I've been reading some posts . . . my theory for myself has always been if I get the surgery and get several years of use out of it, but my baldness overwhelms my head and I can't keep up, I'd just shave my head at that point. But now I'm reading about people that refuse to shave their head because of the scar. how bad is it? Is it that shameful to have a shaved head with a horizontal scar on the back from cosmetic surgery? Sure, it's not my first choice, but I just thought I'd check with you guys. Are there any pictures of these scars on shaved heads? I'd love to see what I'd be getting in to!! Thank you all as always! This site is such a great source of information.
How bad is the scar?
The severity of strip scars can be very difficult to predict and will depend on a number of factors: personal healing characteristics, scalp laxity (scars can stretch over time), procedure size, physician skill, etc. Scar thickness can range from paper-thin, and only detectable upon close inspection, to half an inch wide or more. The problem is that you likely will not have any idea how you will heal until after the fact. Dr. Cole performs multiple scar grafting procedures a week (in which follicular units are grafted into linear strip scars) on men who regret their strip transplants and just want to be able to shave their heads and move on with their lives. For this reason, I always suggest that individuals opt for FUE procedures if they are going to undergo hair restoration surgery. -
And what is the problem? Simply put, strip scars stink. To the point that people are flying to Atlanta to get FUE grafts put into the strip scars. That tells you a lot right there.Comment
I do not agree in all cases. Some scars from strip procedures are very fine and difficult to even find. Many patients never plan to have short hair in the donor area and would rather not take the chance that if multiple large procedures are needed over time that the entire donor area will look thinned out because to many FUE's were done. There are also cost factors involved. Don't get me wrong FUE is a great procedure, but not for everyone.Comment