An Historic Milestone/Hasson & Wong HD Video Fridays/Dr. Wong/3581 Grafts/One Session

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  • Jotronic
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 1537

    An Historic Milestone/Hasson & Wong HD Video Fridays/Dr. Wong/3581 Grafts/One Session

    Welcome to the latest update for "Hasson & Wong HD Video Fridays". This update is an historical milestone that has never been achieved before. First, about this case...

    This patient came to Dr. Wong with a singular goal. He wanted to no longer be bald and sought the help of Dr. Wong to accomplish this goal. In one session Dr. Wong and his team transplanted 3581 grafts to rebuild an age appropriate hairline and establish continuous coverage. The results shown are one year post-op.

    Singles - 951
    Doubles - 2440
    3/4 - 190

    Now, why is this update so important? Because this update commemorates the one year anniversary of Hasson & Wong HD Video Fridays! For three years now Hasson & Wong has standardized our video documentation in high definition format. Years ago we recognized that video was the next step for documenting quality final results but we quickly learned that standard definition just didn't cut it when it comes to showing the details one would see in person and quite frankly it is my opinion that standard definition video is no better than photos.

    In the past we would show a HD video of a patient's results but we only would did every so often due to the efforts involved to get patients to allow video documentation. That, and the process of formatting HD video for the web was quite difficult. One year ago however we made some changes, bought some new software and refocused our efforts and priorities to increase the amount of documentation we could present. We challenged ourselves with the announcement of "Hasson & Wong HD Video Fridays" and it has continued to be a challenge ever since. I am very happy to say that our initial goal of one video every Friday for one full year has been achieved.

    Some points to consider.

    1.) No clinic has consistently shown video with detailed close ups of each hair and how it exits the scalp as well as show the hair being combed, styled, etc. To show a video of a result without detailed comb throughs simply negates the point of using video to begin with. Video is supposed to be used to give a presentation that one cannot get with photos and if the details that you would look for in person cannot be replicated then the video is useless.

    2.) No clinic has updated on a weekly basis showing a new result via video, much less with HD video. I have not seen any other HD videos on the web showing a final result and any videos presented at all are only presented every so often and you only see the final hair "style" instead of anything resembling close scrutiny. Infomercial style videos certainly do not qualify either.

    3.) To this day, three years after we adopted HD video, NO clinic has followed suit by using HD video to truly show the details of a result. This is important as it demonstrates our confidence and our track record and more than anything it demonstrates the greatest amount of transparency of any clinic on the web.

    What does this mean? It means that when consistency is the #1 factor that patients should consider then Hasson & Wong has the most evidence of consistency available. We now have a grand total of 114 videos on our website of which 100 are in HD and we also have 105 patients documented with photos that do not use trick lighting.

    Patient results videos... 86 Videos
    Hot Topics... 1 video
    Patient testimonials...15 Videos
    Hair Transplant Procedure... 4 Videos
    Tricophytic closures... 3 Videos
    Pre/Post-0p...2 Videos
    News & Interviews... 2 Videos
    Streeters... 1 Video

    Patient results photos...105 cases
    Patient blogs linked from our homepage...74 with close to 100 more to be added shortly.

    Hasson & Wong has set the standards for megasessions, dense packing, lateral slits, patient sharing and education, photographic documentation and now with video documentation. We are very proud of this latest accomplishment and look forward to continuing Hasson & Wong HD Video Fridays for as long as we possibly can. Eventually, we will miss one Friday or another due to whatever factors but we will continue to push out new HD video results as much as possible.

    I am employed by Hasson & Wong, on salary, not commission. My opinions are my own.

    Hasson & Wong-The More You Look The Better We Look.

    Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

    All opinions are my own and may not necessarily be shared by Dr. Wong and/or Dr. Hasson.

    If you are interested in having an online consultation visit

    To view my story and history visit my website at
  • Winston
    • Mar 2009
    • 929

    Congratulations Jotronic! Your videos are always very impressive. I saw you in Spencer’s chat on Tuesday and was very impressed with your hair transplant results.


    • Jotronic
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2008
      • 1537


      I remember you chiming in on the show. Thanks for your comments about the videos and also for MY hair Have a great weekend!

      All opinions are my own and may not necessarily be shared by Dr. Wong and/or Dr. Hasson.

      If you are interested in having an online consultation visit

      To view my story and history visit my website at


      • Winston
        • Mar 2009
        • 929

        No problem, I try to watch every week, I’ve become addicted It’s great that it’s on during the week too now. I’ve heard you on the show before, I think it was about a year ago. Keep up the good work Jotronic!

