Future Hair Loss After Transplant

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  • young_professional
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 3

    Future Hair Loss After Transplant

    Hey everyone,
    I am 26yo and had a HT last year. I went to one of the best docs and got results I am really happy with. I would say I was pretty much a nw3 with thinning throughout the front 1/3 at 21. I had been on propecia for 3.5 years before the surgery with some frontal regrowth and no additional loss. I figured since the meds worked for me, I could have a ht that would better frame my face (1500 grafts). I guess I was naive, but I was under the impression before I went in that if I kept taking propecia the rest of my life, I really wouldnt go too bald. Then I found these forums and read how it stops working for a lot of people. Unfortunately, I started getting a ton of anxiety that the meds would stop working. I also read Dr. Rassman's blog, which also gives me a ton of anxiety haha. According to my doc, I still have plenty of donor hair and I realize there is hope out there for new treatment. But my anxiety for whatever reason is relentless. My father is a nw6, do people think propecia can prevent that over time? I would love to hear some personal anecdotes from people who have gone through this and have been on the drug for an extended period. I know I should be out not worrying about this....I just have so much damn anxiety! Any comments that might help me chill out would be appreciated.
  • CIT_Girl
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 302

    I'm sorry that you are experiencing so much anxiety about this. There are so many conflicting articles and posts about Propecia that it's hard to know what to believe. As long as you are having success with it, you should try not to stress. If you do, in the future, find that it is becoming less effective, you can always try additional therapies in conjunction or instead. My best advice is to just enjoy your HT results and being 26; you're already being proactive and doing what you can to preserve your hair so just TRY not to worry.


    • hindsight2020
      • May 2010
      • 52

      Losing your hair sucks. Losing your hair before your 30 REALLY sucks. I also got a HT at 24 and continued to thin. I am an impulse buyer, and didn't think of the long-term. When you get a HT at an early age, there WILL be maintenance involve... ie; another HT. Over the past 6 years, I got mad at myself for pumping drugs into my body to stop hairloss (which is natural), and more recently, am really regretting getting the HT at all. It was great for a few years, but I have the rest of my life with a huge scar on the back of my head and an over sensitive scalp.

      My point is, be happy with who you are, and what you have. Be confident that your hair does not define who you are. Balding is a NATURAL thing, it happens. No matter how bad your, mine, or anyone elses situation gets on this site, there are people out there with far worse circumstances. Learn to be happy with who YOU are, and not what part of your head has hair.

      I know, easier said than done... took me 6 years. I cant wait to go through scar reduction and laser hair removal to go back to my natural balding head.


      • Dr. Glenn Charles
        IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
        • Nov 2008
        • 2419

        I agree with be happy with who you are and that how much hair you have does not define you. However, I also feel that if a person understands all of the possibilities and the potential for future hair loss, then making an improvement now that makes you feel better is not a bad thing.
        Dr. Glenn Charles
        Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
        View my IAHRS Profile

