KSL Glasgow clinic

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  • Russeding
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2017
    • 1

    Wow. Was supposed to go and have a consultation with ksl today but I didn't because of work. So glad I didn't now. I saw that bloke Jake Quickenden who was on X factor had surgery with them so they must be legit. They must have paid him off like the footy players!


    • Burn KSL
      • Sep 2017
      • 46


      We are looking at court action as well. I'd like to discuss this more with you. Maybe even get our solicitors talking, make a better plan putting all our heads together.


      • David666
        • Oct 2017
        • 33

        yes, I completely agree, these people need to be stopped, but we need to discuss this privately, also leaving plenty of reviews and publicising their misconduct on social media will reduce their exposure and hopefully stop anyone else falling fowl of KSL hair`s extravagant claims and poor services.


        • Burn KSL
          • Sep 2017
          • 46

          I totally agree, I'm just looking for folk to express their interest on this other chat and we can make a plan from that. I would also like it keep the details private, I could pm you.

          KSL Court Action;

          Hi there, I am in the middle of building a case against KLS in Glasgow and would like it if all the unhappy customers could reply. Give me your thoughts on court, lets share ideas and put them to a stop. I had enough and feel it is now time to fight them. We need to work together and we will succeed if we put our minds to


          • David666
            • Oct 2017
            • 33

            gents, ive created a disposable email address to get this discussion away from prying eyes, feel free to contact me clearlynotthebest@gmx.com and lets escalate things.


            • Burn KSL
              • Sep 2017
              • 46

              Please contact David and lets stop this from ever happening again.

              Things are in motion chaps so lets keep the heads up. :-)


              • Paxman
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2016
                • 20

                Originally posted by Driver
                The top looks pretty good to me. I can see what you mean about the back.
                They didn't touch the top, they only did a little bit at my temples and badly done at that, patchy and growing in the opposite direction of my natural hair making it look terrible if I grow it in.


                • elletee
                  Junior Member
                  • Oct 2017
                  • 1

                  Follow up on scarring by KSL

                  Originally posted by Paxman
                  This reply is probably a bit late, but hopefully it will give anyone else considering using KSL for hair restoration surgery pause for thought.

                  I had two procedures done by them & still have a patchy result & they have left me with bad scarring at the back & that was with FUE!

                  They only did the second procedure because I had left a negative review online & it was conditional on my changing it.

                  This was a huge mistake as I still have the patchy result at the front & now I have all this scarring at the back to go with it.

                  I would urge anyone to think twice about using them as they have given me nothing but grief these past two years.

                  Maybe I'm being picky as they told me that they have seen people end up with worse scarring at the back & are still happier to have more hair on top, but I've not found anyone saying that on any forum I've searched.
                  Hi Paxman. I'm new to the forum, so forgive me if I'm asking too many questions. I'm considering a HT and had been looking at KSL amongst others, so I googled them to try and do as much research as possible. I'm glad I did.

                  The scarring at the back looks bad and its very patchy around the temples. This is after the two procedures!? I don't think being left with the scarring your photo shows as being picky at all, as their website states the FUE procedure leaves minimal scarring that can only be seen through a microscope.

                  I take it that the back is not repairable? Although, if thats what they did to the back, I'm not sure i would want them to go near my hair again if it was me. Have they offered any refund or compensation? As surely after two unsatisfactory procedures one of which left you with very visible scarring, they must realise they messed it up, they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee on their website?


                  • Burn KSL
                    • Sep 2017
                    • 46


                    It is up to you who you use, Just make sure you make the right decision. Over the next few weeks there will be a lot to read on KSL. Also there is now a law that you have to be credited my Healthcare Improvement Scotland, KSL have not yet been approved. KSL is the worst mistake I have ever made. They do not offer refunds, well not to myself or other I am in contact with, just more procedures. But we hope this to change and will fight for it.


                    • AA08
                      Junior Member
                      • Oct 2017
                      • 2

                      Ksl experience

                      I too have had a terrible experience with KSL. I went back for a second fue as the first one was so poor and this is has not improved it at all.

                      Is it a good idea to ask for a refund? Or should I take out a claim?

                      Thanks people.


                      • Burn KSL
                        • Sep 2017
                        • 46

                        Hi AA08,

                        Could I please suggest you email clearlynotthebest@gmx.com, there is a lot of information becoming available in the steps to take.


                        • Burn KSL
                          • Sep 2017
                          • 46


                          If you do not wish to send us an email then I would recommend seeking legal advice. You have rights even though you signed a "contract", you are entitled to ask for your money back form KSL. This could be as you do not wish for KLS Glasgow to carry out any further work. Probably because the results are never going to be what was expected or will never be achieved with the third procedure.

                          As you will see from a few places now there are a lot of unhappy customers form KSL. Things are developing in such away that KSL can not sit back on this, they will have to act on each complaint. They are in the light of Health Improvement Scotland and such things will not be tolerated by them.

                          Post you experience on here. Comment on the other threads on here liked to KSL with your experience etc. Also leave reviews on google and every site you can think of, until you are heard.


                          • Burn KSL
                            • Sep 2017
                            • 46


                            Anyone that wishes to reply then please do in the right manner, stick to facts and no abusive language. Simon of staff at KSL might try to provoke you into a reaction, resulting you getting blocked on here and possible anywhere else. Resulting in your story not being heard and someone else going through the same traumatic experience you have gone through.


                            • Longshank
                              Junior Member
                              • Oct 2017
                              • 20

                              Hi I am booked in for a transplant with Ksl. Can anyone tell me the name of the surgeon that you used that did the bad transplants. Is it the same guy that is on their website? Do they just subcontract out for surgeons? Is it the one that has been doing all the celebrities?

                              My doctor had a hair transplant with him and raves about him



                              • Burn KSL
                                • Sep 2017
                                • 46

                                Hi Longshank,

                                I can tell you the names of the two that did my hair. Bad thing is they both look like they are generated online. From their background to their linkin, just looks verry suspicious.
                                Looking back on it now, I wish I did more research on KSL as they were an absolute disaster with me. What I have noticed that the company it's self is a bit strange when you research it. But thank god for sites like this, where you can get better information so that you can make an informed decision.
                                My advice is stay away or you could be like us and getting offered FUE transplant number 3.

                                Hope this helps but I can't say anymore than stay well away. I certainly regret ever calling them, never mind booking an appointment.

