When does it fall off ?

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    Junior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 5

    When does it fall off ?

    Hi I had a HT a month and 10 days ago, I realize most of the transplanted ones fall off but some are still there. It is like front line is there, middle is missing and back is still there. (3500 grafts in total)

    I started 5% rogaine after my sutures are taken off. (15 days after the surgery)

    I m worried and I am looking for info to figure out if this is normal or not. And I would like to know what can I do get the best results ?

    I know it falls off first, but how soon did your`s start to fall off ? Is 5-6 weeks time normal to observe them falling ?

    Is there anything else I can use (additional to rogaine) to get the best result ?

    Thanks in advance
  • Spex
    Dr Representative
    • Nov 2008
    • 4217

    Hi rolex,

    all pretty normal what your experiencing - try not worry bro

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