Spencer Kobren - Depression and Hair Loss: My Story

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  • SpencerKobren
    • Oct 2008
    • 398

    Spencer Kobren - Depression and Hair Loss: My Story

    I made the below post when we first launched the forum. I thought you guys might want to read about my emotional struggles with hair loss and why I do what I do.

    When I first realized I was losing my hair, more than 20 years ago, I was absolutely mortified! With that said, I think my reaction to the initial onset of hair loss was fairly typical. First, I went through the denial phase. I tried to convince myself that this cant really be happening to me. I mean I was only 21. Next
    Spencer Kobren
    Founder, American Hair Loss Association
    Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

    I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.
  • Artista
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2100

    Good job Spenc'

    Depression can be a very dangerous period in one's life. Thanks to you Spencer, people who have depression due to hair loss have a place to vent and share with others.
    Last edited by Artista; 03-09-2012, 11:21 AM. Reason: grammatical


    • clandestine
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2011
      • 2005

      Having dealt with depression and anxiety prior to hair loss, this is no easy task to overcome! All we can do is remain optimistic, negativity and resisting our condition will only further perpetuate a miserable attitude. Great read, good to know we're never alone.


      • Artista
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2100

        we share the same experience then Cland'

        Same here,,Im glad that i am a survivor and so the hair issue later in life didnt worsen things for me.


        • clandestine
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 2005

          Originally posted by Artista
          Same here,,Im glad that i am a survivor and so the hair issue later in life didnt worsen things for me.
          Haha true, good to hear you're doing alright mate. The hair issue for me is early on in life, the depression was even earlier. Currently only 20 years old.


          • TheNitwon
            • Feb 2012
            • 56

            Originally posted by SpencerKobren
            I made the below post when we first launched the forum. I thought you guys might want to read about my emotional struggles with hair loss and why I do what I do.

            Hey Spencer, what treatments have you used to combat your hairloss? You seem to have a pretty damn good head of hair to me. I know you use (or have used) finasteride. Anything else? I'm just curious...I'm the same age you were when you first noticed your hairloss, and I just started an aggressive treatment regimen of fin/minox/nizoral/biotin. I know you're not a fan of the "kitchen sink" approach but my doc told me that I'd be well-off with this regimen. Hopefully I can keep my hairloss (which is pretty mild to begin with) at bay until better treatments come along.


            • SpencerKobren
              • Oct 2008
              • 398

              Originally posted by TheNitwon
              Hey Spencer, what treatments have you used to combat your hairloss? You seem to have a pretty damn good head of hair to me. I know you use (or have used) finasteride. Anything else? I'm just curious...I'm the same age you were when you first noticed your hairloss, and I just started an aggressive treatment regimen of fin/minox/nizoral/biotin. I know you're not a fan of the "kitchen sink" approach but my doc told me that I'd be well-off with this regimen. Hopefully I can keep my hairloss (which is pretty mild to begin with) at bay until better treatments come along.
              My current regimen is 1 Proscar tablet about 3 to 4 days per week, and prayer…So far so good. If you think your current regimen is working for you, stick with it.

              Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I "paint" my head.
              Spencer Kobren
              Founder, American Hair Loss Association
              Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

              I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


              • Tracy C
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2011
                • 3125

                Originally posted by SpencerKobren
                Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I "paint" my head.
                But you do such a good job no one can tell.

                Speaking of Dermatch. I had a problem with the company and I'm not sure if I should bother to do anything about it. I bought some in red because I am a red head. What Dermatch calls red is not even close to what a natural red head looks like. It looks like clown hair orange once it is on your head. I complained and they gave me a full refund. So no harm no foul. I have since read from other red haired women in the Women's Hair Loss Project forum who have the exact same complaint about Dermatch.

                Well anyways, when I had a follow up appointment with my Doctor he suggested giving Dermatch another try. He did make note that my hair color would be difficult to match. He suggested trying another color so I tried to order the color my doctor suggested - but Dermatch will not sell it to me unless I repay for the product that I had previously tried. I do not agree with their reasoning for refusing my order. I feel their reasoning is unethical.

                The folks at Dermatch said that they only refund if you don't like the product and/or their prouct doesn't work for you - not if you don't like the color. My thinking is if the color cannot match, the product isn't going to work. One of us is being unreasonable. Is it me?

                Dermatch could save a lot of grief if they sold smaller samples so people could figure out what color will work for them without paying too much just to figure it out.

                Fortunately I don't need to use very much concealer. Auburn hair fibers are working fine for me and matches my hair really well. So it's not a big deal other than the ethics of it all bugs me. If I am the one who is being unreasonable, it's totally O.K. to say so. I won't be offened.

                I would be interested to read your opinion on the matter.

                Take care and thank you for doing what you do.



                • SpencerKobren
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 398

                  Hi Tracy,

                  Thanks for the kind words!

                  In my view, the customer should always be right. I did speak with the company yesterday about their policy, and they explained that in the past they have been burned by many customers who would exchange color after color only to return each and every purchase. Since it is makeup, I can understand having a stringent return policy, but I did express that they might want to rethink their policy, or at the very least, inform their customers of the policy so they can make a better informed purchase.

                  Also, I think your color sample idea is a good one. Perhaps they would consider a small color palette containing all of the different shades that consumers can purchase to ensure they order the right color.
                  Spencer Kobren
                  Founder, American Hair Loss Association
                  Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

                  I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


                  • Tracy C
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 3125

                    Thank you Spencer,

                    Sorry for going off topic.


                    …We now return to your regular scheduled topic in progress.


                    • DAVE52
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 775


                      If you stop taking the meds do you belive your hairloss will accelerate
                      ( I assume it will )
                      If I may ask , why have you not proceeded with a HT



                      • Tracy C
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 3125

                        Hi Dave52,

                        I can't speak about what happens when you stop Finasteride but I am quit sure that if you stop Minoxidil abruptly you can experience an accelerated shed. Maybe the same thing holds true for Finasteride and Spiro but I don't know. The information I could find says the hair loss simply resumes it’s natural course.

                        BTW, in case anyone didn't already know, Spencer is awesome.


                        • SpencerKobren
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 398

                          Originally posted by DAVE52

                          If you stop taking the meds do you belive your hairloss will accelerate
                          ( I assume it will )
                          If I may ask , why have you not proceeded with a HT

                          Hey Dave 52,

                          Basically, I’ve stalled the hair loss process for the past 17 years by taking Proscar. If I were to stop taking the drug, the process would, in essence, be switched back on. It’s difficult to say if it would be accelerated or just appear to be accelerated I were to go through a telogen effluvium, but honestly I’d prefer not to find out.

                          As to why I’ve never had a hair transplant, I don’t think I’m a great candidate for one at this point. I’ve always been hyper concerned about the possibility of shock loss, and at 46 years of age, I’m of the mind set of if it ain’t broke, don't fix it. I’m still cool with the comb over and the paint job for now.
                          Spencer Kobren
                          Founder, American Hair Loss Association
                          Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

                          I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


                          • hdude46
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 143

                            Originally posted by SpencerKobren
                            My current regimen is 1 Proscar tablet about 3 to 4 days per week, and prayer…So far so good. If you think your current regimen is working for you, stick with it.

                            Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I "paint" my head.

                            Why take a full pill every 3-4 days instead of a 1/4 every day, or a half a pill every other day? Have you found one works better than the other?

                            Also kind off topic but have you heard anything more from prp patients? I remember a few years ago when it first came out with all the hype you mentioned to me you were hearing good feedback, but now that its been out for a few years have you heard anything new or different?

                            Thanks Spencer!

