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Thread: Balding Aged 20

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2012

    Default Balding Aged 20

    I am so depressed at the moment. Are there any cheap options that work on hairloss? I need to regrow my hair.

    I went to see the doctor at 15 years old and had a blood test and was told everything was normal. 5 years later and I'm almost bald. It's been a tough time given my height, weight and going bald.

    I have always shaved my hair to a 3 anyway so it was not like I was adapting to a whole different level of hair shortness. What I am struggling to deal with though is having to cut my hair shorter and shorter (now at a 1) and the hair being extremely thin on top. The hairs in some areas of my head are that short now I cannot even feel them.

    I really need some help. Scalp really visible and the hair being so thin on the top of my head with no sign of regrowth.

    Is there anything I can use or buy to work? Being on an apprenticeship I do not have the luxury of a proper wage. My confidence has been affected and I feel stressed whenever I think about my hair.

    I do not mind having short hair, but what I don't want to be doing is going completely bald. I do not have the facial hair and still have a babyface which makes matters worse. If I could use something that would thicken my hair on a shaver 1 or a 2 if regrowth could be possible that would be great for me.


    Mine looked similar to that until I shaved it to shaver 1 months ago. But as the hair grows ever so slowly it looks a mess so I shave it again. All I want is that hair to become thick with no signs of balding on the crown. It seems an impossible ask. More recently I have noticed that it's really short on the crown now and it's not because I have shaved it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member dex89's Avatar
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    Orange County, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturd View Post
    I am so depressed at the moment. Are there any cheap options that work on hairloss? I need to regrow my hair.

    I went to see the doctor at 15 years old and had a blood test and was told everything was normal. 5 years later and I'm almost bald. It's been a tough time given my height, weight and going bald.

    I have always shaved my hair to a 3 anyway so it was not like I was adapting to a whole different level of hair shortness. What I am struggling to deal with though is having to cut my hair shorter and shorter (now at a 1) and the hair being extremely thin on top. The hairs in some areas of my head are that short now I cannot even feel them.

    I really need some help. Scalp really visible and the hair being so thin on the top of my head with no sign of regrowth.

    Is there anything I can use or buy to work? Being on an apprenticeship I do not have the luxury of a proper wage. My confidence has been affected and I feel stressed whenever I think about my hair.

    I do not mind having short hair, but what I don't want to be doing is going completely bald. I do not have the facial hair and still have a babyface which makes matters worse. If I could use something that would thicken my hair on a shaver 1 or a 2 if regrowth could be possible that would be great for me.


    Mine looked similar to that until I shaved it to shaver 1 months ago. But as the hair grows ever so slowly it looks a mess so I shave it again. All I want is that hair to become thick with no signs of balding on the crown. It seems an impossible ask. More recently I have noticed that it's really short on the crown now and it's not because I have shaved it.
    You should see a dermatologist first bro but if you don't then check these links out.



    Get on rogaine foam or minox tropical am/pm, you can buy this anywhere.

    Proscar 1.25mg everyday if you don't want to see a dermo here's another option to buy purchase it(http://www.inhousepharmacy.biz/p-425-proscar-5mg.aspx) just make sure you cut it into quarts.

    Nizoral 1% twice a week. buy this at amazon or walmart

    try other experiments like spiro 5% topical and folligen cream/spray

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2012


    thank you for the response.

    I have booked myself in to see a doctor.

    I will see if I can get referred to a dermatologist once I go to see the doctor next Friday. However I came online as I felt you guys would be much more useful and helpful as you have all gone through the same thing. That means much more to me than a doctor or dermatologist who can be paid to give you bad advice. I will still see them just to get a second opinion.

    The nizoral is that the shampoo? I have been using that for a good while as the doctor recommended it for the dandruff and dry skin I had on my head a while ago.

    About the Rogaine foam, Minoxidil, Propecia/Proscar/Finasteride what would be the best to use to get results? This is the first time I have heard about Proscar, but a simple search in the internet says it's basically Propecia? Not sure why there are different names for similar products.

    I just want to strengthen/thicken and regrow my hair.

    The products above as well is there a way to drive down the price by seeing the doctor/GP? I know it's not free on the NHS in the UK but I'm hoping they can get me the prescription at a reduced rate. Being on an apprenticeship wage would make it extremely difficult to afford £80's worth of hair treatment each time.

    If this could be answered it would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping I can a legitimate prescription at a cheaper price. I cannot afford to be paying so much out on my hair even if I am desperate to get the hairloss reversed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    yea man proscar is generic propecia. Not sure what the prices are of everything in the UK because I'm in the states. I used to keep my hair at a 3 too in highschool and in college, but once my hairloss started progressing more towards the end of college, I went to a 2. The general consensus around here is to get on the "big 3" (minoxidil, fin, and nizoral) to halt/slow the loss and possibly experience regrowth.

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