Office Job - Post Surgery Advice?

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  • jwilly
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 15

    Office Job - Post Surgery Advice?

    I had a consultation with Dr. McAndrews in Pasadena, who mentioned that although I'll be physically fine to work after the procedure, I'll want to wear a hat for a week after because it will be unpleasant to look at. I work in a business casual office setting, and wearing a hat would definitely be noticed.

    Now I don't have too much pride to tell people I've had the procedure. But my preference would be to tell them if asked when hair starts growing back 6 months later. Even though it's not a big deal, my office setting is so mundane and uptight and conservative . . . way too many people would get way too much pleasure sharing that gossip (did you here he got a hair transplant? tee hee!) Trust me, it would suck and I'd be "hair transplant guy" from that point forward. I don't care that much, but it wouldn't do me any favors.

    I'm trying to figure out how to work around this. I really don't feel like spending 5 vacation days out of shame. I think my best bet would be to level with my boss, and tell the truth without getting too specific. I think I'll say that I'm having a medical procedure done that's private in nature, and won't be able to come into the office, although I'd be perfectly capable of working from home.

    I guess that's my only real option, but I thought I'd see if any of you had any insights to this. How long was it before the signs of your surgery went away?
  • morelocks
    • Jul 2009
    • 90

    Hi jwilly, all depends on the type and size of procedure. You will get a better response from forum members if you give us more details. Few things that come to mind is
    - how much hair have you lost and how much work are you wanting done
    - strip or fue?
    - will u need to shave your head for this procedure
    - if your bringing your hairline down a lot you will most likely also experience some swelling around your eyes as well, personally I never have but many people do

    Provide us with as much info as poss, maybe even some pics

    Iv had 4 fue s and my first 2 were the easiest to hide BUT that was only after 2 weeks. I hear people say a week is ok but I can't relate to that. I think you need a minimum of at least 2 weeks before going back to work


    • Don'tDoIt
      • Jul 2010
      • 77

      I would take that advice one step further and say that you should allow 3 weeks.

      Your scalp will be red with some crusts still on the scalp at two weeks. People will notice. You sound like you want to keep your transplant a secret. The only way to do that is to take 3 weeks off from work.


      • Dr. Glenn Charles
        IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
        • Nov 2008
        • 2419

        I have had patients tell their bosses and/or co-workers that they had something removed from their scalp at the dermatologist offfice and he recommended keeping the area covered for a week. If you have the procedure on a Friday, you could actually get 9-10 days off with only having to wear the hat Mon-Fri at work. Of course if you can work from home for a week that would be great. I let my patients keep the hair longer so it makes it easier to camouflage after the procedure.
        Dr. Glenn Charles
        Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
        View my IAHRS Profile


        • jwilly
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2010
          • 15

          Great . . . thanks so much for all of the information, Dr.! Extremely helpful.


          • Dr. Glenn Charles
            IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
            • Nov 2008
            • 2419

            I know the short term recovery period can be a pain in the butt. However, it should be the bigger long term picture that you should be focusing on. Good luck.
            Dr. Glenn Charles
            Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
            View my IAHRS Profile

