Newbie HT Advice please!

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  • Ditto
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 3

    Newbie HT Advice please!

    Hello Everyone,
    Newbie to this forum. 32 Years old male located in USA.
    I quit minoxidil two months back (after three years of usage because headache problems). Thinning hair appearance but still shedding.

    Please provide your suggestions, thanks in advance.
    • Whether I can do hair transplant right now or wait until my hair loss stabilized?
    • Any idea how much time it takes to shed minoxidil dependent hairs?
    • I may need 2000 grafts (norwood 2A) which is better fue or fut?

    Thanks & Regards,

    Current Regimen:
  • Winston
    • Mar 2009
    • 929

    Welcome to the forum Ditto. Having a hair transplant is a big step so you should really take your time and learn everything you can about it. This is a great site to gain that knowledge, but as you will read in several threads, you should not rush into having surgery. Since you are still going through an active shed, you should consider waiting until you hair loss is stabilized. Find a couple of IAHRS surgeons to have a consultation with to get an idea of where you stand and of how many grafts, if any you really need. You can find a list of IAHRS surgeons on this site or on


    • mattj
      Doctor Representative
      • Oct 2009
      • 1421

      You should do as Winston says and research fully before deciding on going through with a transplant, and as these things take time to arrange, your minoxidil shed should have stopped by any date of surgery.

      Was your hair stabilized before quitting the minoxidil? The propecia is probably the most important factor if this is so.

      As for the FUT or FUE question, this depends on your personal requirements. It sounds like you have done at least some research, so I'm guessing you know what is involved with both forms of surgery and the differing scarring characteristics of each. Do you have the money required for the added expense of a FUE procedure? Do you see yourself one day wanting to completely shave your head? Are you aware that FUE often has less success with regard to yield than strip? I'm not asking you to answer these questions; just ask them of yourself.

      You're at a pretty good age to be getting a transplant and have minimal loss by the sounds of it. Don't be afraid to contact multiple clinics for consultations, either in person or via the internet.
      I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

      My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

      I can be contacted for advice:


      • CIT_Girl
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2010
        • 302

        I agree with all of Winston's advice and think you should certainly take your time researching and deciding if hair restoration surgery is a route you really want to take.

        However, I will say that I believe FUE is a superior procedure to FUT for a number of reasons. Probably the most significant reason is that FUE does not leave a linear scar, which can prevent strip patients from ever shaving their head or wearing a short hairstyle in the future. FUE is not a completely scarless procedure itself (as some patients develop white spots at the extraction sites) but I find this to be much less noticeable than a strip scar. In addition to leaving a linear scar, strip surgery can result in a distortion of hair growth angles around the scar.

        FUE is also advantageous in that it allows for the harvesting of hair from all over the permanent zone. For this reason, more hair is potentially available and the physician can cherry-pick the most optimal and largest follicular grouping of hair (versus being limited to a single strip of hair from which to dissect grafts). This means that the patient gets more hairs per graft which can actually negate the increased price per graft of FUE.

        In the hands of an experienced FUE surgeon, transection rates are extremely low and survival rates/yields are extremely high. If you are looking for a very large procedure to be done quickly and cheaply, FUT might be worth considering but, overall, I believe FUE is a far more advanced procedure and offers better potential and results to patients.


        • Ditto
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2010
          • 3

          Thanks everyone.

          Thanks Winston, Mattj, CIT Girl.

          Winston >>
          Thank you for your advice, through IAHRS website I found Dr. Sara wasserbauer located near my home but unfortunately she is on maternity leave.

          Mattj >>
          During my first year treatment I saw great results with minoxidil after that the results start declining, lately I tried Minoxidil 15% for 6 months and started getting headache so I quit cold turkey and currently experiencing more shed than normal.

          I need "EXCELLENT" results so I'm ready take vacation, travel, and spend money. I never want to shave my head in future but maybe want to wear my hair very short (#3 inches). One very important thing I would like to consider, after transplant even if my baldness progressed with my age I should look better NOT like moth eaten balls or with ugly smiley strip running ear to ear back on my head.

          As you suggested I'll do some more research between FUE VS FUT.

          I browsed through some websites I heard nothing but great things about Dr. Rahal and Dr. Cole (definitely I would like to consider both of them).

          Once again thanks everyone!



          • Don'tDoIt
            • Jul 2010
            • 77

            Ditto, my advice to you is simple. Don't Do It.

            You don't want to be known as "...that guy who had a hair transplant." That is how I have been mentioned at my job.

            Keep your dignity. Accept your baldness. Buzz your hair short or shave it. I'll bet that you will look fine. Be proud of your appearance rather than vain or insecure, which is how you will come across to people who see that you've had a hair transplant.

            If you are dead-set on a hair transplant, then do NOT get a strip procedure. I will never be able to wear my hair short again do to this strip scar in the back of my head.

            Don't Do It.


            • Ditto
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2010
              • 3

              Hi Don'tDoIt,
              Thanks for your advice, I really feel sorry for you, could you please let me know the details about your hair transplant... Age, Norwood Scale, Any clue about surgeon who performed? Thanks again!



              • Don'tDoIt
                • Jul 2010
                • 77


                The surgeon was Dr. Craig Zeiring, who has offices in the Las Angeles area and in Las Vegas. I was 37 when I had the procedure done.

                Don't get a hair transplant. You look fine. If only I was in your shoes now, with the chance to decide again. I would certainly choose NO transplant. The strip scar is there for all to see. The grafts in front do not look natural, despite what I was told before the procedure.

                Please realize that you are making a mistake if you choose to have a transplant. I hope that I can at least convince you to avoid a strip procedure. Best wishes to you with your decision.

