How many grafts will I need [pics]

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  • Spex
    Dr Representative
    • Nov 2008
    • 4289

    In my opinion its clear you are definitely in store for further loss and quite quickly - Are you on Finasteride ? Hair loss is progessive - therefore you will lose more over time so the more hair you can keep /stabilise the better as in turn it will mean fewer HT's. However do not be in ANY rush for a HT till you are confident your hair loss is stable. You will more than likely stop the loss or even regrow mid/crown on finasteride so consider it whilst you have the option to salvage a good amount of hair still.

    See a couple of 2500-3000 examples

    Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

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    I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


    • Thinking
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 28

      Thank you for opinion, will check out the videos. As for the hair loss, I haven't notice any significant hair loss in the last 4-5 years, so I am confident it is pretty stable, and I don't really mind losing couple of hair (in the crown, that is) as I age, but Id like to restore frontal area and have decent hair cut for at least once from a long time.

      Furthermore, there is no single relative I can point out, that would have completely bald top (crown), not one, as in fact most of my older relatives still have full head of hair, even in their 50s. That said, my uncle have somewhat more progressive hair loss than I have atm, but he is over 45, still not completely bald though.

      Any opinion about donor area would be greatly appreciated.

      As for the medicine, I feel very uncomfortable on being stuck to some medicine for the rest of my life, except alcohol , and d like to avoid that.

      2500-3000 sounds like a lot to me, and while I am amateur in this field, shouldn't I leave some amount for later if I might need 2nd HT?

      One more question I have. I have "decent" amount of body hair on my chest and stomach, which I want to get rid of anyway. Can I use it for HT. How is it with the scars on chest thereafter?


      • elnino
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2012
        • 149

        how much wil it cost??


        • Spex
          Dr Representative
          • Nov 2008
          • 4289


          In my honest and experienced opinion you WILL lose more hair - the clear signs are there. Im not here to sugar coat it.

          Donor looks good however you really need a Doc to assess it as pics are dark and only a Doc can give you a true idea.

          If you only want a very conservative HT then you would be looking at below 2500. Otherwise you will be left wanting, nature of the beast - you always need more than you think you need.

          Body hair is hit and miss and proven to be inconsistent. It also looks like body hair on your head if it grows. It is used in cases as a LAST RESORT. Use scalp hair initially.

          Get educated dont rush in and do not go in blind based on just what you WANT but rather what you NEED. There is a BIG difference.
          Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

          Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

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          Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

          I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


          • Spex
            Dr Representative
            • Nov 2008
            • 4289

            elnino, Cost of a 2500 surgery via strip is approx $10,000 - $12,000 as a guide with a good ethical and reputable clinic.

            Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

            Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

            View Media interviews

            Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

            I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


            • gillenator
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 1417


              I agree with Spex. Your hairloss is going to progress which is clear from your photos. Thanks for sharing your case with us thinking. IMHO, your frontal zone would easily allow for 2500 grafts and that would not be lowering your hairline. That would provide you a nice result because it appears that you have medium coarseness with a mild wave to it. If you were to grow it out, it would be very wavy right? It looks like you have good hair quality and your donor appears fine. Only a physical inspection would confirm that for sure, including density. Because of your nice hair characteristics, your visual result will be above average!

              The number of grafts could easily go higher depending where your hairline is drawn in prior to your procedure but I would not recommend high density level because as you already stated, you need some donor reserve for the future! Plus you want the density to look appropriate for you as you get older. You don't want it to look like hairpiece density levels in the front.

              The very top of your head is diffusing so although you are not completely bald up there it may or may not be in your future. You stated that none of your family history (men) reached complete baldness so hopefully that will not happen to you. Still, you appear young in the photos and you appear more likely to lose the top because that exsiting hair has diffused to the point that it has already reached the advanced stages.

              And yes your crown is also beginning to break up (diffuse) so you are one of the best candidates for finasteride, a very important point that Spex mentioned. And obviously none of us like the idea of taking meds but it will really come down to how important it is to you to have hair in the future.

              I further agree with the comments on BH. The results are indeed hit and miss and to date "chest hair" continues to be the best donor source IMHO. If you do end up using BH sometime in your future, only proceed by doing a test session first to evaluate yield and visual compatibility. Also, I would never recommend to use BH in a high visual impact area like the frontal zone or hairline. It is more appropriate to use it as a blend in areas like the midscalp or crown.

              Another comment. It may seem like your hairloss has stopped on its own. Trust me, it has not. You have already lost a fair amount so the present rate of loss may not be as apparent. MPB is unpredictable in the rate of progression. At times it can subside for a season and then resume its genetic course over our lifetimes. Its in our genetic profile, period.

              Overall, you do make an excellent candidate thinking, just be sure to choose a talented reputable doc and don't get talked into doing some unnecessary high session like 4,000 plus grafts. IMHO, you don't need that much for the frontal zone to look great! This is based on the goals that you stated earlier along with your outstanding hair characteristics that I mentioned earlier. I can hardly wait to see your new transformation so please keep us in the loop.

              Best wishes to you thinking and glad to see that you are doing your homework!
              Independent Patient Advocate

              NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


              • UK_
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 2744

                Originally posted by Thinking
                What do you mean by donor regeneration, you mean that 80% of transplanted hair will stick and 20% will be lost or what?

                No I mean 80% of the hair that is removed from the donor area grows back (regenerates) for use again 12 months later.

                You wont find another surgeon on the planet performing the HASCI procedure.


                • UK_
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 2744

                  Cell therapy would essentially allow doctors to further lower the hair line and fill in the areas behind and the crown with far greater density than a regular HT.


                  • Thinking
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 28

                    Originally posted by gillenator
                    Thank you for this very detailed post. I greatly appreciate it.

                    The main reason why I am leaning towards ht is restoring front line. I seriously don't mind loosing couple of hair on top (crown), but as it can be seen from photos, my front line is just simply ugly. If it would be even on both sides, I might even not be thinking about ht at all, as I got "comfortable" with it over the years.

                    I am in 30s if that info helps.

                    As for the researching, I will do it very detailed indeed, as am I used of researching through academics, so I know how to find trusted sources and make critical opinions and I understand there is a point of no return after decision is made.

                    When it comes to medications, although I will take a look into it more, I never liked the idea to take medications for any reason (unless life depends upon it), and especially Im not willing to risk side effects. I know risk is very small, but I am just not willing to accept it in exchange for stop losing hair.

                    As for the hair loss, I just don't understand how come ALL of my relatives have thick hair, with almost no hair loss, except of my uncle (mom s side), who has a little bit more progressive hair loss then me, but he is around 45. I understand that it might goes generations back, but I cannot recall hair loss from even passed both male grandparents. Hell, both of them died over 70 years old and had more hair then, than I have now

                    My guess is, one of the main reason perhaps is my very stressful lifestyle.

                    As it is at the moment, I will most likely go after FUE 500 and wait for results. If satisfied, then go after full ht with aprox. 2000 in front. Not exactly sure, if I am bothered with losing hair on crown to much. I can't see it anyway


                    • Thinking
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2012
                      • 28

                      Originally posted by UK_
                      No I mean 80% of the hair that is removed from the donor area grows back (regenerates) for use again 12 months later.

                      You wont find another surgeon on the planet performing the HASCI procedure.
                      Say WHAT?

                      Could somebody clarify that? Is this really working, or it is just another buzz? Will definitely check it out, but if I understand correctly what you are saying is that, for every 10 transplanted hair (grafts), 8 grows back on donor area!?, so you end up having 18 hair minus hair that don't stick to recipient?


                      • Thinking
                        Junior Member
                        • Aug 2012
                        • 28

                        Originally posted by gillenator
                        Oh, forgot about body hair part. I have pretty much to give from my chest. Sure, I wouldn't use it for front, but as I want to get rid of it any way, I could use em in crown, not to much dense, that is, just to cover some spots.

                        My concerns are as follows:
                        1. Scars on chest?
                        2. Ratio of success? I understand it is hit or miss, but there should be some numbers.
                        3. If transplanted successful, will it feel like chest hair or head hair, I read somewhere sometime ago, that FU adapt to new "environment" and change characteristics to fell like real hair.
                        4. Lifespan of transplanted BH?
                        5. Growth. Does it grow even with the rest of head hair and does it grow to longer size than normal BH?

