$3000 for 30 plucked hairs

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  • RichardDawkins
    • Jan 2011
    • 895

    I think someone should adress this to Dr Hitzig. But as we all know the price will go down when other docs would offer plucking.

    Acell is unfortunately not a scam or not working, ECM has been used in a lot of different things. Its not miracle powder, it only keeps the body from generating scar tissue.

    But the price is over the top actually, but as a benefit they openly shared the informations with everyone but the feedback or the willingness of docs to use it is really low.

    Plucking hairs is like FUE but without extracting everything and leave a hole. I contacted some clinics btw and some would be willing and some wont. Right no iam planning to write down a protocol for the clinics who want to experiment, including all the concearns people have and how to present proof, though.

    I wouldnt do it, if i wouldnt believe in it. But if you just calculate it trough you come to the conclusion that it works even considering wrong things here.

    The only reason WHY i believe in it is the fact that some docs also witnessed donor regrow after a ordinary FUE.

    My prediction right now is, that the next generation of ht docs will actually perform plucking on a regulare basis.

    Btw if those clinics accept to work with Acell and are willing to use my protocoll, i will share it in a year or so when concrete evidence can be gathered with everyone here and at hairsite, thats what i can offer.

    4 dollars are absolutely acceptable but 100 dollars per hair absolutely not. I think Dr Hitzig should adress this matter. I hope he has good reasons for doing so, because until now he had more then just promising results. I think he charges that price because he doesnt want people to rush his place. Cause if that happens he can only transplant and transplant but not experiment further.

    But as he answered the question already expanded donor is a reality today but the work is tedious and the price tag sucks.


    • mlao
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 387

      I mean no disrespect when I ask this question but what are your medical credentials?


      • RichardDawkins
        • Jan 2011
        • 895

        I dont have them. But i think that in all those criticism by the hairloss community is some valuable stuff hidden. I see this protocoll as a "Best Off of Opinions and criticism towards plucking with Acell"

        To be honest i dont think you have to be a medical superman to get to the point of a study. As long as you see it from a rational standpoint.

        The driving behind this is pretty simple, iam sick of the standard excuses like " Oh no we are not planning to use Acell" " Ahhh this is junk science" " Rubbish this wont work because it simply cant work because we didnt find out anything about it".

        I see this step to take action as a hairloss sufferer as an important thing here. Every year more and more repair cases come up at an alarming rate, so i think there has to be a full stop right now.

        And what did we lose when plucking can become a standard procedure? Well Nothing, in fact we gained a lot more then just a "illusion". People then can finally say iam done with hair transplants because iam there where i wanna be.

        And i know its easy to say "this wont work its rubbish" BUT if our ancestors have said " Ugg Ugg this warm thing (Fire) wont work lets put water on it" we dont know where we would have been today.

        It always needs people to take one step beyond.


        • mlao
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 387

          Thanks for your honest reply. I too believe in the potential of Acell. While I don't know the number of people who are dissatisfied with their procedures I think any therapy or new innovation that can advance the game is worth the effort.


          • RichardDawkins
            • Jan 2011
            • 895

            Exactly that. Because iam a vivid supporter of a very common Theory which says

            " People down in the year 1234 could easily built an iPod or an helicopter. The only problem, they didnt have access to the needed technology. But ressource material was already available"

            Also penicilin was found accidentally, so i say WHY NOT do Hair plucking and see where it leads us to. But if nobody is willing to, well then we will still live in another age of "useless " scars.

            In the beginning people did also say the worst about FUE and right now its, at least in my opinion the most advanced hair transplant technique.


            • topcat
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 849

              If we were in a hurricane ravaged area and someone was selling water for $25/gal to people who were desperately thirsty not only would it be unethical but it would be illegal. But somehow it’s okay and legal to gouge desperate balding men or repair patients with something that doesn’t even have proof that it works to any great degree. Having an extreme opportunist doing any type of medical procedure on your head is a very, very bad idea. “It might work, it might not work” does it get any better than that.

              This is what happens, people start seeing the dollar signs in their head, doing the math and it begins to consume them. They lose total sense of what is right and wrong and it becomes all about the numbers and how much they can make.

              Not one single photo of any patient experiencing any substantial amount of regrowth. One patient that we know of that was a complete failure. One avid poster pvtpt who couldn’t stop posting, but suddenly has disappeared. I don’t know maybe he is completely happy and has moved on with his life after experiencing a head full of hair after his plucking procedure, but maybe he feels like a complete sucker and is embarrassed to post. If that is the case instead of hiding be man enough to share your experience and help others.

              Of course we would all like to see this succeed, but just be smart about it. There is nothing wrong with having to pay for this procedure, but let it be reasonable and only do a very small session in a very concentrated area, take plenty of pictures and post them with constant updates. Don’t let an opportunist take you to the cleaners.


              • RichardDawkins
                • Jan 2011
                • 895

                I never said to charge overly high prices. i was speaking about a protocoll to see wheter or not plucking can be an solid alternative. Thats the whole idea about it.

                And the earlier those "experiments" begin, the better it will be for all of us, thats just a fact.

                What if some clinic found out something to make plucking faster while the other clinic found out how toplant them for better density but lacks the speed to do so.

                Plucking hair is more like "Perform FUE one step beyond". Plugs develop FUT and FUT leads to FUE. So why souldnt FUE lead to plucking.

                Iam not speaking about autocloning, iam only speaking about expanding/unlimiting the donor area. If this works as it should, everyone would be able to get a nice density and his wishes fulfilled.

                As long as nobody has proven Plucking to be a scam, i will be on defending side never mind the heavy flak coming my way.

                If iam wrong (i doubt it) then iam wrong and if iam right well we all benefit. So its a "risk" we have to weight here

                "Wrong and status quo VS right and everyone is a winner"

                The second one can only be guaranteed if studies taken place and people try this with only material costs.

                And even if iam wrong with the whole thing, at least we benefit that it wont work and we can cut this one out as nonsense


                • bhoys
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 7

                  people are not going to pay that type of money so its a non starter. its difficult to know what angle he's going from on this. Most people will want the autocloning procedure but if thats too expensive i dont think its going to make people want a HT instead. Its best to just keep asking questions and let the good doctors come up with the answers, it's up to them to convince us.

                  Also i urge people to not have procedures done on the strength of the claims. let some case studies be done that show us the capabilities of this and again its up to thee doctors to convince us. I believe that these test should be done completely free of charge. logically if the doctor does ten test cases free and gets ten very good results then thats the greatest marketing tool of all.

                  let them convince us and until they do nobody do anything.


                  • RichardDawkins
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 895

                    And how should they convice us without testing it. You guys are only sticking to the price tag here but iam thinking about tests where no one has to pay anything or only material costs.


                    • Bakez
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 90

                      Originally posted by RichardDawkins
                      And how should they convice us without testing it. You guys are only sticking to the price tag here but iam thinking about tests where no one has to pay anything or only material costs.
                      They can't do that can they, do you expect them to take 2 years off and generate no income just to do this research? They have to continue making money somehow

                      But anyway, 500 test patients over 2 years and $3000 a pop is quite a retirement fund in the name of 'research'.

                      I have doubted ACell from the start, maybe you should take a look at history and learn what has happened.

                      I would say 100 years would be a realistic time frame to find a 'cure'.


                      • bhoys
                        Junior Member
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 7

                        Originally posted by RichardDawkins
                        And how should they convice us without testing it. You guys are only sticking to the price tag here but iam thinking about tests where no one has to pay anything or only material costs.
                        I believe in my post i said they should do test cases I just dont think people should be paying to have this done it should be likee any other trial. Again its up to the doctors to convince us that this works well and that its worth paying the money for.


                        • RichardDawkins
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 895

                          Iam talking about small scale tests like 100 hairs on a regulare basis like a hairtransplant and 100 hairs will be plucked and used at no additional fees.

                          I dont know why everyone is attacking the idea of a protocoll which is based on all criticism from the hairloss community


                          • bhoys
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 7

                            Originally posted by RichardDawkins
                            Iam talking about small scale tests like 100 hairs on a regulare basis like a hairtransplant and 100 hairs will be plucked and used at no additional fees.

                            I dont know why everyone is attacking the idea of a protocoll which is based on all criticism from the hairloss community
                            I'm not attacking the idea of anything i'm all for test cases, i dont have to see a full norwood 7 restoration either i'll take a few hundred hairs on a bald head. what i am saying is that the good doctors should conduct a very open and transparent case study from start to finish and ask for people to do rather than quote (if true) astronomical figures. i they do this successfully then they have a cash cow on their hands anyway. I as much a anyone want this to work i'm not pessimistic i'm optimistic but i really do feel that the doctors should be the ones desperate to openly test this rather than people offering themselves.


                            • RichardDawkins
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 895

                              Agree with that, thats why it is important that a whole bunch of docs actually experiment with this. I also agree a NW7 to NW1 transformation would be nice but at first i would be more thrilled to see positive results by the majority of docs, because then we can say " Yep it works who can do it cheaper :-)

                              But the wrong way is to talk plucking down just because someone doesnt believe in it. Who would have believed that FUE would be an alternative to FUT or Plugs.

                              SO i will start to write a protocoll anyways and upload it here and at hairsite to see what the community is thinking about it and then its free to everyone to send it to the clinics. If they test it thats good if not (and if it turns out to work) you could easily see who is really interested in maybe helping people.

                              I really ask where is the problem if this works? Everyone can just jump for joy then. To say Acell is a scam is well pretty stupid, because a lot is done today with ECM, you should just check out this 60 Minutes segment where they talk about it


                              • bhoys
                                Junior Member
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 7

                                Originally posted by RichardDawkins
                                Agree with that, thats why it is important that a whole bunch of docs actually experiment with this. I also agree a NW7 to NW1 transformation would be nice but at first i would be more thrilled to see positive results by the majority of docs, because then we can say " Yep it works who can do it cheaper :-)

                                But the wrong way is to talk plucking down just because someone doesnt believe in it. Who would have believed that FUE would be an alternative to FUT or Plugs.

                                SO i will start to write a protocoll anyways and upload it here and at hairsite to see what the community is thinking about it and then its free to everyone to send it to the clinics. If they test it thats good if not (and if it turns out to work) you could easily see who is really interested in maybe helping people.

                                I really ask where is the problem if this works? Everyone can just jump for joy then. To say Acell is a scam is well pretty stupid, because a lot is done today with ECM, you should just check out this 60 Minutes segment where they talk about it
                                again I for one am not suggesting its a scam or playing down the significance of it, i just really feel that the doctors should be busting their asses to show it off that this is how well this works. some people have said that they have a business to run and that this research takes up their time. i disagree with that, this should be their main business right now cause if they can show very good results then they will become wealthy men in the extreme. Goin back to my original point they really should do transparent documented tests from start to finish and it should be them telling us not us calling for info from them.

