I had my first transplant performed three days ago and although I carefully read and followed all the immediate post op instructions,the practice of keeping my head recipient area moist was never told to me written or verbally.The instructions I were given were to simply remove the skull cap two days after surgery,and use a 50/50 mix of water and peroxide sprayed lightly over the donor and recipient area.Several hours later, I lightly shampoo'd it allowing shampoo drip over my head,and I was told to use a hair dryer on COOL setting. The next 24 hours or more,(besides shampooing again),I allowed my scalp to dry out and I thought there was nothing more I should be doing according to my doctor. I even called his office and was told that additional topicals or sprays werent neccesary.NOW im kicking myself because after reading more information,Ive found that continually keeping the recipient area moist IS IMPORTANT to minimize or possibly keep from any scabbing at all.WHY WASNT THIS IN THE FOLLOW UP INSTRUCTIONS? WHY was I told(in my instructions) to use a hair dryer after a mild shampoo and rinse if the would dry my scalp faster?Well, I now have a spray mist bottle and a large supply of saline that Im using every two hours(I warm the saline a bit first).Im even going to continue this through the night if I can wake up.Now I understand that this probably wont keep my transplant area from scabbing, but maybe it will?And what if its not as bad as if I let my head go dry between washings?Now on a related subject, I plan on going back to work in two days. Since I work outdoors, and it IS January here in New Jersey,Im considering a few differant options for my head.Once again,my doctors assistant told me a knit hat would be fine and not to worry.I think it was easy for her to comment that way without it being her head. Im thinking that especially in the cold weather, I need to keep my new tranplants moist?I saw someone else comment on here about using large amounts of aloe(but only 10 days post op).Can anyone comment on that or any other methods of some non threatening topical I could use for winter weather exposure?The day I return to work will be just 5 full days post op.
Thanks for your replys.
Thanks for your replys.