Feedback on Dr. John Cole

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  • John P. Cole, MD
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 402

    The hotels I go to in Turkey have offsets from the entrance. They always stop cars and put a mirror under the to look for bombs. No bombs. You get in. Don't sugar coat this scenario.


    • John P. Cole, MD
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 402

      Now consider the hotels they put you up in. Most likely there are no offsets No bomb checks. Little security. They don't follow secret service protocols. They give you a room and that's about it.


      • John P. Cole, MD
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 402

        I have asked faculty members to come to Turkey for conferences over the past several years. Many refuse to come. Those that do come always say the same thing, "my family and friends think I am crazy to come here".


        • xadiohead
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2019
          • 26

          Originally posted by John P. Cole, MD
          I presume you have no friends nor relatives that encountered an issue. Like I said unless you or someone you know lost a life or limb, why would anyone be concerned? What is your focus on Turkey? I didn't mention Turkey. You did. Scan through the link I sent. It's one bombing after another. Yet this is not the point. The point is that we choose to offer surgery in a safer environment. One could go to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, or Pakistan. We are in Greece for a reason. We feel safe there. Patients are welcome to go wherever they want. If anyone ever desires to know a good clinic in any country, I do my best to direct them in this way. I do all I can to direct patients.

          My travel in Turkey is different. I get picked up by a private car. I get delivered to a hotel cleared by the US Secret Service which always tells me that travel in Turkey is dangerous. Yes, I have patients in the secret service. Then I go from Hotel to the clinic in a car and back. I don't travel about alone. You can sell Turkey all you want, but anytime you must walk through a metal detector to enter a hotel, you should have cause for concern.
          My focus is on Turkey because that clearly is the country you were referring to in your initial post, and that has been proven to be true by your responses.

          The link you sent shows deaths for Istanbul:

          A shooting inside a nightclub that killed 39 people
          Bombing at one of the airports that killed 41 people
          Suicide bomb that kills 5
          Bombing at Grand Bazaar that killed 11

          Yes all terrible events but it is hardly "one bombing after another". Also there are roughly 15 million people that live in Istanbul alone and it is far from the extremely dangerous place you are trying to make it out to be for those considering going there. Just about all the main hair transplant clinics in Istanbul that foreigners travel to are provided a private car/driver so that is a mute point.

          When I was there recently I toured the city, rode the BigBus tour bus throughout, ate at a variety of restaurants, rode the tram, walked around various places, etc and never once did this relatively skinny American white boy feel remotely scared even though I was by myself. Many there speak some English too so getting around isn't difficult. I was in new orleans the previous week and I felt more scared there than Istanbul.

          I have nothing to gain out of this, again just don't like to see people who many wanting to go to Turkey decide otherwise because a Doctor is telling them they essentially need to fear for their life.


          • John P. Cole, MD
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 402

            Buddy, you are out of touch with reality. You have no idea who I am nor what I stand for nor why I stand for it. FUE was non-existent in 2003. I figured it out. I taught it to the rest of the world in one form or another. I travel the world in an effort to promote this procedure. Without my efforts FUE would not be where it is today, the most popular procedure in the world. It is a mistake for you to lecture me. Turkey is a very dangerous place. It has nothing to do with the surgical opportunities there for patients. Turkey is dangerous in every sense of he word. There is no question in my mind that you are focused on Turkey for a reason and it has nothing to do with your sight seeing experiences. If you go to Turkey and you are not careful, your life is in grave danger. There are very bad people there just as in many others parts of the world. You may have nothing to gain, but don't make the mistake of giving people a false sense of security in traveling to places that have inherent dangers just because you rode a bus without incident. You can't get into the airport in Istanbul without standing in line to go through security. That should be your first clue that bad people reside there.

            This is not at al about Turkey. You just want to promote Turkey as a safe and enjoyable place. The true population of Istanbul is even higher. If you ever wanted to get into a major traffic jam, this is the place to travel.

            Our objective is very simple. High quality surgery, great service, affordable pricing, and a very safe environment carried out by a very well trained team headed by two of the most experienced surgeons in the world in FUE. Take your Turkey argument and have it for Thanksgiving. I had my last Thanksgiving in Turkey. I have no desire to ever return primarily because it is inherently corrupt. This is not to say that some very good surgeons reside there just as in India. There are only far more bad clinics in both countries than good clinics. We are only giving patients an option without hope that we can treat all patients. We know we can't possibly treat all patients, but in some countries they hire nurses to do the entire surgery, lower standards of care, and do their best to treat as many patients as possible. This is the real danger we are doing our best to prevent. If we can also help some patients avoid dangerous locations, we will do this, as well.


            • JoeTillman
              • Jul 2014
              • 1147

              To not acknowledge the fact that traveling to Turkey involves a higher than average degree of danger is naive.

              The US State Dept has issued a Level 3 advisory for the entire country with border areas near Syria and Iraq at Level 4.

              Canada has a travel advisory warning against unnecessary travel to Turkey.

              Travel Advice and Advisories from the Government of Canada

              Ireland warns against travel to Turkey...

              "The threat of terrorism in Turkey remains high."

              "Our general advice to Irish citizens in Turkey or those who intend to travel to Turkey is to exercise a high degree of caution at all times. You should avoid all protests and demonstrations and minimise time spent in crowded areas, particularly those frequented by foreigners, follow local security advice, and monitor local media. You should also devise and/or review a personal security plan."

              The evidence goes on, but you get the point. It's great that you felt safe, but I'm sure you didn't venture off of the beaten (tourist) path, either. Most clinics put their foreign patients up in safe hotels, they send them into safe areas for touristy things to do, and that's great but the reality is that there is a risk that every foreigner takes when they visit Turkey. I've been twice, and even my host and friend told me to have fun, but to not be stupid.
              Joe Tillman
              The original Hair Transplant Mentor

              Interested to know which doctors I recommend?
              See the full list at


              • John P. Cole, MD
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 402

                When I was at a conference in Malaysia in 2014 there was a bombing about 2 miles away from me at the time. These things are not isolated to Turkey nor any part of the world. I've trained surgeons all over the world including the first hair transplant surgeons in Mongolia. Where ever there are eager minds and skilled hands, I will usually travel. I've scratched off Turkey only because I need tools to train surgeons. If I go somewhere and bring in 50 doctors from around the globe, but don't have the tools to train them, there is no reason for me to be there and no reason for me to encourage 50 doctors to meet me there.

                Now we have arranged a university training program in Patras, Greece where physicians can get a diploma in hair transplant surgery. This is another reason we chose Athens. The training program at the University of Patras Department of Dermatology is the first of it's kind in the world.


                • John P. Cole, MD
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 402

                  I know, Joe. My patients in the secret service told me to be careful there and gave me specific hotels to stay in. They also advised me not to go there. I had a compelling reason to go to Turkey to help train doctors. But when customs began interfering with my entry I had no option other than to cease going there. It's ok for nurses to do surgery in Turkey but forget about a doctor trying to train doctors in the art of hair restoration. It's really a shame because Turkey is a wonderful country with some of the most hospitable people.


                  • John P. Cole, MD
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 402

                    There are other countries with different risks. For example, Venezuela. In the 1990s it was a fabulous place to go for fishing. then it began to change. When I was last there around 2010 to 2012 it was very dangerous. An armed guard picked me up at the airport and drove me to a walled compound with ocean access. We had bulletproof windows in the car. I never left the compound other than to go fishing. I stopped going because I was worried the locals might come over the walls. They told me of a European tourist who disregarded the advice. He left his friends while they waited on their bags. He grabbed a taxi. They found him the next day naked in the mountains. They took everything he had and cleaned out his ATM card. He was lucky to be left alive. But US cities are dangerous too. I had a friend who was walking with his wife on the main street. A van stopped and a man with a pistol got out. He put a gun in their face and grabbed her purse. It turns out his wife was even more dangerous. One night he came home and the house was empty except for a plate and silverware on the center of the living room floor with a note that said, "make your own dinner".


                    • xadiohead
                      Junior Member
                      • Jan 2019
                      • 26

                      Originally posted by John P. Cole, MD
                      Buddy, you are out of touch with reality. You have no idea who I am nor what I stand for nor why I stand for it. FUE was non-existent in 2003. I figured it out. I taught it to the rest of the world in one form or another. I travel the world in an effort to promote this procedure. Without my efforts FUE would not be where it is today, the most popular procedure in the world. It is a mistake for you to lecture me.
                      Your arrogance precedes you, Doctor. Keep up with your scare tactics. Can you show me one case where a patient has traveled from the UK, US, Australia, etc to Istanbul for a hair transplant and ran into any close that resembles a life threatening scenario?

                      Tillman- The Canada travel alert for Turkey is primarily for provinces near the Syria border which is the completely other side of the country. We are discussing the safety of foreigners traveling to Istanbul for hair transplants as Dr. Cole keeps implying people may die if they travel there for one which is ridiculous.


                      • JoeTillman
                        • Jul 2014
                        • 1147


                        Well of course it is more dangerous near the borders. I think that is painfully obvious but if you wish to zero in on Istanbul in the eyes of the Canadian government, then here is more from the same link...

                        There is a threat of terrorism from domestic and international terrorist groups in Turkey. Many attacks have occurred throughout the country. Although most have occurred in the south and east, some also took place in major cities, including Ankara, Bursa, Istanbul and Izmir. Attacks have targeted:

                        Turkish military and government facilities
                        tourist attractions and popular public places
                        night life
                        public transportation
                        Further attacks are expected to occur and terrorist groups have indicated that they will specifically target foreigners and tourists.

                        Terrorists may also target:

                        crowded places
                        places with high pedestrian traffic and where foreigners may gather
                        commercial establishments
                        local government offices
                        public transit stations
                        busy streets
                        long queues at tourist attractions
                        places of worship
                        Increased security measures are in place throughout the country. Authorities have prevented several attacks. Turkish security officials may set up roadblocks or close streets when they receive reports on specific threats.

                        Be aware of your surroundings at all times in public places
                        Avoid large crowds
                        Follow the instructions of local authorities at all times.
                        Note that you didn't mention the US and Irish examples I provided because they do reference Istanbul.

                        Can we say any HT patients were killed? No, but we can't they there has not been any HT patients killed, either, as the press typically doesn't report on why foreigners or tourists were specifically anywhere where news is being reported. But I'll give you this, in 2016...

                        7 June, Istanbul: Car bomb kills seven police officers and four civilians. Claimed by Kurdish militant group TAK

                        19 March, Istanbul: Suicide bomb kills four people in shopping street. IS blamed

                        13 March, Ankara: Car bomb kills 35. Claimed by TAK

                        17 February, Ankara: 29 killed in attack on military buses. Claimed by TAK

                        12 January, Istanbul: 12 Germans killed by Syrian bomber in tourist area


                        23 December, Istanbul: Bomb kills cleaner at Istanbul's Sabiha Gokcen airport. Claimed by TAK

                        10 October, Ankara: More than 100 killed at peace rally outside railway station. Blamed on IS

                        Canadians, Russians and Indians were killed in a nightclub attack in Istanbul;
                        Turkish tourism is in serious trouble following the deadly New Year's attack on an upscale nightclub in Istanbul.

                        Maybe Dr. Cole embellished more than he should have, but the point is, and you seem smart so you should realize this, is that Turkey has a specific problem regarding terror and violence targeted toward tourists, as mentioned in the multiple governmental warnings. We can trade comments and stats back and forth but it is difficult for me to believe that any rational thinking person would dismiss the reality of the world such as you have.
                        Joe Tillman
                        The original Hair Transplant Mentor

                        Interested to know which doctors I recommend?
                        See the full list at


                        • Raphael84hair
                          Doctor Representative
                          • Feb 2019
                          • 174


                          It feels that you will continue to fight this to the death, which is your prerogative.

                          But it seems that you yourself have questioned you very own choice of Turkish surgeons morality/ethicality.

                          Quoting you on a post from another forum -

                          “Did ASMED do PRP on you? It was supposed to be in my package but I don't remember them doing it or discussing it. Not saying they didn't, I just don't remember.” 

                          And whilst on the subject of transparency, I could be wrong but I don’t remember you mentioning that you had undergone surgery in Istanbul.

                          Travel and choice of surgeon is ultimately a personal choice for every individual. Their decision is motivated by many factors. Unfortunately but understandably many patients are eventually motivated mainly by price. Professionals in the field such as Dr Cole are attempting to protect individuals that are suffering and generally insecure from hair loss from being taken advantage of by Doctors and clinics that are frankly unworthy of even being considered. Some will take advantage of this invaluable resource and opinion, and some will know better or simply ignore it.

                          The choice is ultimately down to the individual.

                          “International Patient Advisor - Bisanga Cole Hair Transplant Clinic - Athens, Greece

                 Whatsapp - +34 642 37 03 83


                          • Bald1974
                            Junior Member
                            • Dec 2017
                            • 9

                            Hello Doctor, I was searching feedback / reviews for you on Hair Restoration Network forum like I would normally do for any other doctor but I was asked not to post anything about Dr. Cole due to some legal issue. Could you please tell us what is going on between you and HRN forum?



                            • Spex
                              Dr Representative
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 4289

                              Dr John Cole is one of the hall of famers. You are in excellent ethical caring hands. Ive spoken to countless patients of his over the last 20 years and all speak incredibly high of him and their surgeries.

                              A world renowned hair loss and hair transplant adviser. Spex has received several hair transplant procedures along with appropriate treatments!
                              Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                              Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                              View Media interviews

                              Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                              I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                              • John P. Cole, MD
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 402

                                It's not me. It's Pat Hennessey. Years ago he lowered his standards and began promoting surgeons with a history of problems that I had to correct. I asked to be taken off his "recommended" list. In this industry, there are those that are after a quick buck by doing things that are not in the best interest of patients as a whole. I've forgotten about all of it, but Pat and his helper still hold a grudge for reasons that are incomprehensible. To this day, they will not allow any of my patients to post their results on their site. They also protect a doctor that they recommend by covering up the damage and even go so far as to blame the patient for the bad results. This is what happens when money gets in the way of morality. Personally, I'd prefer to put the differences of opinion in the past. It's not in my hands though. Onward and upward. If you really want to find the top surgeons look to the IAHRS.

