Personal levels of tolerance and acceptance re finasteride sides

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  • bobbyt
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2012
    • 29

    Chrisis - did you go to the doctor re your continued sides? Did they attribute it to your use of fin?


    • chrisis
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 1257

      Originally posted by bobbyt
      Chrisis - did you go to the doctor re your continued sides? Did they attribute it to your use of fin?
      Not yet. I'm skeptical they can do anything, so what's the point? I don't see what else could have caused them. The only change in my life around that time that could be relevant is the medication of Propecia. For the rest of my adult life I've had no problems with sexual health.


      • Tracy C
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 3125

        Originally posted by chrisis
        Time will tell who is right on the matter.
        I really wish you could wrap your head around it and get it. It would help you a lot if you could. You need to get yourself to a doctor.


        • chrisis
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2012
          • 1257

          I really don't know what there is to "get"? You want me to believe that the medical community is infallible? That they don't sometimes make mistakes, e.g. withdrawing drugs or realising that smoking is dangerous rather than good for you? The fact they've already revised their warnings about Propecia should be enough for anyone to be concerned. That is an admission that they were wrong. Let's not pretend they give a shit about being even more wrong/intentionally misleading.


          • neversaynever
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 648

            Originally posted by Tracy C
            I really wish you could wrap your head around it and get it. It would help you a lot if you could. You need to get yourself to a doctor.
            Youve made your point. So stop now. There are guys on this forum who have had serious side effects. Whether they were induced by the worry or not is now irrelevant for them now. Your point is valid, but your aggressive posts do no good for men who were harmed by this drug.

            Drop your attitude on threads which you cant possibly understand. Its like me going to a forum and discussing a drug that stops period pains (or whatever), preaching to them that their side effects were mentally induced.

            I agree to some extent with your initial point, but you really do need to shut up and go see the doctor yourself!

            How about I go onto forums of people stressed having lost their jobs, and i tell them that it was their own fault. They induced this by their behaviour. How well do you think that will go down?

            You have valid point, but god damn stop being so damn annoying.


            • neversaynever
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 648

              If i decide to take fin....i wont be on forums. Does more harm than good i think!


              • Tracy C
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2011
                • 3125

                Originally posted by chrisis
                I really don't know what there is to "get"? You want me to believe that the medical community is infallible?
                No. You are not getting it. I really wish you could because I believe it would help you if you could.


                • Tracy C
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 3125

                  Originally posted by neversaynever
                  Drop your attitude on threads which you cant possibly understand.
                  Contact the mods and ask them to ban me.

                  You are intentionally belligerently misconstruing everything I write. Don't bother reading what I write any more and don't comment on anything I write either. You are doing more harm than good.


                  • neversaynever
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 648

                    Originally posted by Tracy C
                    Contact the mods and ask them to ban me.

                    You are intentionally belligerently misconstruing everything I write. Don't bother reading what I write any more and don't comment on anything I write either.
                    I said I agree with your initial point.

                    I do, however, disagree with your attitude towards guys who have been badly hurt by this drug. Side effects which you can not understand, for the obvious reasons. Forums have always and will always attract people who have had bad experiences with whatever. It will always be that way.

                    I am not pathetic enough to report you to any mod. I hope this new 'fight the bully" attitude works for you and gives your life enough meaning to go on living. Did your therapist teach you it? I get the impression that your issues in life stem from your inability to see how your attitude effects others. You have deluded yourself that its a show of strength. It is quite the opposite!


                    • NotBelievingIt
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 595

                      Originally posted by Tracy C
                      Men have been using Finateride for a pretty long time.
                      And those that were before Propecia for hair loss were taking it because their prostate was messed up. They likely had issues to begin with and losing what little libido or sexual function they had was secondary and they likely didn't even notice let alone care. They also tended to be older.

                      This whole scare didn't really take off until the fear mongering on the internet started.
                      The Internet as a mass forum for, well, everything, didn't take off until probably around 2002 or 2003. Propecia came on the market 5 years before that for hair loss. It was at the same time that *finally* there was a venue for the voice to be heard. The first anecdotes on the Internet about sides were around that time.

                      Now that sufficient time has passed for the younger generation taking Finasteride, its coming to light that the research may need to be more thorough. If they can't explain the side effects thats wrong.


                      • Tracy C
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 3125

                        Originally posted by neversaynever
                        I do, however, disagree with your attitude towards guys who have been badly hurt by this drug.
                        You are not even paying attention to what I write. You have the wrong idea about me and you are belligerently sticking to it.

                        Originally posted by neversaynever
                        I am not pathetic enough...
                        Oh yes you are. Absolutely.


                        • 25 going on 65
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 1476

                          Originally posted by bobbyt
                          Hi guys

                          I started propecia (branded) just less than 2 weeks ago and all is fine so far - absolutely nothing to report re sides and or results which I expected at this stage. I am really pleased actually that I have started to do something about mpb whilst I still have my hair and hairline.

                          I obviously did a lot of research on the subject before starting medication. Just a quick observation I guess here.

                          I get the impression with people taking fin and in relation to the sides they experience, a lot of the time, it is about what that particular individual is willing to tolerate/put up with. I mean, I'm sure some people would discontinue the use of the drug if they encountered for example, testicular pain, where as others (perhaps most in this instance) would plough through.

                          I think this principle and mindset probably does extend to the more serious sides - like with libido issues or instances of ED - I guess it is how much you value these when compared to the prospect of losing your hair.

                          Personally I think I would need to get pretty serious sides - like actual gyno or something - before I would contemplate discontinuing the drug. I am determined to give it a full 12 months at least as I understand you can only evaluate fin's effectiveness on you after this time.

                          Is it fair to say there is this sense of personal levels of tolerance re propecia sides? From what I have read into it I guess this is the case with most prescription drugs that can bring about sides... At what point would you hypothetically discontinue the drug if you got a certain side effect, or side effects got to a certain level? Are these really worse than going bald (I know I sound really vain here but hey I guess we all are a bit on this forum and I am not that ashamed to admit it!)?
                          I don't even know what kind of sides I'd have to encounter to give my hair up.
                          I am concerned about gyno but, honestly, if I got it, I'd probably go on estrogen blockers and get the masses removed surgically if they didn't go away on their own--and then go on using fin.
                          ED or serious sensitivity reduction would make me think twice. But the loss of hair would be a horrible blow to my sex life anyway, so man, that would be a rock and a hard place (no pun). I guess absolute ED would make fin rather pointless.
                          To be fair I'm not personally worried about long-term sides, which does weigh in on my choices. Specifically I don't wory about getting them myself....I am convinced at this point that a small % of men do suffer long-term sides after quitting.

                          One thing I can say definitely would make me quit, would be a cosmetic side effect that was equal or worse than the cosmetic impact of hair loss. Like if my face started looking like Larry King's stomach or something. So I guess I do have vanity issues


                          • ccmethinning
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2012
                            • 326

                            Originally posted by 25 going on 65
                            I don't even know what kind of sides I'd have to encounter to give my hair up.
                            I am concerned about gyno but, honestly, if I got it, I'd probably go on estrogen blockers and get the masses removed surgically if they didn't go away on their own--and then go on using fin.
                            ED or serious sensitivity reduction would make me think twice. But the loss of hair would be a horrible blow to my sex life anyway, so man, that would be a rock and a hard place (no pun). I guess absolute ED would make fin rather pointless.
                            To be fair I'm not personally worried about long-term sides, which does weigh in on my choices. Specifically I don't wory about getting them myself....I am convinced at this point that a small % of men do suffer long-term sides after quitting.

                            One thing I can say definitely would make me quit, would be a cosmetic side effect that was equal or worse than the cosmetic impact of hair loss. Like if my face started looking like Larry King's stomach or something. So I guess I do have vanity issues
                            I'm of the same opinion. The only side effects I am scared of are losing more hair through shedding and hyperandrogencity induced hair loss.


                            • bobbyt
                              Junior Member
                              • Jun 2012
                              • 29

                              ^^ I guess the last two responses were what I was trying to get at in asking the question. if I hypothetically said to a guy, ok you can keep your hair and hairline, in return for say, lower quality erections, or a slightly lower libido - hell we'll even thicken your existing hair to sweeten the deal lol - I think alot of guys (particularly on hair loss forums like these) would take this proposition - I would.

                              I guess it is where you draw the line with some people who do experience mild or moderate sides from fin.


                              • mpb47
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2012
                                • 676

                                Originally posted by chrisis
                                I've never read any stories of men going to doctors and resolving their issues. It doesn't help that there's such skepticism to deal with. I don't know what the point is really...
                                Well now you have. I hoped my situation would get better but over time it actually got worse so I finally had to go to a Dr.
                                He put me on a low dose of T despite my test results saying I was still barely in the normal range and things started working again. Lost almost 50lbs as of last Sat. Mental fog gone. I still have ups and downs but overall I am pretty much back to normal.

                                so go to your Dr and get some will feel much better.

