than the other way.

                      If I recall correctly you buzzed down to a 3 all over! Back, sides and top and not only did the hair look natural and dense but I couldn't see the scar.


                      • El Nino
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 191

                        Originally posted by Follicle Death Row
                        El Nino your hair is outrageously good. Said it before, but the density of transplanted hair means you don't have an illusion going on but actually just dense hair.
                        Exactly FDR! I have density which would have been very hard (maybe impossible) and very expensive to get via FUE.

                        But I know guys with more extensive loss now or in the future will only be able to achieve the "illusion of density".

                        But I still believe starting and exhausting with FUT and then FUE is the best approach.


                        • Tracy C
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 3125

                          You will have a very difficult time finding my scar even if you actually know where it is.

                          I am happy with the results of my hair transplant. I certainly wished for better results - but I am happy with what the doctor was able to achieve.


                          • northeastguy
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2012
                            • 367

                            You'll have to excuse me if I don't jump aboard the happy scar club...
                            Top scar belongs to a very well known and highly regarded member of the HT community. Bottom belongs to Peter Embriano. Optometrist who dabbled in the industry back in the early 90's. Thank god he was doing micro and mini grafting at the time. I got sold on the use of diamond tip blades that don't cause scarring. Not only did he waist a large amount of grafts but the location is way to low. Top scar was the result of 2 procedures. Bottom was 3 procedures. So those thinking they are going to exaust FUT then switch to FUE be carefull. By the time you develope stretchback due to multiple procedures, it's too late. If your ahead of the game, make the switch. Or avoid strip all together. FUE has progress far to much to ignore its benifits over strip. In my mind, doing FUT is like playing russian roulette with a gun....except there are 4 chambers loaded, not 1! No doubt, I am happy some folks are happy with the outcome of their scars.

                            Regarding the photo. that cut was done yesterday with a #2 clipper. My goal after doing scar grafting...more on that in another post.
                            Attached Files


                            • topcat
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2009
                              • 849

                              NEguy I agree 100%. The scars are not a problem until the time comes when they are a problem. All it takes is the donor area to thin a little and you now have a problem. Seeing someone try to a show a scar that seems invisible when parting a massive mop of thick donor hair is laughable as it does not tell the real long term story. FUE always first then if it’s not enough for you and you understand the possible consequences then strip as a last option.

                              None of the scars I have were visible when the donor area was thicker.

                              Best of luck to you NEguy, hope you get some relief.

