Survey: Finasteride Users on this forum (one big Finasteride Thread)

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  • Phatalis
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2009
    • 263

    Survey: Finasteride Users on this forum (one big Finasteride Thread)

    I figured maybe it'd be a cool thing for everyone on here using Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) to give their experiences in one thread so anyone considering doing it can check it out.

    It'd be easier to write a small quick summary good or bad instead of going into depth... but it's your call if you have more time to put something more detailed in. Even if you already posted in here about it. Having all the stories based in one area for reference would be nice. Also it's a nice thing in that this forum is one of (to me, the only) real honest place when it comes to information of Hair Treatment/Balding.

    I just recently started taking it and I see threads on it all over that are all mixed results. One thread will have 5 people with bad results. Another with 2 people with amazing results... it'd be nice to get it all together and sort of tally it up.

    I plan on continuing it (though like every guy I'm a little paranoid) but I intend on putting my results in here as well.

    Anyhow, have at you!
  • Turkman
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 9

    I am a 23 Year old who has been taking finasteride 1mg since I was 18. Little to no regrowth, and hairline has receded further during this time, but the rate of loss seems to be significantly slower. I have experienced no side effects as a result of the medication.


    • Zao
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 152

      I’m 30 years old and I've been taking Propecia for 12 years with very good results. I’ve had no side effects and have slowed my hair loss down considerably. I have only recently been considering a hair transplant but I still have an acceptable amount of hair.

      Here's my long story
      Eleven years ago back in 1998 I was an 18 year old freshman in college and I was losing my hair. I had been losing it since about 16, I think but it was becoming very noticeable when I got to college. Styling my hair was nightmare and I was starting to get the comments from my friends. It came to a head one night when I was at


      • bighosedragger
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 20

        this is a post i had posted on another thread...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        i would absolutely get on propecia now! i wish i would have started as soon as i started showing signs on frontal hairloss! at 28 i started noticing loss in the temples and started rogaine. i asked my primary care doctor about propecia and she said to wait that there is to many side effects. i finally went to a ht doctor around 32 and he gave me propecia....and i have slowed most loss and have kept all of my crown just as thick as ever. even though my temples still are slowly receeding i wished i had started at 28. by the way i have no side effects at all! propecia definitely help will help slow and maybe keep what you have!


        • mattj
          Doctor Representative
          • Oct 2009
          • 1421

          I got on proscar several months after I realised I was losing hair, which was actually further into the balding process than most guys probably are when they notice. I'll never understand how I missed it for so long. I'd say I was a NW2. Just recession at the front.

          Anyway, I think my hairloss accelerated a bit after I started taking it. Up until then it had been very gradual and then I noticed some fairly rapid thinning (still only at the front) over the following months. That stopped, however, and I'd say that things have remained unchanged ever since. I would conservatively designate myself a NW2A. The younger guys in the other forums might call me a NW3.

          Started December 2005, proscar 1.25 mg (roughly) per day. No other medications or products at all.

          No side effects to speak of. I do notice itching and can feel small, zit-like things in my hairline if a skip a few days.

          Personally I think that the anti-finasteride hysteria which lurks around some areas of the internet must be responsible for a lot of unnecessary balding in the guys who choose to listen to the loud minority over the mostly silent majority.
          Last edited by mattj; 01-08-2010, 02:45 PM.
          I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

          My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

          I can be contacted for advice:


          • bighosedragger
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 20

            Mattj......i couldnt agree more with your last comment about propecia!


            • rotsen182
              • Dec 2009
              • 44

              been on finas 1mg for 60 days , mayor sides , libido, fever , brain fog ... they lasted 2 weeks still have watery semen after 60 days started with finas 1.25 finas 5mg cut in 4. again sides brain fog only . cut the dose to 1/6 of pill , everything went back to normal . i´m seeing results , hair darker and healtier , ( on minox and keto also)


              • speedman
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 13

                30 and just noticed thining on the top of my the last 4 months. i have been on propecia for 2 months and for the first week i had testicular pain. it went away after that. however, i have had watery semen every since i started. one somewhat plus side is that my thining doesn't seem to have gotten any worse, but then again it may be too early to tell. oh also, sex drive is actually a little bit higher.


                • robberob
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 31

                  Im 23 and have been on propecia for 2 years now and i am ditching the stuff soon after im done with this last months proscription.


                  • rotsen182
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 44

                    Originally posted by robberob
                    Im 23 and have been on propecia for 2 years now and i am ditching the stuff soon after im done with this last months proscription.
                    explain please


                    • River
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 25

                      I'm 28, and I have been taking finasteride for about 10 months. My response has been fantastic, to the extent that it is possibly atypical. Before I started taking propecia I had the beginnings of a NW3 situation. Everyone I knew commented on the developing bald spot. Thankfully, my barber was willing to help hide it, and with his clever cutting, and black hair dye, my hair appeared ok.

                      However, I knew that it was going to get worse, so I started on finasteride. Within 4 months I could see shitloads of new white hairs on both my hairline and crown. at about 6 months it was visualy obvious that my hair was a lot thicker. And at ten months, where I am at right now, I do not have any obvious signs of baldness. MY bald spot has completely filled in. It's perhaps a little less dense than the rest of my hair, but it is absolutely amazing.

                      One year ago, I was at a party where I asked a girl to guess my age. She said 28. Two weeks ago, a different girl thought I was 22. That demonstrates how much my hair had improved thanks to propecia. I have had no sides. It is just an awesome and safe drug.


                      • Spex
                        Dr Representative
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 4217

                        Been on Proscar (1mg) for over 10 years - haulted further loss entirely!

                        Best thing i ever did in terms of preventing further loss.

                        Mattj makes a good point.
                        Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                        Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                        View Media interviews

                        Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                        I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                        • robberob
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 31

                          Originally posted by rotsen182
                          explain please
                          balding at a faster rate than when i was not on the prescription. Personally though, I would recommend anyone the product due to the fact that the individual does have a chance of hair re-growth. But what i have seen from my own personal results (and from others i know personally) i will definitely warn them of the possible outcomes. Happy to see some of yall with great results though.


                          • PayDay
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 544

                            I’ve been taking Propecia for 6 years with decent results and zero side effects. I’ve kept most of the hair I had when I started but the texture is not quite as good as it was the first year on Propecia. All in all I would recommend that people give it a try.


                            • MoreCoffee
                              Junior Member
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 19


                              C'mon Rotsen, could you please answer us?

                              So please tell me what you believe caused your Propecia sides to dissapear? What advice can you give? I tried iit at differing doses but no relief! Thank you!

