Is my hair transplant any good?

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  • topcat
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 849

    I think you are better off without the dermatch.

    Do you know what your density in the frontal third happens to be? It looks to be extremely dense and with that being said if I was your doctor I probably would have told you I can’t match the density as it is just to high.

    Did you ask about this before having the procedure?


    • DAVE52
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2010
      • 776

      Buzzed down looks fine to me, .

      My only word of caution is that should you lose more hair as you age it may look odd because you had the only sides and a very small area of the front transplanted

      I have surposedly had 2,500 FUE transplant, please find attached pics... I would say my hair at the back was quite thick and i was surprised that they had to use so much of my donor area up, and there doesn't appear to be that much placed up front... I was hoping it would be a little lower... what do you guys think? Is it an ok

      This is something I don't understand why people decide to get a HT they only fill in the area of the loss , like a puzzle and not entire area to compensate for futrue loss . Now you're committed to further HT's should you lose more hair ..........I think


      • yeahyeahyeah
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 1818

        Originally posted by DAVE52
        Buzzed down looks fine to me, .

        My only word of caution is that should you lose more hair as you age it may look odd because you had the only sides and a very small area of the front transplanted

        I have surposedly had 2,500 FUE transplant, please find attached pics... I would say my hair at the back was quite thick and i was surprised that they had to use so much of my donor area up, and there doesn't appear to be that much placed up front... I was hoping it would be a little lower... what do you guys think? Is it an ok

        This is something I don't understand why people decide to get a HT they only fill in the area of the loss , like a puzzle and not entire area to compensate for futrue loss . Now you're committed to further HT's should you lose more hair ..........I think
        are HT worth it?


        • jimbob1966
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2012
          • 111

          it looks significantly more receeding without dermatch on the temples, as there is a tiny bit of hair there for it to cling onto dermatch makes it look like a norwood 1 almost, although i realise i need to watch how much i put on as it is a bit darker than my regular hair, i've attached pics without dermatch, looks much worse i'm sure your agree.

          I wouldn't of thought that many people would transplant into areas that aren't bolding, especially with shockloss, i think the majority of people would do it into bolding areas then re-access in 5-10yrs time should you need to.

          If I go for a transplant again, I intend to fill in the exact same areas, I have the benefit of seeing my brothers loss at 45, and apart from the bold spot on the top of the head the recession is the same, so I'd of hoped rogaine would take care of the vertex and if i get the temples properly sorted out i'll be in good shape.
          Attached Files


          • drybone
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2012
            • 868

            Originally posted by rev3
            hey jbob

            don't kick yourself too hard about the place you went to in turkey.
            there are PLENTY of people you went to "known" docs and have had less than stellar results, leaving gaps and non-growth areas like yours (esp. when it comes to FUE) with these docs offering a second pass for free

            so know it happens to EVERY doc. sometimes there is just no telling why.

            looking at the positives: you weren't butchered, you didn't pay too much and you didn't waste too many grafts.

            i know it is frustrating since you did not have good growth (esp on one side) but hey you made it though almost to 18 months and this is fixable

            not sure you are in the US but have you consulted with Konior in chicago
            Good post. I agree. Lets take the positives. His hair does look good and I think he should inquire about dense packing the area .


            • DAVE52
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2010
              • 776

              Looks b etter buzzed down without and concealer
              With the concealer your hair looks painted

              "If I go for a transplant again, I intend to fill in the exact same areas, I have the benefit of seeing my brothers loss at 45"

              If you do go , I think you need to fill in the front 1/2 not just the temples .

              It's going to look odd if you lose more .......but that's just my opinon.


              • gillenator
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 1417

                Jimbob, I always thought you looked just great with length to your hair and no concealers at all.
                Independent Patient Advocate

                NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                • jimbob1966
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 111

                  Hey All,

                  I'm taking a trip down memory lane with posting on this thread, but hopefully your all still alive

                  So I had 2,400 FUE in Turkey in 2011, over 5 1/2 years ago now...

                  I've never really been happy with the results, and my hairloss has progressed which now makes my transplanted hair all alone and a bit ridiculous looking, I've been wanting to get another transplant for a while now but haven't bothered yet.

                  I'm just wondering what you guys think I should do, I've been using regaine for a couple of years, was twice a day but now once a day, I applied it near the front of my hairline and back to my crown, but I can't really say I've noticed any improvement and i'm not certain it is really do anything, i'm down to my last bottle and i'm thinking about packing it in.

                  Also with Finasteride I was cutting up the 5mg and taking it in 0.5mg-1mg doses on and off, so for example I've had a couple of months break, libido would come back great, then started worrying about hair again and started taking it, so it's been inconsistent but I have been taking it here and there, i'm now coming towards the end of that aswell and i'm wondering if it's worth getting anymore as I do feel fatigued, lack energy and no interest in sex when I take it. I'm thinking maybe buying the standard 1mg, and cut it down into 0.25mg instead of 1mg-0.5mg daily.

                  My hair density has thinned the last few years and if I stand under the light I look bold near the front due to poor density, and the widows peak has got bigger, and also my crown is starting to look thinner.

                  What do you guys reckon, worth getting another Hair transplant on temples/front and ask for a bit on the crown? could I get decent coverage with what hair I've got left? how many grafts would I need?

                  I think FUE has gotten a lot better since I went, I'm a bit worried about going back to Istanbul this time with the political turmoil though.


                  • jimbob1966
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 111

                    Here's where i'm at...
                    Attached Files


                    • jimbob1966
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 111

                      wow what happened to this website? back in the day you were guaranteed a reply if you posted something half interesting


                      • JoeTillman
                        • Jul 2014
                        • 1147

                        Your photos are too small to make out any usable details. Unfortunately your issues will only continue to get worse without continued use of finasteride, guaranteed. This doesn't mean it is a guarantee you won't lose more hair even on finasteride but you get the point. You should make sure your photos are not too small, a minimum of 750kb and upload the photos to a free image hosting site and embed the link instead of uploading here. The larger size will come through and be easier to see.

                        Also, watch my video on how to take photos and pay attention to the lighting portion of the tutorial.

                        Joe Tillman
                        The original Hair Transplant Mentor

                        Interested to know which doctors I recommend?
                        See the full list at


                        • VictimOfDHT
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 748

                          Hey Jimbob, don't feel bad about your HT. You have to know that 2400 grafts aren't enough to cover the head. From what I see (in your first post) the grafts weren't even spread all over the head. So, it's natural that you will look thinner now in the rest of the head but from what I see in your last pics it's not bad at all. If it makes you feel any better, I've had 5 HTs -and one small HT- over a period of around 10 years totaling about 5000 grafts and my hairline now is maybe thinner than yours. The reason is, I started getting HTs when I still had a lot of native hair, which makes it hard for the doctors to distribute the grafts evenly. But I also feel that some of my grafts either never took hold or they fell out after some time. The fact is transplanted hair CAN AND DOES fall out, just like the native hair, despite their claim that it won't...
                          It's also only expected that you were going to need more HTs as your hairloss progresses. I think another pass (on the front/hairline) and you should be happier. Even after 5 HTs and 5000 grafts I sometimes think about getting a small one to fill in the gaps in front.

                          Make sure you go to a reputable doctor though.


                          • jimbob1966
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2012
                            • 111

                            thanks, yeah the transplant pics were from 2011, I was just wondering what to do now. Yeah the pictures I took were pretty decent but the site made them very small for some reason.

                            I've been getting bad problems sleeping so I've taken a break from Fin, will try again at 0.5mg daily


                            • Hairhope4ever
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 74

                              Hi Jim,

                              Just saw your thread. Thanks for sharing.

                              How is everything coming along for you thus far?


                              • jimbob1966
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2012
                                • 111


                                Well i'm not exactly new to this forum or hairloss, so some of the comments above were a bit funny seeming I've been a forum member longer than them but got a schooling

                                My hairline is looking a bit weird now, I don't know if you were around when I did the transplant in 2011 but my hairline has continued to recede albeit at a slow rate, some down to minox some down to fin, but I haven't been consistant with it. It's like you can see my hairline but you can see threw it sending it back 2 inches, so I've been getting lots of peculiar stares as I don't look like an average bolding person as I have really fine spare hair there, so i'm having to style accordingly but it's getting harder and harder, so I think I will have to bite the bullet and get a 2nd transplant which I hope with improve the situation.

