KSL Glasgow clinic

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  • Gray100
    • Nov 2017
    • 55

    It wasn’t a ‘ dumbass’ comment your not gonnna go from being totally bald to having a full thick head of hair! I very much doubt a few lads on the street are gonna get them shut down! In every company there will be unhappy customers! Well I’m hapoy so far...results are good and positive comments from many people!!


    • Jamesy
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2017
      • 18

      Listen Gray100, I’m a client, I’m not going to lie, and so far so good with me also, don’t worry too much. I love how some of these d@&ks on here are giving you a hard time and accusing you of being an employee, for all we know david666, dg12 and liverpool1888, and any other, are probably a rival clinic, there, I said it!


      • Gray100
        • Nov 2017
        • 55

        Well said Jamesy...well I’m definitely not an employee..just a lad who’s happy with his HT!...take a screen shot of these flyers your handing out, as id love to see them lol


        • David666
          • Oct 2017
          • 33

          ah ha, more of Simon's puppets popping up to try and dilute the bad press, there is not a trick that the infamous Simon Lindsay wouldn't stoop too. I disagree, completely a dumbass comment, if you get sold a product then you should get what you pay for, when you go for a consultation with these sharks they should be realistic with what is possible, not telling you what you want to here, oh and it isn't a wee 4 man protest that is going to shut down these clowns, it will be healthcare improvement Scotland, trading standards, HMRC, News paper stories, Facebook pages, twitter comments, google reviews, yell reviews. if people want to protest and hand out leaflets and posters around Glasgow for a cause they feel strongly about then good on them, more fuel for the never ending fire, I bet Simon wont come out and say hello.


          • David666
            • Oct 2017
            • 33

            I'm not your MATE, and I AM not even involved with any protest and since Simon doesn't even have the guts to speak amicably to his customers on the phone, I pretty sure he`ll take the day off, yes I have heard myself thanks because I have being dealing with this ignorant prat for months now and been doing my homework very well, its not my fault you don't think before you type dumbass, personally I think your just naïve to the facts and what this clinic has done and is doing to peoples lives, I put it to you, Simon Lindsay has just liquidated KSL Hair LTD on the 25th of last month, why?? WHY THE F£$K would he do that?? it don't take the brains of the arch bishop to work that one out!!


            • David666
              • Oct 2017
              • 33

              fella, if I wanted my own comeback I would of wiped it off your mums chin!! and yeah we both share that in common, but I've accepted the fact, but your still living in hope, regardless of your childish insults, I hope you don't end up going though what many people shouldn't be! now run back and start humping Simon leg, you wee lap dog!


              • Gray100
                • Nov 2017
                • 55

                Living in hope off what? I’m not going to slander a company for no need..my results are good! I do feel for you regarding your unsuccessful HT..but you must have went in blind! Ha ha lap dog..that was actually quite funny!


                • David666
                  • Oct 2017
                  • 33

                  in all seriousness, your only 3 months in, and I do genuinely wish you all the success with your hair transplant, and yes I did go in blind and I am now paying for it, I have had a horrendous time dealing with KSL and I have spoke to many in the same boat. one thing I want above anything else is that no one else ends up in my position, with any luck all this bad publicity at the very least might make Simon take his customer services more seriously and with any luck you'll never be in my situation. but there is still a lot of people out of pocket with nothing to show for their money and Simon refuses to speak to them or compensate them which I feel is unacceptable, even worse some people are locked in to finance, while having unsuccessful transplants, with no help from KSL, you are right you shouldn't slander a company for no need, but you shouldn't mock people who are for valid reasons.


                  • Jamesy
                    Junior Member
                    • Oct 2017
                    • 18

                    Seems I missed a bit whilst travelling! I’m having a great experience so far, and you’re right david666 he’s only 3 months in, but you can’t assume that every HT from this company isn’t up to standard, and you have to remember a HT isn’t guaranteed, so effectively we ALL live in hope we get the result. I know people who went down south or abroad and got next to nothing in return, but they didn’t get any offer of a second op, the blame was put in them, so I think In all honesty (some people aside clearly, like yourself and others) KSL are doing what they can for the client. I think deep down there’s a nice person in there but you’ve had a bad experience so I get it, calling you all d@&ks earlier maybe jumping the gun haha, but I think the protest etc is shambolic and pointless


                    • Gray100
                      • Nov 2017
                      • 55

                      Customer service should be number one..and I agree they should be refunded/fixing the problem! If I am not happy after 9-12 months I will be getting more added!the finance part has people by their balls..of they stop payment their credit history is ruined!


                      • Gray100
                        • Nov 2017
                        • 55

                        Completely agree jamesy


                        • Paxman
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2016
                          • 20

                          Originally posted by David666
                          in all seriousness, your only 3 months in, and I do genuinely wish you all the success with your hair transplant, and yes I did go in blind and I am now paying for it, I have had a horrendous time dealing with KSL and I have spoke to many in the same boat. one thing I want above anything else is that no one else ends up in my position, with any luck all this bad publicity at the very least might make Simon take his customer services more seriously and with any luck you'll never be in my situation. but there is still a lot of people out of pocket with nothing to show for their money and Simon refuses to speak to them or compensate them which I feel is unacceptable, even worse some people are locked in to finance, while having unsuccessful transplants, with no help from KSL, you are right you shouldn't slander a company for no need, but you shouldn't mock people who are for valid reasons.
                          It's not slander if it's true! If what we're saying about Simon and KSL is untrue then why doesn't he take legal action against us for slander? Simon knows exactly who I am. Gray you should take a good look at your own comments on here as the only one making a fool of yourself on here is you!


                          • David666
                            • Oct 2017
                            • 33

                            correct, any plastic or cosmetic surgery is a risk, but KSL throw about their 100% satisfaction guarantee, I had very realistic expectations, but it was mainly their attitude towards me at the start and it escalated from there, believe it or not but all I wanted when I first made a very polite complain was to speak to Simon himself to explain my concerns, but he would even give me the time of day until I posted some photos on his twitter page and then all I got was threats, then I started to dig and found out how big the problem really was. indeed customer services should be the top of any company's priorities, 1 happy customer tells 5 of his friends, 1 unhappy customer tells 7 of his friends, so I really don't understand why Simon has let it get this far, he is only damaging his own interests, myself and others I have talked to are certainly far from unreasonable, but here we are still out of pocket with failed promises from KSL.


                            • Gray100
                              • Nov 2017
                              • 55

                              I’m making a fool of myself?? Ha ha..are you for real!...going protesting on the street handing out flyers?? Ok pal lol the jokes on you guys! I bid you good luck because your gonna need it! I’ll sleep peacefully again tonight..


                              • David666
                                • Oct 2017
                                • 33

                                people clearly feel very strongly about this subject if they are willing to protest, if you cant say anything encouraging then don't say anything atoll, remember you could easily be in there position in 9 months time, not saying you would be or you would stand in the street, but I would hazard a guess that none of those 4 protesters thought they would be doing that at 3 months post surgery. so I advice to you gray is to just stay neutral, monitor the situation and if possible some helpful advice, humility costs nothing.

