25 years old, receding

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  • wic86
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2012
    • 2

    25 years old, receding

    I am 25 years old and just began to notice my hair line receding close to the temples, forming a rounded windows peak. I'd say I'm between a 1 and 2 on the norwood hamilton scale, so nothing too drastic. I am however concerned that it will inevitably continue to worsen, given the fact that baldness is quite prevalent in my family and my young age. I will definitely get a transplant and have begun researching doctors. My question is, is it reasonable to gradually get the transplant while I still have a relatively thick head of hair? I don't want to appear bald for a sustained period of time and would rather get the transplants gradually while I can still grow it out and hide it. Thanks for your help!
  • 2020
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 1527

    Originally posted by wic86
    I will definitely get a transplant and have begun researching doctors.
    Possibly the dumbest thing you could do...
    Transplants won't stop your hair loss!! You will continue losing hair and you will need additional transplants to cover up missing spots. Donor hair will eventually run out, then what??

    Don't spend 10K for some barbaric procedure. A bunch of new treatments are coming soon. Get on Propecia and wait


    • wic86
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 2

      I'm aware that they won't stop my hair loss. I'm worried about taking propecia because of the adverse side effects. I still have plenty of hair and my question was, is integrating the transplant slowly, as opposed to waiting until I'm bald be possible. I'm fine with getting additional transplants, but I'm not familiar with the protocol and if that is unusual. I've read some horror stories about how propecia can adversely and permanently effect your sex drive. The new FUE method seems impressive and the money isn't an issue, I just wanted the best possible, and permanent fix.


      • 2020
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2012
        • 1527

        Originally posted by wic86
        I'm aware that they won't stop my hair loss.
        you're dealing with an autoimmune disorder... your body will keep attacking hair follicles until they die and somehow people think that moving hair from one place to another will fix that??

        Originally posted by wic86
        I'm worried about taking propecia because of the adverse side effects.
        you do realize that after a hair transplant, your doctor will most likely make you go on Propecia anyways?

        Originally posted by wic86
        I've read some horror stories about how propecia can adversely and permanently effect your sex drive.
        yeah sure that's why the drug has been on the market for 20 years.... Do some proper research. Stay away from discussion forums.

        Originally posted by wic86
        The new FUE method seems impressive and the money isn't an issue, I just wanted the best possible, and permanent fix.
        RepliCel is a regenerative medicine company developing autologous cell therapies to treat conditions linked to a deficit of healthy cells required for normal healing and function.

        ^ one of them will definately have something within the next 5 years. FUE will be crap compared to what's coming next.


        • chrisis
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2012
          • 1257

          Careful research will lead you conclude we don't know how high the risks of side effects with finasteride/Propecia are. Merck have pulled their website and a lot of men are coming forward.

          If the risks were equivalent to placebo, I highly doubt so many men would be complaining.

          I'd like this forum to be more balanced in its view of this drug

          Also, although there are promising things going on in research, there's no absolute certainty there will be a cure or better treatment any time soon.


          • StressedToTheBald
            • Jan 2012
            • 452

            Originally posted by wic86
            I'm worried about taking propecia because of the adverse side effects.
            Its the same reason why I never went on propecia, and these days it turns out I was right all along. This drug is now officially marked as dangerous by both Boston and Washington study. Risks include permanent ED, impotence, prostate cancer, depression etc. People are pressing charges, first class lawsuits are on the way. Manufacturer has pulled down their own website.. I hope its just a matter of time before this drug gets banned or officially marked as extreme health hazard. So, whatever You do, its a right decission not to gamble with Your own health by taking this drug.


            • 2020
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2012
              • 1527

              Originally posted by chrisis
              Careful research will lead you conclude we don't know how high the risks of side effects with finasteride/Propecia are.
              Then how the **** would a drug with UNKNOWN RISKS get approved by the FDA?? We know the risks! We knew them 20 years ago and we know them now.

              Originally posted by chrisis
              Merck have pulled their website and a lot of men are coming forward.
              I explained why they did that in another thread...

              Originally posted by chrisis
              If the risks were equivalent to placebo, I highly doubt so many men would be complaining.
              There are some risks just like with any drug but the fact is that the percentage of people who get those side effects is very small.

              Originally posted by chrisis
              I'd like this forum to be more balanced in its view of this drug
              I'd like it to be more factual...

              Originally posted by StressedToBald
              Its the same reason why I never went on propecia,
              he's way too bald already... propecia won't help much in his case.

              Originally posted by StressedToBald
              and these days it turns out I was right all along.
              nope, you're just bitter that you can't use Propecia so you will try to scare as many people as possible to not take that drug so they can be just as bald as you.

              Originally posted by StressedToBald
              This drug is now officially marked as dangerous by both Boston and Washington study. Risks include permanent ED, impotence, prostate cancer, depression etc.
              those are bogus studies... we already established that in another thread.

              Originally posted by StressedToBald
              People are pressing charges, first class lawsuits are on the way. Manufacturer has pulled down their own website.. I hope its just a matter of time before this drug gets banned or officially marked as extreme health hazard. So, whatever You do, its a right decission not to gamble with Your own health by taking this drug.
              100% that it won't happen. Their patent is about to expire anyways, no reason for Merck to support that drug anyways.


              • Tracy C
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2011
                • 3125

                Originally posted by wic86
                I just wanted the best possible, and permanent fix.
                Currently there is no such thing as a permenent fix.

                If you are only a NW2, you do not need a hair transplant. An ethical doctor might not be willing to do a hair transplant for you – and you don’t want to go to an unethical doctor. Besides getting a hair transplant without first attempting to slow down, stop or reverse your hair loss with medications is rather foolish. Talk to a real doctor. The frequency of possible side effects from Propecia or generic Finasteride is very rare. The possible side effects usually go away for those few who do experience them, even those who continue to use the medicine. The bad stuff you read about Propecia is largely overblown by fear mongering. Talk to a real doctor.


                • chrisis
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 1257

                  As explained in the other thread 2020, the FDA are not beyond error or corruption, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critici...Administration

                  The entire situation regarding finasteride is extremely unclear right now. Saying other wise is reckless and foolish.

                  "A $1.8 million 2006 Institute of Medicine report on pharmaceutical regulation in the U.S. found major deficiencies in the FDA system for ensuring the safety of drugs on the American market. Overall, the authors called for an increase in the regulatory powers, funding, and independence of the FDA."


                  • StressedToTheBald
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 452

                    Originally posted by chrisis
                    "A $1.8 million 2006 Institute of Medicine report on pharmaceutical regulation in the U.S. found major deficiencies in the FDA system for ensuring the safety of drugs on the American market. Overall, the authors called for an increase in the regulatory powers, funding, and independence of the FDA."
                    Its an excellent quote.
                    People should press charges against both Merck & FDA.
                    At the end of the day its complete failure of both safety and regulation. Its pathetic though how Merck has thrown all the blame towards FDA, telling damaged people to send their complaints there, while in reality, Merck's own study is utterly false and unobjective - not only that they've failed to include ALL the serious risks, but percentages of side effects are ridiculously underestemated. They're throwing the blame in another direction, but I'm afraid that won't help them too much in the court of law.. once all damaged people whose lives are ruined by propecia press charges.. Merck will be forced to pay every single penny they have.


                    • 2020
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1527

                      Originally posted by StressedToTheBald
                      Its an excellent quote.
                      People should press charges against both Merck & FDA.
                      At the end of the day its complete failure of both safety and regulation. Its pathetic though how Merck has thrown all the blame towards FDA, telling damaged people to send their complaints there, while in reality, Merck's own study is utterly false and unobjective - not only that they've failed to include ALL the serious risks, but percentages of side effects are ridiculously underestemated. They're throwing the blame in another direction, but I'm afraid that won't help them too much in the court of law.. once all damaged people whose lives are ruined by propecia press charges.. Merck will be forced to pay every single penny they have.


                      • Tracy C
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 3125

                        Originally posted by StressedToTheBald
                        More BS...
                        You are a tin foil hat wearing fool.

