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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Hairloss often not such a big negative aesthetic impact.

    Hey guys. I made my first post yesterday, as I think I have diagnosed myself with the start of MPB- potentially. But I thought I would just offer an opinion on how hair loss affects people's appearance. And I am trying to be as honest as possible.

    The first, obvious thing to say is that having confidence is a big part of sex appeal. But even ignoring that for now, I think that some men here are overrating hairloss' impact on their sexual appearance/attractiveness. Judging on the host of photos, some people don't do anything with their hair to make it look 'good' and simply leave it to sit on their heads, either overgrown or dull, in a style that would be considered 'unfashionable.' Now whilst, obviously, there is nothing wrong with that at all, it seems strange to me to see so many of these people seem to think that their hair was holding the key to their attractiveness. If you put a lot of effort into making your hair stylish, then I can understand more why hairloss would be very upsetting, but even then, a good face and most importantly, confidence make most of the difference.

    I have a friend who was balding from 18, and to be fair, whilst jokes were made at his expense, it hasn't stopped him having a string of girlfriends. He has an attractive face, and he is a confident person. Plus, he wasn't doing anything with his hair anyway. I am not trying to tell anyone that they shouldn't feel upset about losing their hair, and I certainly feel a bit upset myself, but I just thought I would point that out.

    I know lots of girls who say that men overrate how big a deal their hair makes. Often, if it turns an unruly lump of hair into a neat, receded buzz cut, it can make the situation no different. I think that if you don't do anything with your hair- and I am making an unfair assumption here that these people don't try too hard to be stylish- then I don't think it will affect your attractiveness too much. You probably aren't that concerned with outwards appearances, and so this hair-loss shouldn't upset you too much. Similarly, if you spend a lot of time on your hair, I assume that you will put that same effort into improving other areas of your appearance. The main way it will affect your attractiveness is psychological- making you more self conscious and less confident. But I don't think you should let this happen. I won't lie and say that the average person looks just as good when going bald. I just think that most of the decrease in sex appeal is the person overreacting to it, in terms of lost confidence. I often don't think it makes much difference. Your facial structure is the same either way...

    I don't mean to tell anyone how to feel. Nor am I suggesting that people shouldn't purchase products to help the situation. I have purchased Rogaine myself. I just don't think it is worth people getting that upset about it, when most of the time it won't affect their appearance too much.

    I just thought I would share that, hopefully positive opinion

    EDIT: Sorry for the sweeping generalisations throughout, I was just trying to simplify my point.

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