Question about hair transplants

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  • heaven337
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2022
    • 8

    Question about hair transplants

    Hi all,

    1) Is there such a thing as someone who doesn't respond well to hair transplants? Whether it be due to genetics, I had a FUT hair transplant of 2806 grafts by a popular doctor in NYC. Felt my hair looked good 6 months later, but bad 12 months later and still bad. Not sure if I just didn't respond well, or if I had more natural hair loss progression in such a short time.

    2) I know I read I had 2806 grafts from FUT, and I’m not sure how many grafts were used to cover the scar thru a mini-FUE surgery. I read it total, usually only 6000-7000 grafts can be transplanted in a lifetime. Does this mean I can probably only have 1 more surgery in my life? I wonder what happens if I lose too much natural hair many years later.
  • RahalHairTransplant
    Doctor Representative
    • Nov 2021
    • 417


    Yes, it is possible that some individuals just won’t respond to hair transplant surgery for one reason or another. This is often known as the X factor which represents an unknown variable that is likely causing a problem. But due to its very nature of being unknown, nobody can explain why it happens. This however, is exceptionally rare and without knowing more information about your particular case, I wouldn’t suggest that your result is due to some unknown X Factor. Can you tell us more about your hair transplant procedure? When was it done and by who? How many grafts did you have and by which technique? Can you post some before and after photos?

    You said that you were experiencing some nice growth at six months but by 12 months, you weren’t happy. Can you explain what happened? Did it just stop growing at six months or do you feel that it got progressively worse Between six and 12 months? Are you sure you didn’t just lose more is a natural hair and the transplanted hair grew in fine? This is a common issue that patient experience and they often mistake additional natural hair loss as a failed hair transplant when in reality it’s not that at all.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant


    • heaven337
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2022
      • 8

      Originally posted by RahalHairTransplant

      Yes, it is possible that some individuals just won’t respond to hair transplant surgery for one reason or another. This is often known as the X factor which represents an unknown variable that is likely causing a problem. But due to its very nature of being unknown, nobody can explain why it happens. This however, is exceptionally rare and without knowing more information about your particular case, I wouldn’t suggest that your result is due to some unknown X Factor. Can you tell us more about your hair transplant procedure? When was it done and by who? How many grafts did you have and by which technique? Can you post some before and after photos?

      You said that you were experiencing some nice growth at six months but by 12 months, you weren’t happy. Can you explain what happened? Did it just stop growing at six months or do you feel that it got progressively worse Between six and 12 months? Are you sure you didn’t just lose more is a natural hair and the transplanted hair grew in fine? This is a common issue that patient experience and they often mistake additional natural hair loss as a failed hair transplant when in reality it’s not that at all.

      Best wishes,

      Rahal Hair Transplant
      Thanks for the response Rahal Hair Transplant. I've answered most of your questions here with photos:
      Hi, I had a hair transplant of 2806 grafts with Dr. Carlos Wesley in June 2018. 1 year later, I didn't like what I personally felt was a minor improvement. Before pictures are shared. I also shared pictures of what I currently have 2.5 yrs later. Dr thought it was an improvement. I didn't feel it was much of one but


      • ralphoron
        Junior Member
        • Oct 2021
        • 2

        I had terrible itching after the transplant. Some degree of itching is common after an FUE hair transplant; this is due to dryness of the scalp and only lasts a few days. Patients are given a postoperative shampoo and spray kit. Spraying the area for the first few days and then shampooing daily will help relieve the discomfort. Also, cysts are very common side effects of any FUE hair transplant procedure and can occur almost immediately after surgery. For hair transplant help, contact hair transplant

