Strange Experience with Minoxidil

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  • Lounk61
    Senior Member
    • May 2012
    • 138

    Strange Experience with Minoxidil

    Been using Minoxidil 5% 2x a day all over my NW6 scalp for about 9 months since I got an ht. Liquid form for about 7 months then switched to foam. Never had any reactions except for maybe a little redness on scalp. Less than 2 weeks ago I broke out in a bad rash with raised skin that itched like crazy on the front and back of my neck and scalp became very red and irritated and burned including near temples and along forehead. One day I had a racing heart incident. Also developed a couple of little growths on my scalp. Didn't know what was going on. Started putting on cortisone cream just to stop the itch which worked a little. Saw my HT doctor who told me to stop the minox that I was probably having a reaction to it and to see a dermatologist just to make sure it was nothing else and to look at the little growths that developed. She said she's seen the scalp reaction before but couldn't explain the rashes on the front and back of my neck and the few growths on the scalp but assumed it was all part of a bad reaction to the minoxidil. She said even though I never had any reaction for all those months of using it you can get a reaction at any time and you have to stop using it immediately as opposed to stopping gradually. 9 days later, scalp is still red and flaking, forehead and temples still patchy red and flaking, front and back of neck seems to be getting a little better after using all kinds of creams including aloe, cortisone, and zinc oxide. What a freakin mess. like I had some sort of chemical burn. Have an appointment with a dermatologist but not till the first week in October. Hope I make it till then. Supposed to get another HT in November or October but have to clear all this up first. Any one else have any reactions to minoxidil like mine or am I just having bad luck? Assuming this is a bad reaction to minoxidil. Thanks.
  • Tiger norwood's
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 104

    Originally posted by Lounk61
    Been using Minoxidil 5% 2x a day all over my NW6 scalp for about 9 months since I got an ht. Liquid form for about 7 months then switched to foam. Never had any reactions except for maybe a little redness on scalp. Less than 2 weeks ago I broke out in a bad rash with raised skin that itched like crazy on the front and back of my neck and scalp became very red and irritated and burned including near temples and along forehead. One day I had a racing heart incident. Also developed a couple of little growths on my scalp. Didn't know what was going on. Started putting on cortisone cream just to stop the itch which worked a little. Saw my HT doctor who told me to stop the minox that I was probably having a reaction to it and to see a dermatologist just to make sure it was nothing else and to look at the little growths that developed. She said she's seen the scalp reaction before but couldn't explain the rashes on the front and back of my neck and the few growths on the scalp but assumed it was all part of a bad reaction to the minoxidil. She said even though I never had any reaction for all those months of using it you can get a reaction at any time and you have to stop using it immediately as opposed to stopping gradually. 9 days later, scalp is still red and flaking, forehead and temples still patchy red and flaking, front and back of neck seems to be getting a little better after using all kinds of creams including aloe, cortisone, and zinc oxide. What a freakin mess. like I had some sort of chemical burn. Have an appointment with a dermatologist but not till the first week in October. Hope I make it till then. Supposed to get another HT in November or October but have to clear all this up first. Any one else have any reactions to minoxidil like mine or am I just having bad luck? Assuming this is a bad reaction to minoxidil. Thanks.
    I think this is a rare case of severe allergic reaction to minox, In the beginning when i started using it in liquid form i had an allergic reaction too. My scalp turned red and skin was very irritated. I made a switch to rogaine foam and everything was perfect until my forehead started to develop wrinkles like a 90 year old man, then i had to quit the stuff for good. I am still waiting on my collagen levels to hopefully get back to normal again. So if you have a bald head be careful with this stuff, i know Spencer is not a big fan of the drug, and i think only few people have very god results with this drug alone, and it is mostly women like "Tracy c" from this forum. With this severe kind reaction, you should think twice before using it. Your dermatologist will of course advice you on what is best for you.


    • Lounk61
      Senior Member
      • May 2012
      • 138

      Thanks for your input and experience. I probably won't be using minox anymore. I'm not sure if it did anything for my hair anyway.


      • Tracy C
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 3125

        Originally posted by Tiger norwood's
        I think this is a rare case of severe allergic reaction to minox...
        Honestly, I don't believe that was a reaction to Minoxidil at all. He had been using it for nine months prior. It is far more likely that something else caused that and he should go see a doctor about it.


        • Tiger norwood's
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2012
          • 104

          Originally posted by Tracy C
          Honestly, I don't believe that was a reaction to Minoxidil at all. He had been using it for nine months prior. It is far more likely that something else caused that and he should go see a doctor about it.

          "She said even though I never had any reaction for all those months of using it you can get a reaction at any time and you have to stop using it immediately as opposed to stopping gradually"

          i would listen to the dermatologist, the more you are exposed to a substance also food etc. the more likely you can develop allergic tendencies, and also you changed to another brand.

          One more time Tracy, the facts to back it up.

          Side effects

          Common side effects of minoxidil include burning or irritation of the eye, itching, redness or irritation at the treated area, as well as unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body. Users should stop treatment and seek medical attention right away if they experience any of the following serious side effects: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chest pain; dizziness; fainting; fast heartbeat; sudden, unexplained weight gain; swollen hands or feet.[11]
          Alcohol and propylene glycol present in some topical preparations may dry the scalp, resulting in dandruff and contact dermatitis.[12] Some formulations of minoxidil substitute lipid Nanosomes in order to reduce contact dermatitis from the alcohol and propylene glycol vehicle.[13][14]
          Paradoxically, hair loss is a common side effect of minoxidil treatment.[15] Manufacturers note that minoxidil-induced hair loss is a common side effect and describe the process as "shedding". Although this phenomenon demonstrates that minoxidil is indeed affecting hair follicles, manufacturers offer no guarantee that the new hair loss will be replaced with hair growth. The speculated reason for this shedding is the encouragement of hairs already in the telogen phase to shed early.
          Side effects of oral minoxidil may include swelling of the face and extremities, rapid and irregular heartbeat, lightheadedness, cardiac lesions, and focal necrosis of the papillary muscle and subendocardial areas of the left ventricle.[16] There have been cases of allergic reactions to minoxidil or the non-active ingredient propylene glycol, which is found in some topical minoxidil formulations. Pseudoacromegaly is an extremely rare side effect reported with large doses of oral minoxidil.[17]
          Minoxidil is highly toxic to cats and may cause death with just inadvertent skin contact.[18][19]


          • topcat
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 849

            Lounk it was in fact more than likely a reaction to Minoxidil. I started using minoxidil about 30 years ago well before it was approved. In between that time I have used different strengths from 2% - 15% never having any issues. It was only when I tried the foam that the side effects were horrendous. I looked like I had aged 25 years in a matter of a week. Really shook me up and I stopped using it immediately and thankfully recovered in about 2 weeks.

            Just Google the issue and you will find many others that have had similar experiences. I know many on these forums like to give advice but sometimes they really don’t know what they are talking about.

            Stop using the foam immediately and maybe go back to what you were doing after a few weeks.


            • Breaking Bald
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2012
              • 610

              Originally posted by topcat
              Lounk it was in fact more than likely a reaction to Minoxidil. I started using minoxidil about 30 years ago well before it was approved. In between that time I have used different strengths from 2% - 15% never having any issues. It was only when I tried the foam that the side effects were horrendous. I looked like I had aged 25 years in a matter of a week. Really shook me up and I stopped using it immediately and thankfully recovered in about 2 weeks.

              Just Google the issue and you will find many others that have had similar experiences. I know many on these forums like to give advice but sometimes they really don’t know what they are talking about.

              Stop using the foam immediately and maybe go back to what you were doing after a few weeks.
              Why would the foam give you sides? But not the liquid?


              • Lounk61
                Senior Member
                • May 2012
                • 138

                Thanks for the support and info on this. My HT doc said to go to a dermatologist to find out for sure what's going on. I'll let you all know what the dermatologist finds. I think it's very important we get as much info from personal experience using all of these medications to be able to make good decisions. Thanks Topcat, Tracy C and Tiger Norwood for your support. I'm an NW6 and need a lot of work up on top and hope to make the right decisions going forward. I was one of the originals who got plugged in the 70's when I was in my 20's. That was a pretty bad decision. The last Ht I got was Nov 2011 of 2300 grafts about 4500 hairs to my front and sides to frame my face. It's mostly grown in but nothing to get excited about. My hair is fine so the coverage isn't that good. Next HT is in October foe about 1000 grafts using what my donor area has to offer, but BHT is in my future. Being 61 I don't have time on my side. Hope I can get this all cleared up. Scalp is still peeling and raw, front and back neck and behind ears are still red and itchy, forehead and sides by the temples are red and skin is hard. using all kinds of creams to alleviate the discomfort until I can get to the dermatologist. Don't think I'll be using minoxidil again unless I find out that's not what caused this problem. Thanks again guys and lady's.


                • Lounk61
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2012
                  • 138

                  Originally posted by Breaking Bald
                  Why would the foam give you sides? But not the liquid?
                  That's a good question. I'm not sure what the hell is going on. I'll let you know after I see a dermatologist. Hopefully next week.


                  • Lounk61
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2012
                    • 138

                    Originally posted by Tracy C
                    Honestly, I don't believe that was a reaction to Minoxidil at all. He had been using it for nine months prior. It is far more likely that something else caused that and he should go see a doctor about it.
                    Tracy, my HT doc told me after looking at me that you can get a reaction at any time although she didn't know why I had all this irritation on my neck, behind my ears and the few growths that popped up on my scalp. She thinks it's a reaction to the minoxidil but wants me to go to a dermatologist to check everything out. I'll let you know after I see the dermatologist. Thanks for always being helpful and for all of your input.


                    • Slingshot
                      Junior Member
                      • Oct 2016
                      • 1

                      I had the exactly the same problem after using the foam after 3dAys.My head is like on fire,cannot get any relief from anything except cold compress on my forehead.Its been almost 5 days with these symptoms,have no idea what to do.Does anyone know something?
                      Please reply,thanks so much!,,

