I hear more horror stories than success stories

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  • djbfxtrader
    • Jul 2015
    • 30

    I hear more horror stories than success stories

    Hi all,

    I have been losing my hair since I was around 19-20 yrs old (now 26). I decided to go down the hair replacement route for a while but that wasn't really for me. Along with a lot of guys on here hair loss has caused me major depression and limited my life so to speak fairly extensively.

    I have been on this forum researching and looking into HT for around a year now as it is something which I am definitely considering as a final option to fix things or gain back a little self-confidence in life. However, I seem to read MORE horror stories and HT's going wrong than I do success stories. Hair transplants have been around for long enough now that one would like to think they are standard practice and fairly advanced however it seems to me that the longer time goes on the more mistakes happen?

    When reading online as we all know it is very difficult to find non-biased information. You google "best hair transplant surgeons in UK" or whatever and all those results you see are paid Adwords so thats no good. . I think surgeons can pay to be part of these associations right? I even just read a post on here from a guy, Alan who had his HT with an IAHRS surgeon and its THE most horrific story I have read so far! What does that tell us?

    I guess what I am trying to say is that it's so difficult to find through research these days WHERE is even reliable to go for a good HT. Then on top of that there is so much information out there saying that even if you DO find a good surgeon and pay them a sizeable chunk of money for your HT. . EVEN THEN your not guaranteed to get a great result, even then it can cause your hair to fall out or give you constant redness of scalp, or the grafts could not take. . You can be £10k ++ out of pocket to look worse than you did before?!!

    If anybody can show me a surgeon based mainly in the UK or Europe but can also be inter national who has achieved consistently good results with no hiccups and horror stories CONSISTENTLY for a long period of time then PLEASE let me know!
    Last edited by Winston; 01-26-2016, 11:49 AM. Reason: Please refer to our posting policies and TOS.
  • jamesst11
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 1067

    if you're in the UK, it's a no brainer - get an online consultation and fly to turkey and go with erdogon or dogonay
    Last edited by Winston; 01-26-2016, 11:49 AM.


    • allTheGoodNamesAreTaken
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2015
      • 330

      It's no surprise that you'd see a load of horror stories on the net - people who are just averagely satisfied with any sort of product/service/whatever don't usually take to the internet to shout about it. You tend to hear from people who are very happy or very pissed off with something.


      • jamesst11
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2014
        • 1067

        Originally posted by allTheGoodNamesAreTaken
        It's no surprise that you'd see a load of horror stories on the net - people who are just averagely satisfied with any sort of product/service/whatever don't usually take to the internet to shout about it. You tend to hear from people who are very happy or very pissed off with something.
        This is true, however, there are still places like Bosley that are doing an enormous amount of transplants a year. As I stated in another thread, I believe that at least 90% of those that undergo HT surgery and are unhappy with it are those that go to places like this. The leading IAHRS docs have a real reputation to uphold. They are not some McDonalds that work in sheer quantity. Places like Bosley are just concerned with the quota, not the patient. I am sure they invest hundreds of thousands just in lawyers to fend off and mute the patients that are upset with results.. this is where the population of unhappy HT victims comes from.


        • Spex
          Dr Representative
          • Nov 2008
          • 4217

          Welcome to the world of hair transplantation. Im UK based and a HT veteran of 12 of the bad boys.

          Do NOT rush in and take your time. Listen to the show and get a field for it all.

          If I can help feel free to reach out.
          Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

          Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

          View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

          Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

          I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


          • CaliD
            • Apr 2015
            • 66

            djbfxtrader, You're still young. Stabilize your hair loss with Minox and/or Finasteride. Remember a happy customer will tell 2-3 people. An unhappy customer will tell 8-10. I'm happy and I don't really talk about my transplant much. Best of luck.


            • brocktherock
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2013
              • 203

              Im a little over 3 months post op and Im seeing a lot of new growth already. I got a long way to go but Im really satisfied so far. Ive also noticed that Ive been checking this forum once every 2-3 days instead of every hour on the hour lol. If you do your homework and go to the best surgeons then you will be fine. Just be sure to use fin and minoxidil.


              • djbfxtrader
                • Jul 2015
                • 30

                Originally posted by Spex
                Welcome to the world of hair transplantation. Im UK based and a HT veteran of 12 of the bad boys.

                Do NOT rush in and take your time. Listen to the show and get a field for it all.

                If I can help feel free to reach out.
                Hey Spex,

                I have actually emailed you before for advice a long time back. Seriously considering HT now though. Can you directly recommend any surgeons in UK or Europe?



                • djbfxtrader
                  • Jul 2015
                  • 30

                  Hey James,

                  What makes you recommend "erdogon" and "dognap" so quickly out of interest?



                  • Driver
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 122

                    When you say that there is no guarantee of a good outcome, you are 100% right.

                    That having been said, if you do your homework, carefully choose an experienced and reputable surgeon, and have realistic expectations, I think your chances of having a good result are actually very high.


                    • djbfxtrader
                      • Jul 2015
                      • 30

                      Originally posted by jamesst11
                      if you're in the UK, it's a no brainer - get an online consultation and fly to turkey and go with erdogon or dogonay
                      Hey James!

                      Intrigued as to why you recommend Erdogon and Dogonay? Have you had experience with them??



                      • djbfxtrader
                        • Jul 2015
                        • 30

                        Originally posted by Spex
                        Welcome to the world of hair transplantation. Im UK based and a HT veteran of 12 of the bad boys.

                        Do NOT rush in and take your time. Listen to the show and get a field for it all.

                        If I can help feel free to reach out.
                        What is the best way to contact you Spex?



                        • djbfxtrader
                          • Jul 2015
                          • 30

                          BUMP . . . Everyone has gone quiet? How do I contact James and Spex to discuss further? anyone?



                          • djbfxtrader
                            • Jul 2015
                            • 30

                            In my initial post of this topic I mentioned that there is a lot of bias info online and on these forums who are people part of associations or promoting specific surgeons. I asked @Jamesst11 why you recommended erdogan in turkey? I ran a search on the forum for his name and it seems that no results come up however just a lot of posts containing YOUR user name where you have mentioned to a lot of people to go with this surgeon as he is your "favourite" This smells fishy to me .. . Are you on here to promoted specific surgeons and bias yourself? OR??? i am intrigued as to why you went quiet and dint answer my question....



                            • jamesst11
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2014
                              • 1067

                              Originally posted by djbfxtrader
                              In my initial post of this topic I mentioned that there is a lot of bias info online and on these forums who are people part of associations or promoting specific surgeons. I asked @Jamesst11 why you recommended erdogan in turkey? I ran a search on the forum for his name and it seems that no results come up however just a lot of posts containing YOUR user name where you have mentioned to a lot of people to go with this surgeon as he is your "favourite" This smells fishy to me .. . Are you on here to promoted specific surgeons and bias yourself? OR??? i am intrigued as to why you went quiet and dint answer my question....

                              haha... I understand. First off, I live in Michigan, US so I have never even spoken to erdogon or dogonay. I have never had a consult with them. I have had one HT with BOSLEY and got pretty butchered. In all my very thorough research, I come across surgeons that have what seem like consistently good results and happy patients. I also might talk about Shapiro, H&W, etc... I say erdogon or dogonay, simple because I one day will get a big transplant, and one of them is who I will chose. I mean, Look at swooping's results... flawless.

