Dr Feller & Spex Consultation in London

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  • chrisdav
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2011
    • 443

    My follow up went good as well.

    It was nice to see Dr Feller and Spex at post 7 months.

    I got chance to meet a few guys and show them my transplanted hair and an overall good experience.


    • chrisis
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 1257

      Originally posted by Folly
      I've read that there is quite a safe drug called 'Dostinex', that is used to lower prolactin very effectively. From my brief investigation, it seems quite safe. However, i won't be putting any more drugs into my body for a while. If my libido doesn't improve within 6 months or so, i'll take action. I'll be seeing a urologist in the meantime to get some pathology and other checks done. I'll see what they suggest.
      Sounds sensible! Yeah, let me know what you decide to do.

      Originally posted by spreadlocks
      I really hope this works out for you guys.
      Thanks spreadlocks!

      Originally posted by Jairus
      Hi Chris,

      Sorry to hijack this thread but Im in a similar position to yourself with regards to contemplating a HT without propecia usage. I am comfortable with needing more than one procedure in the future, as without propecia I know I will continue to lose hair. Just wanted to ask you your opinions on the above as you seem to be a fairly knowledgeable guy on here

      Dr Feller is not a big fan of Propecia, and he's one of the foremost experts on hair loss and transplant surgery. On that basis alone, I think having a HT without Propecia is possible, but it depends on the type of balding you have, the rate of progression, and whether you're happy to commit to this, as you may need further HTs as you suggest. It's a very tough call.

      Originally posted by morelocks

      I dnt think my words will make much of a difference and you will probably both get it done anyway but I do think you are creating for yourselves bigger problems and although I dnt post often I just felt it necessary to share my experience with you

      Good luck
      Thanks for describing your experience morelocks. I am certainly not decided about what I'm going to do yet, and everything you've mentioned has crossed my mind for sure. I'm not as lucky with respect to being able to commit an indefinite amount of money for HTs and my job will only allow a few weeks of leave. I don't think my balding pattern is quite as rapid as yours sounds however, as much as it's difficult to predict. Dr Feller suggested I might need further work in 5-10 years. I think I could deal with that.


      • Folly
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 179

        Originally posted by morelocks
        I dnt think my words will make much of a difference and you will probably both get it done anyway but I do think you are creating for yourselves bigger problems and although I dnt post often I just felt it necessary to share my experience with you
        Hi Morelocks,

        I totally agree with your concern, but what can we do ? Without propecia, fighting MPB is a nightmare, but that drug completely f#cked up my sexual function, so im screwed (no pun intended). Similar to you, my hair loss really kicked off at about 28, which was last year. The only person in my family (mum & dads side) with MPB appears to be my dad, who is a NW4. Thats going back to great grandfathers on both sides. I appear to be following my dads pattern. I've been receeding at the hairline since 17, but at a snails pace. But last year, my crown went from compete thick coverage to noticeable thinning (see pic). I'm lucky that i don't have advanced hair loss in my family (NW6 - NW7), so i should be ok with HT alone, but having to go back every few years will be a nightmare. I have started using rogaine on my crown and i hope that might help me to hold onto my crown for a while. I just hope my MPB develops slowly, like it did for my dad. Luckily, i believe it is moving very slowly. He thinned gradually from around the age of 30-45. He developed into an NW4 at 45 and has stayed that way since (he is now 65). I just pray some more treatments come down the line.

        If i had advanced hair loss in my family, i wouldn't even consider a HT without propecia and i would just go and get a hairpiece. I'm only going ahead with the surgery because i'm confident there will be some better hair loss treatments available in around 10 years. But still.....it's a risk because i wouldn't be at all suprised if Finasteride/Minoxidil are still the only decent treatments available in 10 years. I wouldn't be suprised at all !!
        Attached Files


        • Spex
          Dr Representative
          • Nov 2008
          • 4289

          Thanks for the kind words
          Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

          Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

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          I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


          • spreadlocks
            • Jan 2012
            • 75

            @Folly. Your crown looks completely solid to me in that picture mate.


            • Folly
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 179

              Originally posted by spreadlocks
              @Folly. Your crown looks completely solid to me in that picture mate.
              Cheers mate, but nah....it's starting to go. I can see minituarization with my USB camera and it's visibly thinner. I'ts gonna be bigger than the f#cking grand canyon in a few years without propecia.

