[Sorry for the duplicate post - posted it under the wrong forum the first time!]
I need some advice on how to do my first HT.
I'm 31, balding since 21, destined for complete baldness (dad/both granddads totally bald). Currently on Rog 2x/day, Fin 1.25mg/day (R for 10 yrs, Fin for 1 mo.).
Current level of baldness hard to rank, maybe closest to NW5? Complete bald spot for me at crown about 3-4" wide, and significantly thin across the front/top, however I have close to my natural hairline level except it is thin like the rest of the top. I have black hair and white skin.
I spoke with a few surgeons, each advocate an initial surgery (I know I will def need more given my future loss) of 2000-2500 grafts -- HOWEVER, some say to put it all on the front/top now, while others say to put most on front/top and some (maybe 20-30%) on crown at the bald spot. I actually favor the latter, but worry that continued gradual hair loss will make the transplanted crown hairs more conspicuous? [as discussed in point #2 on page 3 of this article: http://www.dricohen.com/news/A...etworkwithHeader.pdf
Those who advocate leaving the crown alone for a year and doing the front/top first -- then I'm left with at least a year of being self-conscious about the bald spot before going for another surgery to address the crown ... although front density is important given that it's thinning to where scalp is visible... which way is best for first surgery, given that I'm destined to lose all my natural hair?
Thanks in advance for your comments!
I need some advice on how to do my first HT.
I'm 31, balding since 21, destined for complete baldness (dad/both granddads totally bald). Currently on Rog 2x/day, Fin 1.25mg/day (R for 10 yrs, Fin for 1 mo.).
Current level of baldness hard to rank, maybe closest to NW5? Complete bald spot for me at crown about 3-4" wide, and significantly thin across the front/top, however I have close to my natural hairline level except it is thin like the rest of the top. I have black hair and white skin.
I spoke with a few surgeons, each advocate an initial surgery (I know I will def need more given my future loss) of 2000-2500 grafts -- HOWEVER, some say to put it all on the front/top now, while others say to put most on front/top and some (maybe 20-30%) on crown at the bald spot. I actually favor the latter, but worry that continued gradual hair loss will make the transplanted crown hairs more conspicuous? [as discussed in point #2 on page 3 of this article: http://www.dricohen.com/news/A...etworkwithHeader.pdf
Those who advocate leaving the crown alone for a year and doing the front/top first -- then I'm left with at least a year of being self-conscious about the bald spot before going for another surgery to address the crown ... although front density is important given that it's thinning to where scalp is visible... which way is best for first surgery, given that I'm destined to lose all my natural hair?
Thanks in advance for your comments!