Finasteride sides - Doctor appointment log & help request

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  • UK_
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 2744

    Originally posted by Maradona
    Yes it could mean you will get better. If you check those guys who had up and downs get better eventually.

    Lucky you. Some guys at propeciahelp are like at 0% progress despite everything they've used.

    You feel better somedays with no treatment right?
    Yes I agree I havent tried anything else apart from some vitamins and minerals and trying to exercise more often.

    Its weird because some days sensitivity comes back some days its just completely numb.


    • chrisis
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 1257

      Originally posted by UK_

      Its weird because some days sensitivity comes back some days its just completely numb.
      Same here. Kinda gives me hope though. At least the neural pathways exist and the sensory receptors are working. My (total unqualified) guess is that it's a hormonal imbalance on that basis.


      • Benzzro
        • Jun 2012
        • 82

        Originally posted by UK_
        Keep away from it - and especially keep away from anti-depressants - finasteride sexual sides are nothing compared to SSRI sides.... those forums are just horrid places.

        The human body has had 3 billion years of field testing data to go by lol - we are so arrogant to think we know the effects of substances that block 5AR.... of course there is a genetic aspect to all this... plz go on an read the posts by member called "awor", he knows this shit inside out 1000x better than I do.

        I was raised all my life taught to fear and avoid cannabis, society teaches you that, but as I grew older... I realised the most dangerous drugs are those that are sitting behind the shelf of a smiling doctor writing you a prescription with a corporate logo on. You cant monopolize cannabis which is why it remains illegal.

        Question to Maradona: have you tried the herb "Yohimbine"?
        You a doctor? Oh ok.


        • UK_
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 2744

          Originally posted by Benzzro
          You a doctor? Oh ok.
          The irony of your comment astounds me. Perhaps if you actually read my posts you'd find that each of my points are backed up by medical research - dont question my posts, go read the countless journals I have posted up on this website outlining the effects of finasteride use/androgen deprivation, and question them, a task impossible it would seem for a meat-head like you. Now piss off.


          • nikemata
            • Dec 2011
            • 44

            Originally posted by UK_
            Finasteride inhibits the formation of DHT by blocking the enzyme 5AR. 5AR convert testosterone, progesterone, deoxycorticosterone, aldosterone and corticosterone into their respective 5A -dihydro-derivatives, which serve as substrates for 3A - hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSD) enzymes. The latter transforms these 5A-reduced metabolites into a subclass of neuro-active steroid hormones with distinct physiological function. The neuro-active steroid hormones modulate multitude of functions in human physiology encompassing regulation of sexual differentiation, neuro-protection, memory enhancement, anxiety, sleep and stress, among others. In addition, 5α -reductase type 3 is also implicated in the N-glycosylation of proteins via formation of dolichol phosphate.

            This explains the side effects, why this continues upon discontinuation of the drug is what medical science needs to figure out.
            Thanks for this UK.


            • damielmillo
              • May 2011
              • 77

              Thats Why S-EQUOL must work binding only DHT and don´t blocking any other hormone and the 5AR... Finasteride is a really dangerous drug.
              I still have side effects 2 years after my last pill...


              • UK_
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 2744

                Hmm.. we will have to wait and see about S-Equol, I am [at the moment] incredibly suspicious of anything that messes with DHT, because I remember a time when medical science believed it was simply a by-product of testosterone that the body didnt really utilise. But now, evidence is pouring in showing how DHT itself modulates neurosteroids, maintains erectile function and neuroprotection.

                I would be interested in seeing whether the compound TYROSINE which is a precursor of dopamine, would have any impact on the orgasm, sensitivity and sexual function side effects associated with finasteride. TYROSINE is also a precursor to a number of other sex hormones.


                • TheDude
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 108

                  UK, maradona, chrisis thanks for this post..

                  I was actually on propecia for 4 years with minimal side effects.. in the 5th year i started upping my dose because it began losing its effectiveness..

                  Big mistake, my prostate became inflamed and I became extremely worried.. I stopped propecia there an then..

                  I have been off for about 4-5 months..

                  I started doing massive amounts of research mainly on body building sites.. Heres a link to my full story..

                  My prostate is normalizing but still gets a bit inflamed every now and then..

                  My simple explanation is this: propecia through its mechanism stop's the conversion of T to DHT thereby firstly down regulating androgen receptors known as reflex hyperandrogenicity and secondly causing too much estradiol to be produced and bind to the remaining receptors, hence gyno.

                  In addition to this is the fact that too much estradiol is bad for the male body but especially for the prostate.

                  My mechanism of action was firstly to get onto arimidex thereby blocking aromatization T into E and secondly thanks to a response by a guy on tnation undergoing broccoli treatment (this can all be found on my story)(notice how this has nothing to do with TRT yet i'm still raising my T levels only slower)

                  I have to mention that I had a whole lot of hormone tests done.. So I wasn't doing this blind.. My latest blood tests came back with a really high free T level 919 pmol/L.. (i.o.w it's working)

                  Like I said I think my body is slowly getting back to normal but the prostate problem is still affecting me. In addition i'm still really hesitant to lose my hair hence the reason i'm interested in RU and at points stupidly thought of going back onto propecia.

                  By the way I have never had erection problems but since coming off propecia my sex drive is higher than ever..

                  Sorry for hijacking your thread chrisis.. First step get your bloods tested an take it from there..


                  • Maradona
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 830

                    Originally posted by TheDude
                    UK, maradona, chrisis thanks for this post..

                    I was actually on propecia for 4 years with minimal side effects.. in the 5th year i started upping my dose because it began losing its effectiveness..

                    Big mistake, my prostate became inflamed and I became extremely worried.. I stopped propecia there an then..

                    I have been off for about 4-5 months..

                    I started doing massive amounts of research mainly on body building sites.. Heres a link to my full story..

                    My prostate is normalizing but still gets a bit inflamed every now and then..

                    My simple explanation is this: propecia through its mechanism stop's the conversion of T to DHT thereby firstly down regulating androgen receptors known as reflex hyperandrogenicity and secondly causing too much estradiol to be produced and bind to the remaining receptors, hence gyno.

                    In addition to this is the fact that too much estradiol is bad for the male body but especially for the prostate.

                    My mechanism of action was firstly to get onto arimidex thereby blocking aromatization T into E and secondly thanks to a response by a guy on tnation undergoing broccoli treatment (this can all be found on my story)(notice how this has nothing to do with TRT yet i'm still raising my T levels only slower)

                    I have to mention that I had a whole lot of hormone tests done.. So I wasn't doing this blind.. My latest blood tests came back with a really high free T level 919 pmol/L.. (i.o.w it's working)

                    Like I said I think my body is slowly getting back to normal but the prostate problem is still affecting me. In addition i'm still really hesitant to lose my hair hence the reason i'm interested in RU and at points stupidly thought of going back onto propecia.

                    By the way I have never had erection problems but since coming off propecia my sex drive is higher than ever..

                    Sorry for hijacking your thread chrisis.. First step get your bloods tested an take it from there..
                    What I found out is that if you don't whack off too often it helps the prostate.
                    I just do it once a week and it's hard but at least I see a noticeable improvement. I mean it won't cure your prostate but it will subside the symptoms to some degree. It's your choice.

                    What was your DHT levels on blood tests?
                    Did your hair get more aggressive? Do you have body hair growth post-Fin?

                    I don't think you have reflex hyperandrogenicity. It has to happen right after your first weeks on fin .

                    I'm just trying RU in the KB solution and only at 50mg per day.
                    Also we need to find a brush to make sure we use less and less RU just to make sure.

                    At times I have thought about getting back on propecia but when things got fuked up I threw my propecia supplies to the garbage.

                    Where are you from the dude? do you have an email to communicate better? You have the same symptoms as me so maybe we could help out each other.


                    • Dan26
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2012
                      • 1270

                      You guys seem to know quite a bit about propecia and how it can affect the body, and I had a couple questions for ya if you don't mind!

                      Why do you suppose that Fin does in fact work for most people who take it? Does the medical community simply not have a full understanding of its' mechanisms, and taking it is basically a gamble?

                      Can there be good and bad candidates for the drug? I mean, would blood tests or hormone tests give a good indication of how Fin may affect a person? If I had to guess, I'd imagine that there is some correlation between a persons original hormone levels before they went on Fin, and what kind of affect it ended up having on their body.

                      Does easing your way into a Fin regimine make a difference? For example, taking half the reccomended dose every other day.

                      I just recently starting researching about the drug, and I'm glad there are places online where people can bounce ideas off each other and also provide links to certain studies and scientific evidence.

                      Here are some of my random theories based on no evidence:
                      1) Drastic changes in the bodies hormone levels could be causing some of the long term issues in the body, making certain receptors over sensitive or unresponsive
                      2) I noticed from some of the videos I've seen of men who had serious problems from propecia, a lot of them weren't exactly the most masculine of men. I THINK a lot of bald guys tend to be fairly masculine (more muscular, deeper voice, hairy ect.), and maybe Fin does not effect them as much as it does for a less masculine guy who takes it.

                      Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys can help me out here, I'm a noob with this shit!


                      • Maradona
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 830

                        Yes but you will be better off asking at .
                        They have an interesting post about who can be supcetible for permanent sites. Go look for it.

                        Don't be scared to go there.


                        • UK_
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 2744

                          Originally posted by Dan26
                          You guys seem to know quite a bit about propecia and how it can affect the body, and I had a couple questions for ya if you don't mind!

                          Why do you suppose that Fin does in fact work for most people who take it? Does the medical community simply not have a full understanding of its' mechanisms, and taking it is basically a gamble?

                          Can there be good and bad candidates for the drug? I mean, would blood tests or hormone tests give a good indication of how Fin may affect a person? If I had to guess, I'd imagine that there is some correlation between a persons original hormone levels before they went on Fin, and what kind of affect it ended up having on their body.

                          Does easing your way into a Fin regimine make a difference? For example, taking half the reccomended dose every other day.

                          I just recently starting researching about the drug, and I'm glad there are places online where people can bounce ideas off each other and also provide links to certain studies and scientific evidence.

                          Here are some of my random theories based on no evidence:
                          1) Drastic changes in the bodies hormone levels could be causing some of the long term issues in the body, making certain receptors over sensitive or unresponsive
                          2) I noticed from some of the videos I've seen of men who had serious problems from propecia, a lot of them weren't exactly the most masculine of men. I THINK a lot of bald guys tend to be fairly masculine (more muscular, deeper voice, hairy ect.), and maybe Fin does not effect them as much as it does for a less masculine guy who takes it.

                          Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys can help me out here, I'm a noob with this shit!
                          Hi Dan, given that a lot of individuals who take propecia experience only moderate side effects whilst on the drug, the most profound sides (the crash) occur AFTER the drug is discontinued. So the issue is in essence, the rejection, or some form of biological complication with the reintroduction of normalized levels of DHT within the body, that's the essence of the problem. It's amazing to have these forums as a resource, but as Maradona stated above, the best information and the most knowledgable people on this matter can be found on "propeciahelp". Namely the members known as "awor" and "mew".

                          As of yet, there is no method of reversing PFS, no compound, hormone or chemical has been shown to reverse the side effects indefinately, people have shown signs of improvement and complete recovery only to have their systems crash a week later, this is the issue here, it's almost like trying to start an engine [that wont start]. Only medical science and research can resolve this, only they can give us answers, unfortunately, I dont think Merck with all their power and money give a shit.


                          • UK_
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 2744

                            Broccoli is a great way to bring down estradiol, but the amount required is quite substantial. Combining your intake with cauliflower will help, natural methods are always better than the dodgy chemical routes, which is why saw palmetto is probably a far better route than chemical finasteride.

                            @Maradona I think after a period of abstinence (no sex, no masturbation, no porn - nothing) that lasts 100 days your brain "reboots" a lot of the sexual neurotransmitters, but it does require you to abstain for 100 days completely which is a task in itself.


                            • TheDude
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 108

                              Actually you don't eat the broccoli you boil it for about 5-8 minutes and then you drink half the water about 400ml in the morning and the other half 400ml at night..

                              I can feel a difference in my prostate almost immediately.. There's a link to where i got the treatment from on the link i provided above..

                              Hay maradona I will PM you but yeah you the first person other than myself that i now know who has prostate problems caused by propecia..


                              • Maradona
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2011
                                • 830

                                Originally posted by TheDude
                                Actually you don't eat the broccoli you boil it for about 5-8 minutes and then you drink half the water about 400ml in the morning and the other half 400ml at night..

                                I can feel a difference in my prostate almost immediately.. There's a link to where i got the treatment from on the link i provided above..

                                Hay maradona I will PM you but yeah you the first person other than myself that i now know who has prostate problems caused by propecia..
                                There is an entire section on propeciahelp about the prostate.

                                There's no PM here lol. Everything is exposed.

