2,000 Graft FUE with Dr. Rahal - Canada

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  • anonymous88
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2022
    • 5

    2,000 Graft FUE with Dr. Rahal - Canada

    Hi All,

    I wanted to share my experience with a 2,000 graft FUE procedure with Dr. Rahal –
    First of all, I want to say that I spent years looking for more information on hair loss, potential solutions, and going back and forth with myself on whether my hair loss really bothered me enough to choose a surgical solution. After approximately five years, I eventually got honest with myself and made the decision that a FUE procedure was something I wanted to try.

    Choosing Rahal - I had come across Dr. Rahal’s practice many times in my research into testimonials and results over the years. I met with a member of their Patient Advisory team who was very friendly and informative, patiently answering my questions as opposed to being aggressive and focused on selling the procedure. Over time, it became clear to me that the combination of remarkable results and the trust and confidence I felt reading testimonials, and speaking with the Rahal team, that Rahal was the best choice for me.

    Upon finding the right time with work to take off enough time to schedule the procedure and recovery, the Patient Care team got in touch with me right away, they were a pleasure to deal with in terms of answering any additional questions I had, and helping ease any cold feet-type feelings as the date approached.

    The Procedure - The afternoon before the morning of the procedure I met with Dr. Rahal and his team to have my head shaved and design my new hairline, going over different options, pros/cons, and the implications of my choice for potential future procedures if needed. His experience and confidence were very apparent, and further supported my own confidence and comfort level going into the procedure.

    The procedure itself for me lasted from about 7am to 3pm or so, during which are you awake but in a relaxed state and under local anesthesia. The office was beautifully cleaned and the staff very efficient and friendly. The procedure was split into extraction and implanting phases, with Dr. Rahal supervising the extraction phase and performing the implanting phase himself. This was especially important to me as I had heard that at some practices the doctor presented as the specialist doesn’t actually perform any part of the procedure themselves. Lunch was provided during the break, and I was actually able to watch a movie during the implanting phase as I was seated mostly upright, after lying on my front during the extraction.

    After the procedure I returned to my room at the Rahal facility (stayed there the night before and night after the procedure) with the prescribed medication and detailed but clear instructions on the recovery timeline. I met with Dr. Rahal again the following morning to ensure no grafts had been dislodged on the first night, a worry that I would imagine many have the first night after their procedure. All was good and I was discharged, careful to protect my grafted area on the journey home from Ottawa.
    Patient Care followed up with me regularly, tracking my recovery especially over the first few weeks, which I felt were certainly manageable but a little burdensome given the inclined sleeping position required to help drain the fluid (I slept on a wedge pillow for the first 2 weeks). My submitted progress photos were reviewed by Dr. Rahal periodically over the next 12 months, at the 1 month, 4 month, 8 month, and 1 year marks approximately (with the 1 year checkpoint being in person). Patient Care was more than happy to answer any questions I had during the recovery process, including those directed towards Dr. Rahal, all of which were responded to promptly.

    Results - I noticed most of the growth for me seemed to occur between months 4 and 8, and regularly buzzed my hair from months 1-3 as the grafted areas seemed to stand out more otherwise. I was careful to protect the grafted areas from the sun for the first 6 months especially. I felt that by month 4/5, meeting someone for the first time, they would not be able to tell that I had a procedure, in terms of how much the grafts had grown in compared to the surrounding hair.

    Overall – All considered I’ve been delighted with the results I’ve had, and can truly say that the way my restored hairline frames my face has made a very meaningful difference in my self image, which has fed into many other parts of my life. To anyone considering a procedure, the choice is highly personal but I would encourage you to do your research and speak with patient advisors before assuming that a procedure won’t work for you and your personal situation for one reason or another, as I can say those thoughts crossed my mind many times over the years. Working with the Rahal clinic was a first class experience from start to finish, and I highly recommend connecting with the team there on the solutions available for your own hair loss journey.

    Attached are photos from the first week, 2-week, 4-month, 8-month marks.
    Attached Files
  • RahalHairTransplant
    Doctor Representative
    • Nov 2021
    • 432


    Congratulations on your recent hair transplant with Dr. Rahal and thanks for providing such a detailed account of your experience and everything you went through. Your hair looks outstanding. The only thing I would request is that you also present some before photos and photos showing various angles of your scalp and hair so we can truly appreciate the transformation you went through. I’m happy to help you with this if you need it.

    In the meantime, if there is anything I can help you with, don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant

