Educational topics for laymen loosing hair (by Dr. A)

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  • Dr A's Clinic
    Doctor Representative
    • Apr 2013
    • 717

    Educational topics for laymen loosing hair (by Dr. A)

    Quoting Dr. A
    .................................................. .......................

    One of the most frequently asked question from prospective patients is about the difference between hair transplant v/s Hair System/weave/wig/replacement.

    1. Hair transplant: Hair transplantation is an artistic, surgical redistribution of the permanent/long life hair follicles taken from the donor dominant areas, viz., the back and sides of the head and robust body hair. These long life hair follicles are transplanted into the bald/balding areas of the scalp.

    2. Whatever the word chosen (Hair System/weave/replacement), it is actually a form of wig.

    3. In hair weaving, a part of the wig is fixed to the scalp by use of metals clips or adhesive tape or in the worst form the scalp is shaved and adhesive is applied to the scalp to fix the hair system on bald portions.

    4. Hair system whatever the name it's called is a sort of wig fixed upon the bald/balding scalp. It can be done by weaving the hair of the system to the patients existing hair.

    5. Another way is to apply clips and double-edged adhesive tape. The worst way is when the hair system is glued to the bald scalp. Read More

    6. The advantage of all hair systems is that they are non-surgical and can give the desired density in a short time.

    7. However, all forms of hair systems lead to either traction alopecia (if clips are used), unhealthy scalp (in case the hair system is glued).

    8. The other disadvantage is that the person has to repeatedly go and get it serviced every month.

    9. Most of the time these hair systems (even used by celebrities) are easily recognizable. Read details

    10. Hair transplant on the other hand, is surgical method (which makes some people afraid) and the transplanted hair take 6 to 12 months to grow. However, the benefit of hair transplant is that the transplanted hair roots grow for the patient's lifetime.

    11. Below is a YouTube video I found that shows various celebrities opting either for hair system or hair transplants. View video

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  • Dr A's Clinic
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    • Apr 2013
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    Quoting Dr. A
    .................................................. .......................

    Hair Transplants DO NOT FAIL... ITS THE DOCTOR'S FAULT

    Image source

    Image source: Google Search

    Image source: Google Search


    Hair Roots should always be taken from the safe donor area, i.e., the area that does turn bald even in ripe old age.

    Picture of correct Permanent Donor Area

    Permanent Scalp Donor Area


    . Male pattern baldness follows specific patterns.
    . A horseshoe-shaped fringe of hair remains even with extensive hair loss.
    . This donor fringe is insensitive to the balding process and will last a lifetime.

    Image source: Google Search

    . This is because this hair is genetically programmed in the root, or hair follicle, to be resistant to the effects of DHT.

    . The hair in this donor area provides the basis for surgical hair transplantation. This hair, when transplanted into thinning or balding areas, will take root and grow, and continue to grow for the rest of a person's life.

    . This is also referred to as the "principle of donor dominance". That is, the transplanted hair will grow in its new location as it would have in its original donor location.

    Hair roots are more precious than diamonds.
    Do your research carefully so that you know what the safe donor area is. Thus, you will not fall for the same myth that the celebrities fell for.

    Hair Transplants DO NOT FAIL... It's THE DOCTOR'S that are to be blamed.

    Dr A
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    • Dr A's Clinic
      Doctor Representative
      • Apr 2013
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      Quoting Dr. A
      .................................................. .......................

      Words of advice for young hair loss sufferers

      Anyone losing hair can be prone to anxiety. The first thing they want is to DO something for it. It's not about whether the treatment is going to help or not. It's more about feeling that one is actively doing something for his hair loss.

      This is an innate human characteristic and many "snake oil dealers" and unethical practitioners try to cash on this.

      Do not rush into any treatment.

      Whether you are 20, 40 or 60 years of age, the first thing for you to do is to write down the following things. (This is what we ask from our patients too).

      1. What is your current age?

      2. What is the extent of hair loss male members on both sides of your family experienced? (Does not matter what age they reached that level of hair loss).

      3. What is the current speed of your hair fall? (slow, moderate or rapid).

      4. Have you taken some good clear pictures of the extent of your hair loss? Most people do not like taking pictures that show them in an unflattering light. However, pictures are important. Both for your future doctor as well as for you to gauge your speed of hair loss.
      Take clear pictures, preferably with a good digital camera. Do not use flash while taking the pictures. Flash distorts the picture and it becomes difficult to evaluate the real situation.
      Take pictures in indirect natural daylight. You may take them standing in the balcony or near an open window on a bright sunny day.
      Take pictures with the hair combed back (no combovers, this has to be your moment of truth with yourself). Front view and side view must include till at least the eyebrows.
      The top view must include the complete head (both ears included).
      Back view and a view of the donor area of the scalp with the hair parted.
      These pictures are your baseline.
      Now repeat the same exercise at regular intervals. Once every 2 months will be fine.
      Whenever you have to gauge your speed of hair fall, or the benefit you received from any mediation, this photographic record will be of help.
      Many people think that they can gauge their hair fall or restoration by just looking in the mirror. That is a mistaken notion.
      Now that you have completed taking some pictures, repeat the entire exercise with you hair wet. (Not dripping wet, just a wet comb will be sufficient). This will highlight areas where thinning may have just started.

      5. Have you consulted your family physician or an unbiased physician about the cause of your hair loss? Do so. They may not be very experienced or sympathetic but they will be able to rule out any major factors leading to your hair fall.
      Hair loss need not always be a DHT influenced pattern hair loss.

      6. Does anyone in your family or friend circle suffer from hair loss? If yes, talk to them about their experience. They have already travelled some of the paths that you plan to follow. Their experience may benefit you.
      Once you have this list, you have reached the starting point of doing your own research on something that is bothering you.
      This is your first active step.

      Dr. A
      Last edited by Dr A's Clinic; 08-02-2018, 11:05 PM.
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      • Dr A's Clinic
        Doctor Representative
        • Apr 2013
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        Quoting Dr. A
        .................................................. .......................

        Don't let Dandruff let you down!!

        Dandruff is a skin condition that mainly affects the scalp. Symptoms include flaking and sometimes mild itchiness. It can result in social or self-esteem problems. A more severe form of the condition, which includes inflammation of the skin, is known as seborrheic dermatitis.

        Dandruff affects about half of adults. Onset is usually at puberty. Males are more often affected than females.

        Dandruff is often worse during the winter months and better when the weather is warmer. Certain hair care products can trigger a red, itchy, scaling scalp. Frequent shampooing may cause dandruff, as it can irritate the scalp.


        Causes include dry skin, seborrhoeic dermatitis, not cleaning/scrubbing often, shampooing too often, scalp psoriasis, eczema, sensitivity to hair care products, or a yeast-like fungus. Dry skin is the most common cause of flaking dandruff.
        According to one study, dandruff has been shown to be possibly the result of three factors:

        1. Skin oil commonly referred to as sebum or sebaceous secretions.

        2. The metabolic by-products of skin micro-organisms (most specifically Malassezia yeasts).

        3. Individual susceptibility and allergy sensitivity.

        4. Ringworm, or tinea, refers to several types of contagious fungal infections of the top layer of the skin, scalp, and nails. (Ringworm is caused by a fungus that eats keratin, a protein found in skin, hair, and nails).

        Facts about dandruff.

        1. Dandruff occurs in 50% of adults.

        2. It is not just skin flakes. It is a fungal infection.

        3. Commonly causing fungi is Malassezia furfur (previously known as Pityrosporum ovale)

        4. Dandruff does not cause baldness.

        5. The common way of transmission of dandruff is through using shared things. Just as you do not share your toothbrush, similarly you should not share your comb/brush.

        6. So stay cool and if required use these medicines:

        Ketoconazole (Nizoral) shampoo: shampoos use a combination of special ingredients to control dandruff.

        Ciclopirox: It is widely used as an anti-dandruff agent in most cases.

        Coal tar: It causes the skin to shed dead cells from the top layer and slows skin cell growth.

        (Terbinafine (Lamisil),

        Griseofulvin (Grisovin),

        Shaving a child's head: There is no evidence that this reduces ringworm infection or accelerates recovery time.

        7. And let no one no matter how big a post, don't ever let a celebrity shrug off dandruff from your shoulder!

        Dr A

        To view the video click on link
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        • Dr A's Clinic
          Doctor Representative
          • Apr 2013
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          Quoting Dr. A
          .................................................. .......................

          Monsoon has come and you have been waiting for this season from a very long time. But unfortunately, some of us can't take the joy of pretty monsoon and avoid to play under rain due to increased hair fall in this season.

          The most common problem during monsoon season is hair fall. Especially, in cities with high air pollution, toxic smog etc. All these lead to additional adverse effects on hair.

          With first ever rain of a season, all those air pollutants mix with rainwater and fall on earth's surface. Also, the high-on-humidity weather is the main reason for hair breakage and fall. In this weather, your hair absorbs hydrogen, breaking disulfide bonds leading to the smooth cuticle opening up and causing hair to be frizzy. So, just think before while having a rain bath.

          However, you can take care of your hair by doing some simple and small DIY tips at your home.

          1. Drink Plenty of Water

          In this rainy season drink at least 2-3 ltr of water daily. Water helps clear off your body toxins. You may drink boiled water for best results.

          2. Use Aloe Vera Gel

          Aloe Vera can be used to treat dandruff, split ends and hair fall problems in any season. Massaging Aloe Vera gel into the scalp is also helpful.

          3. Cut Caffeine

          Excessive caffeine intake leads to dehydration which is another key reason for hair loss.

          4. Oil & massage your hair

          Oil your hair but massage gently to avoid breakage. Once or twice a week is good for nourishment, but doing it more often is not recommended, as your scalp is already oily due to the weather.

          5. Shampoo Daily

          You can wash and condition your hair as soon as you get home. Regular shampooing won't lead to hair loss or dry scalp, provided you use a mild shampoo and apply liberal amount of conditioner after rinsing the shampoo.

          6. Methi Seeds

          Methi, also known as fenugreek, contains hormone antecedents which help revitalize damaged hair follicles. This makes hair strong and immune to damage.

          7. Switch to healthy diet.

          Add fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, whole grains and protein-rich foods to your plate to tackle hair fall in the rainy season.

          8. Keep your hair dry

          Always gently dry your hair first and then comb it with a wide-toothed comb. Avoid using heated hair equipment.

          9. Avoid Smoking:

          Smoking cigarettes reduce the amount of blood that flows to the scalp and this causes a reduction in hair growth.

          10. Physical activity

          Make time for physical activity every day. Walking, gymming and swimming for 30 minutes a day helps balance hormonal levels, reduces stress levels besides reducing hair fall.

          All the above Image Sourced from Google search

          Dr A
          Last edited by Dr A's Clinic; 08-02-2018, 11:55 PM.
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          • Dr A's Clinic
            Doctor Representative
            • Apr 2013
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            Quoting Dr. A
            .................................................. .......................

            STOP PREMATURE GREYING HAIR- DIY Tips & Tricks

            Over the last few years, premature greying of hair has become a major concern for young people. Nowadays, it's a common problem in people of early age (20's or 30's) see hair greying on their head. It has become an important medical concerns for thousands of people. Men and women alike, are seeking medication. The best way is to treat this problem with effective home remedies that have no side effects instead of using harmful hair coloring creams.

            There are many causes of hair greying. Following are some common causes.
            1. Heredity

            2. Stress or psychological worries

            3. Use tobacco and smoking in excessive way

            4. Lack of healthy nutrients in the diet

            5. Deficiency of vitamin B, zinc, and copper also causes

            6. Medical conditions such as anemia, hypothyroidism, tuberculosis or neurofibromatosis

            Simple DIY tips to prevent premature greying.

            1. The picture above is a Hibiscus plant. Take 6 to 8 leaves, add a tbsp of a curd and 2 drops of any essential oil. Make a paste, apply on scalp and leave for 1 hr and then rinse. This is supposed to delay hairfall and hair greying since ancient Vedic times.

            2. Take a handful of curry leaves, hibiscus leaves, karisalai leaves, coriander leaves and grind them together into a smooth paste. Add five drops of lemon juice to this paste. Apply on the scalp and the hair. Leave it on for an hour and then wash. Apply this paste once a week. Regular application of this pack can darken existing grey hair and it also prevents premature greying.

            3. Fenugreek Seeds, Henna, Basil, Coffee, Mint and Yogurt Hair Mask Remedy.

            4. Massage your hair with any oil of your choice (preferably bhringraj oil). Then wash it with a the liquid mixture of 2 tsp shikakai powder, ½ tsp reetha, and ½ tsp amla powder soaked overnight in water.

            5. Quit Smoking.

            Dr A
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            • Dr A's Clinic
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              • Apr 2013
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              Quoting Dr. A
              .................................................. ........................

              Why are men loosing hair in their 20’s?

              Our ongoing research shows that people are losing hair 10 to 15 years before compared to their grandparents.

              The main reason behind this is the toxins absorbed through the skin and scalp.

              This started in the 1970’s. When MNC’s started putting toxins in body care products (shampoo, soap, make up items etc).
              Below is the proof. Hope you benefit from it.

              Dr A
              Last edited by Dr A's Clinic; 08-03-2018, 12:43 AM.
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              • Dr A's Clinic
                Doctor Representative
                • Apr 2013
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                Quoting Dr. A
                .................................................. .......................

                Is my hair loss genetic?

                This is another oft-asked question.
                Many people want to believe that their hair loss is due to a disease and will be reversed completely by curing the disease.

                That may be the case in some. Unfortunately, not in all.

                I have found an easy way to help differentiate and explain the type of hair loss is by understanding the concept of pattern hair loss.

                Androgenic alopecia or the commonest form of balding follows a pattern.
                The hair loss starts in the temples, hairline and/or the crown. There will be variations, but it almost never effects the sides and the back of the scalp

                Diseases usually do not follow the same pattern.

                Some diseases where you may experience hair loss but which are not androgenic alopecia are -

                1. Alopecia areata, globalis and universalis . For further reading click here

                2. Psoriasis . Additional pictures and information is available at

                3. Hormonal imbalances (especially thyroid).

                4. Lichen planus. Additional information and pictures available at

                5. Post chemotherapy, or due to injury (burn, surgical or accidental)

                6. Trichotillomania. Additional information about this unusual condition can be found at

                7. Traction alopecia (due to sustained and long-term traction on the hair roots). Two commonest subgroups affected by this are Black women wearing tight braids and Sikh gentlemen wearing hair tightly under their turban.

                There are many more rarer causes and maybe veteran readers will be able to add them to this thread. But to keep this short, I will desist. Sufficient that you get a brief idea of the types of hair loss.

                A good first step is to contact your family physician as the first step. He should be able to rule out or advise tests for hair loss due to reasons other then androgenic alopecia.

                Dr. A
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                • Dr A's Clinic
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                  • Apr 2013
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                  Quoting Dr. A
                  .................................................. .......................

                  Some necessary definitions patients should know (Anagen, categen and telogen)

                  Anagen, categen and telogen
                  Hair growth cycle is divided into 3 phases. Anagen, catagen and telogen.

                  Recent advances have added more stages/phases but for ease of understanding, I am limiting this discussion to easy to understand simple stages.

                  The active growth phase is called anagen. During anagen, cells in the root/hair buld divide mitotically to add to the hair shaft.

                  During catagen, the hair bulb ceases to divide and starts involuting and regressing. Catagen phase starts at the beginning of involution and ceases when the involuting bulb reached the level of the bulge.

                  Telogen is the resting phase of the hair. The hair ceases all activity and stays as a club hair. It may shed at any time from the beginning of the telogen to the time new angen phase commences.
                  The event at which the telogen hair sheds is called exogen.

                  Exogen need not be at the time of the start of the next anagen. Effects like traction, trauma may bring it earlier on in telogen.
                  The various phases of the hair growth cycle differ in different hair (scalp, nape, body, beard hair etc. have different duration of the various phases).

                  For a present, we concentrate on the scalp hair.
                  Anagen lasts for anywhere between 2 to 6 years. Catagen for 2 to 4 weeks and telogen for 3 to 5 months.
                  As a thumb rule, we can say A:C:T is 3yrs:3weeks:3months.
                  In scalp hair approximately 85% hair are in anagen, 12 to 14% hair are in telogen and 2 to 4% hair in catagen.

                  Dr. A
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                  • Dr A's Clinic
                    Doctor Representative
                    • Apr 2013
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                    Quoting Dr. A
                    .................................................. .......................

                    Pain in hair transplants

                    � I want to know on a scale 1 to 10, how painful is hair transplant with 10

                    � being the most painful? The pictures I see on this board look horrifying
                    � as if someone is being stabbed thousands of times in the head.

                    I think this question would be best answered by patients who have already got the procedure done.

                    However, in brief -

                    1. Injections of local anaesthesia are given in the donor and recipient areas to render them numb/ pain-free. So, the actual surgical procedure itself is pain-free (even though it may look messy or horrifying in the pictures).

                    2. In strip FUHT, the sutured donor area will be tender after the effect of anaesthesia wears off at the end of the procedure. Painkillers are prescribed for the same for 5 days.

                    3. The recipient area is usually pain-free at the end of the procedure.

                    4. The donor area of FUSE/fue is usually pain-free even after the effect of anaesthesia wears off. There may be minor discomfort or soreness for a couple of days. Most patients do not feel the need of painkillers after a FUSE/fue procedure.

                    Dr. A
                    Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi | A's Clinic is awarded as the best hair transplant in Delhi with experienced doctor & surgeons.
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                    • Dr A's Clinic
                      Doctor Representative
                      • Apr 2013
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                      Quoting Dr. A
                      .................................................. .........................

                      Evolution of hair transplants and some myths

                      For sake of convenience, I shall summarize the evolution of hair transplants from the 1950s.

                      1. Plug grafting - 4 to 5mm hair root bearing plugs were excised from the permanent donor area at the back and sides of the scalp and transplanted to the bald scalp, where they sprouted hair.

                      2. Minigrafts - 4mm plugs were bisected into 2 to 4 pieces. These were called minigrafts. They were transplanted in front of the 4 mm plugs to reduce the visible pluggy effect.

                      3. Micrografts - The plugs (or strip in some cases), were dissected into 1 to 2mm pieces containing 1 to 4 hair. These were called micrografts

                      4. Open shotgum harvesting v/s strip excision - Somewhere between the 1970s to 1990s, the open shotgun harvesting was gradually abandoned and replaced with suturing close the extraction site. Gradually the extraction was done in form of a strip.

                      5. Follicular unit dissection - The grafts were dissected under microscopes in their naturally occurring groupings called follicular units.

                      6. Follicular unit extraction - Individual follicular units were extracted from the scalp donor area. This did away with the necessity of a suture closure. The extraction tools and sites gradually became smaller.

                      7. Body hair to scalp transplants gave valuable additional donor hair eventually reaching a stage where the most robust beard donor hair could be harvested and transplanted.

                      8. All along this time in past about 15 years the number of follicular units that could be transplanted increased. This led to larger transplant sessions giving better hairline designs.

                      The myths or missteps along the way I shall write down separately.

                      Dr. A

                      Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi | A's Clinic is awarded as the best hair transplant in Delhi with experienced doctor & surgeons.
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                        • Dr A's Clinic
                          Doctor Representative
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 717

                          Quoting Dr. A

                          Evolution of hair transplants and some myths

                          For sake of convenience, I shall summarize the evolution of hair transplants from the 1950s.

                          1. Plug grafting - 4 to 5mm hair root bearing plugs were excised from the permanent donor area at the back and sides of the scalp and transplanted to the bald scalp, where they sprouted hair.

                          2. Minigrafts - 4mm plugs were bisected into 2 to 4 pieces. These were called minigrafts. They were transplanted in front of the 4 mm plugs to reduce the visible pluggy effect.

                          3. Micrografts - The plugs (or strip in some cases), were dissected into 1 to 2mm pieces containing 1 to 4 hair. These were called micrografts

                          4. Open shotgum harvesting v/s strip excision - Somewhere between the 1970s to 1990s, the open shotgun harvesting was gradually abandoned and replaced with suturing close the extraction site. Gradually the extraction was done in form of a strip.

                          5. Follicular unit dissection - The grafts were dissected under microscopes in their naturally occurring groupings called follicular units.

                          6. Follicular unit extraction - Individual follicular units were extracted from the scalp donor area. This did away with the necessity of a suture closure. The extraction tools and sites gradually became smaller.

                          7. Body hair to scalp transplants gave valuable additional donor hair eventually reaching a stage where the most robust beard donor hair could be harvested and transplanted.

                          8. All along this time in past about 15 years the number of follicular units that could be transplanted increased. This led to larger transplant sessions giving better hairline designs.

                          The myths or missteps along the way I shall write down separately.

                          Dr. A
                          Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi | A's Clinic is awarded as the best hair transplant in Delhi with experienced doctor & surgeons.

                          I am not a Physician.
                          My opinions need not be shared by Dr. Arvind Poswal.
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                          New Delhi
                          Dr.A's Clinic,
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