Hi... 1st time posting here.. Hope this helps a few guys on the Rollercoaster ride..

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  • NotBadhairUK
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 24

    Hi... 1st time posting here.. Hope this helps a few guys on the Rollercoaster ride..

    I thought this might help one or two people riding on the rollercoaster of highs and lows.. since their/your recent HT..

    I know what it was like waiting for something to happen post op and wanted to give some words of encouragement.. even though I've had 3 HT's.. (2 world class HT's by Dr Feller). I think its still a Roller Coaster ride even for experienced guys who have been there already... if your an impatient bloke like me... it makes it seem twice as long just to wait till the end of each passing day to check up on the lastest signs of a single hair popping up!? lol :blink: (it seems nuts but I was checking every 30 minutes!) a top tip is get a hobby or fix up something that has been gathering dust or some other long term project. I fixed up and restored my old car.. took my mind off the HT and I ended up with something pretty shiny afterwards... (that wasnt the top of my head!). Also got back into fitness and started excercising a bit more.. and set goals and targets that kept me motivated and lost the spare tyre I was carrying around.

    Most people will visit the post op roller coaster... its worth knowing your not alone... u'll think its all gone tits up because its not fully grown out by 4 months post op... :huh: (yes...I did! ) I have to say... I wasnt happy at 3 - 4 months after HT no.1... but its easy to forget thats the very start of the regrowth journey stage... by 10-14 months... take another look and see how things have changed!

    If your still not sure... its time to grab the 'pre op pictures' and compare how you looked before. Pre op pics and a great way to remind yourself where you was at! It still amazes me how you can watch every single day and not realise how much hair has come through at around 6 months... its when you grab the pre op pics and wonder how you didnt see the hair growing back all over the top of your head! It grows sooo slooowly that you cant even tell anything is happening! :unsure: from there on.. the following few months were more noticable with more coverage.

    I am now approx 14 months post my 2nd HT... and I can honestly say... the quality of the hair that Dr Feller placed in the front 3rd is improving all the time. I am seeing the mid/top/crown area (in a thin strip about 2" wide) is now thinner than the front where previously there was no hair! I am going to talk with Spex about having a bit more in the mid section behind the front 3rd in the near future... I know I am in safe hands with Dr Feller... his team have turned my life around... to think I would be in the position to have another HT after the mess I was in before will be more than the icing on the cake.... it will be the icing on top of the icing on the cake! I'll post up more about this when things have been discussed a bit further with Dr F and Spex.

    This was mainly a quick post... just to give some positive feedback to all the guys sitting and waiting for things to take off... it will! Just hang in there... its worth the ride!

    This was me before (with an aweful embarressing center parting!) and after..

    18 Months post the 1st Feller HT..

    and going a bit crazy with it... (too long without hair does this to you!)

    I never thought this would be possible a few years ago... I looked terrible... and felt terrible.. this is the best decision of my life... and cant say enough thanks to Dr Feller and Spex!! (also guys like PB... BM.. etc etc for the constant support is beyond the call of duty) and to everyone else that has helped... hope I can help a few others along your journey

    Heal... wait a bit... Grow a bit...and hang about a bit... Grow some more.... and you'll be on your way to a happy hairy future! Its just a pain in the ass waiting but expect a few ups and downs and uncertainty before the ride ends and the results are there waiting for you!

    All the very best.
  • SpencerKobren
    • Oct 2008
    • 398

    Hey Notbadhair,

    Welcome to the forum! Great post, and congratulations on your awesome hair transplant result! You’re looking good!
    Spencer Kobren
    Founder, American Hair Loss Association
    Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

    I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


    • NotBadhairUK
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 24

      Originally posted by SpencerKobren
      Hey Notbadhair,

      Welcome to the forum! Great post, and congratulations on your awesome hair transplant result! You’re looking good!
      Thanks for your welcome Spencer I really appreciate not having to wear my cap anymore!


      • HelpROGER
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 120

        Very good post, thanks for your insight. You hair looks incredible!


        • Jkel
          • Oct 2008
          • 70

          Great post, kickass results! Man what a difference and completely natural. No more hats for you.


          • willworkforhair
            Cure me
            • Dec 2008
            • 14

            Well Said

            Originally posted by NotBadhairUK
            I thought this might help one or two people riding on the rollercoaster of highs and lows.. since their/your recent HT..

            NotbadhairUk - That is a great message and very encouraging. I am quite an impatient person so I'd be staring in the mirror all day waiting to see any small change. Thanks for posting this and Congrats on your awesome results


            • Spex
              Dr Representative
              • Nov 2008
              • 4217

              NotbadhairUK formally known as BadhairUK - Awesome post mate - Enjoy the ride now You deserve it bro!!
              Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

              Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

              View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

              Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

              I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


              • Plum
                • Jan 2009
                • 57

                Great post! It certainly points to the realities of hair transplant surgery in that there can be so many ups and downs throughout the process. I am sure this will help more people than you know.

                Your hair looks really great by the way. I like the way you have it styled.


                • Spex
                  Dr Representative
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 4217

                  Here is BHUK montage video

                  Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                  Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                  View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

                  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                  I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                  • NotBadhairUK
                    Junior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 24

                    Originally posted by HelpROGER
                    Very good post, thanks for your insight. You hair looks incredible!
                    Thanks Rodger... the old plugs I had before were done in the UK back in '94 by Nobel Hair Clinic and that was a nightmare time for me to live with those plugs... I just hid myself away under a cap ever since for over a decade I never took that hat off... not even my own mother or brother saw me without a cap for over 10 years! I did have an office job though... I was so ashamed... I had a bad center parting to cover my plugs..(I am sure I was laughed at!) I used to spend over 1hr every morning to get my hair to stay in place like that as well!! I used to wake up in fear that I wouldnt have enough hair to cover the plugs with all the gel I used to glue it down.. and as soon as I got home I put my cap back on! (it was really upsetting and a shocking way to live ) before my USA repair. Since after my 1st HT by Dr Feller ...I have NEVER WORN THAT BLOODY HAT EVER AGAIN! (sorry for the large uppercase letters... I needed to get that off my chest! lol)

                    Thank god for these forums!!! really I was one lucky guy to find help on these Hair Loss forums.. (and the guys I 1st contacted were super helpful... Spex etc). I hope I can help someone that is in the similar situation to see its not the end of the good times!! You can get it fixed!!

                    I know how life destroying it is to your happiness and even your (my) personality changes (changed) for the worse.. for the guys that are effected by hair loss... specially pre-maturely... have some relief in knowing just how far along the best HT docs have come and you no longer will be left with the nasty plugs I was left with after my 1st UK HT. I strongly advise doing your research if your only just discovering the HT world... and find out who to avoid and who can transform you back to the person you once was!

                    I wish everyone the very best of results!!

                    Thanks for all the kind words


                    • NotBadhairUK
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 24

                      Originally posted by Plum
                      Great post! It certainly points to the realities of hair transplant surgery in that there can be so many ups and downs throughout the process. I am sure this will help more people than you know.

                      Your hair looks really great by the way. I like the way you have it styled.
                      Thanks very much Plum! The style works in 2 ways.... it gives it a look I like and also... it covers the centre area further back that I am looking to have filled in the near future. It is not noticable with the style I have now.. but I would love to have it thickend to complete the whole area (front and back).

                      The front is 100% all HT, I have had 2 sessions by Dr Feller and a total of approx 5000 f.u.s

                      The previous pics in my 1st post were taken around the beginning of this year. This is an update taken yesterday....

                      The 1st few pics are styled...

                      ....the last pic taken...is washed unstyled... you can see more clearly the thinner mid/crown area that I would like to have filled to complete the picture.. but you can see how full the front 3rd now looks...this was once a bald area!

                      Again... thanks to everyones replies above!


                      • Spex
                        Dr Representative
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 4217

                        Looking great mate - well done!
                        Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                        Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                        View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

                        Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                        I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                        • NotBadhairUK
                          Junior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 24

                          Here's a quick update guys.. I took a few pics yesterday which is around 4.5 months post op.

                          To compare before my repair with Dr Feller and now...

                          Here is before.... (not good)

                          ....and me today (or yesterday)...

                          Here is a quick video of my hair after being washed and dried with no products.. my hairline has only just started to take off... by 6 months it should be looking even better..

                          I am really grateful to be able to wake up in the morning and not feel like crying when I look in the mirror anymore! Thanks to Dr Feller and Spex and all you guys for your support as it really helps...thank u.

                          All the best everyone


                          • Winston
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 929

                            It must be an amazing feeling to have come so far. This is an excellent example of how hair transplants can help people. Congratulations!


                            • NotBadhairUK
                              Junior Member
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 24

                              Originally posted by Winston
                              It must be an amazing feeling to have come so far. This is an excellent example of how hair transplants can help people. Congratulations!
                              Thanks Winston, yes.. I lost the whole of my 20's (as I was in a bad way) so now I can start to do some of the things I missed out on.. thanks for your message.. really appreciate it. Take care

