Post Minoxidil Shed

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  • WarLord
    Senior Member
    • May 2012
    • 343

    Originally posted by Person
    I stopped rogain 4.75 months ago.

    Starting at month 3 post-quitting, i began shedding a massive/ scary amount of hair.

    Before all the morons comment and say "thats where you would be if u didnt use it" , thats false. I only used it 2 months.

    Im aware of the fact that quitting minox induces acute telogen effluvium (something roughly 85% of this forum is unaware of somehow).

    My question is....

    When does the shedding stop?
    I can tell you only this: Minoxidil5% won't harm your hair. Either it doesn't work or you are going through a shed that will end soon or later. Or you experience a shed due to the interruption of the treatment.

    I wouldn't say this about 10-15% minoxidil. These concentrations can virtually kill hair in some people (although they can help others). Reactions to minoxidil vary hugely.

    According to my experience, it takes months until your hair becomes dependent on minoxidil. My story wouldn't be too helpful for you, because the hair that I had lost due to a sudden switch from 10% to 5% minoxidil hasn't regrown even after 5 months. But other people report that they regained it back after some time.


    • clau
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2017
      • 6

      I treated minoxidil for four months. The first three weeks my hair has not fallen. Then, for a month, I had a terrible shedding (200-300 hairs a day). From month 2 to month 3, the hair dosent fall. Everything has stabilized. Now, after 11 weeks of treatment, I want to tell you that I'm dropping about 150 hairs a day (Is this the second shedding?) . It's normal? What to do? Will you continue with him or not? The dermatologist advised me to take Propecia, but I'm afraid of the side effects. I mention that I use 5% minoxidil twice a day plus biotin plus MSM. Thank you


      • clau
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2017
        • 6

        Minoxidil shedding

        I treated minoxidil for four months. The first three weeks my hair has not fallen. Then, for a month, I had a terrible shedding (200-300 hairs a day). From month 2 to month 3, the hair dosent fall. Everything has stabilized. Now, after 11 weeks of treatment, I want to tell you that I'm dropping about 150 hairs a day (Is this the second shedding?) . It's normal? What to do? Will you continue with him or not? The dermatologist advised me to take Propecia, but I'm afraid of the side effects. I mention that I use 5% minoxidil twice a day plus biotin plus MSM. Thank you


        • GroughBack
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2017
          • 241

          Originally posted by Amercancer
          I've been on minox for a year and Ive shed so much in the past two months it's killin me. I take over the counter pills that claim to slow shedding also now, but now I'm thinking getting prescription pills. I'm to scared about cause the sides. What should I do? I had fuller hair b 4 I started, but what made me start were the penny size bald spots on my mid scalp which I realized after cutting to half all over. Thats when I went to a couple derms and they told me use rogaine b4 u regret it and all they did was either look through my hair or just looked at it, that's after my hair grew back. So one year later and im shedding really bad on minox. What pills block dht and have the least side effects?


          • GroughBack
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2017
            • 241

            Originally posted by Amercancer
            I've been on minox for a year and Ive shed so much in the past two months it's killin me. I take over the counter pills that claim to slow shedding also now, but now I'm thinking getting prescription pills. I'm to scared about cause the sides. What should I do? I had fuller hair b 4 I started, but what made me start were the penny size bald spots on my mid scalp which I realized after cutting to half all over. Thats when I went to a couple derms and they told me use rogaine b4 u regret it and all they did was either look through my hair or just looked at it, that's after my hair grew back. So one year later and im shedding really bad on minox. What pills block dht and have the least side effects?
            The best vitamin to stop shedding immediatley is taurine, take 4 grams a day, zero side effects, its very good for you. Make sure you post how well it works for you, as I feel people are vastly unaware of how powerful taurine is when it comes to hair loss!


            • clau
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2017
              • 6

              This taurin has worked for you? How many hairs did you lose a day before taurine? And after? Thaks a lot


              • GroughBack
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2017
                • 241

                I was losing 100 give or take, I didn't keep close track since I am growing alot of hair as well. Now am only losing 25, and little hairs that would have fallen are thickening instead!


                • clau
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2017
                  • 6


                  How many pills you take a day?


                  • GroughBack
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 241

                    I Take 4 1,000mg a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. People of Okinawa Japan "The Island of longevity" have diets extremely high in taurine, it is thought that this may be the reason for the long lifespan. It helps prevent and even reverse fibrosis. Fibrosis is a major contributing factor, if not the main cause of MPB and hair loss. My feeling is that DHT is a more affective killer of follicles in states of fibrosis (this happens as we age), or we would all be bald at 18 when Testosterone=>DHT is at its highest. This leads me to believe that there are factors being ignored, because medications that are already being used, do not address these factors. Taurine also increases proliferation of ORS (Outer Root Sheath) Cells, these cells protect the follicle from DHT and may also be less present as we age. As Something that is good for your overall heath, anyone who is losing hair should really take this. I don't take pharms or synthetics, finasteride, rogaine ect, but I can imagine that this would be an extremely good addition to either of these, as fin would lower DHT, and taurine would make the follicle less sensitive to DHT.


                    • lastcome
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2017
                      • 29

                      Originally posted by GroughBack
                      I Take 4 1,000mg a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. People of Okinawa Japan "The Island of longevity" have diets extremely high in taurine, it is thought that this may be the reason for the long lifespan. It helps prevent and even reverse fibrosis. Fibrosis is a major contributing factor, if not the main cause of MPB and hair loss. My feeling is that DHT is a more affective killer of follicles in states of fibrosis (this happens as we age), or we would all be bald at 18 when Testosterone=>DHT is at its highest. This leads me to believe that there are factors being ignored, because medications that are already being used, do not address these factors. Taurine also increases proliferation of ORS (Outer Root Sheath) Cells, these cells protect the follicle from DHT and may also be less present as we age. As Something that is good for your overall heath, anyone who is losing hair should really take this. I don't take pharms or synthetics, finasteride, rogaine ect, but I can imagine that this would be an extremely good addition to either of these, as fin would lower DHT, and taurine would make the follicle less sensitive to DHT.
                      Since you are using all natural remedies for hair loss, what your overall diet is like?


                      • GroughBack
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2017
                        • 241

                        My overall diet is good, although I am not a fanatic by all means. I eat 7 cloves of raw garlic, 3lbs of spinach, 1lb of raw shelled pumpkin seeds, 21 raw eggs, 1lb of brown rice, and 3 cans of tuna a week. For me its not so much what I exclude, it is more about what I INCLUDE in my diet. I make sure to supplement extra biotin because of the avidin in raw egg whites. I do eat my share of processed foods because of time constraints, I believe if your body is getting the good foods, it is much more capable of dealing with the not so good foods.


                        • Hairhope4ever
                          • Mar 2017
                          • 74

                          I use the 5% foam, and have had very good experience and results with it. I can relate to some of the things you mentioned pertaining to the liquid form. You may want to give it a try.

                          Good luck.

