What website can i find propecia without prescription and security safety?

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  • G-squad
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2012
    • 16

    What website can i find propecia without prescription and security safety?

    Ever since high school, i have been suffering from a hair loss. I recently found out that propecia is a great treatment for hair as it prevents DHT as well as the rogaine monoxidil. I wanted to know where online can I find both propecia and rogaine without prescription and security safety.
  • Spex
    Dr Representative
    • Nov 2008
    • 4289


    Basically get on " The big 3 " to beat DHT, THE CAUSE OF HAIRLOSS!

    Propecia ( Finasteride ), Minoxidil and Nizoral

    Here is the thing you need to make sure you understand when it comes to MPB:

    The main known factor that causes hairloss is DHT. To form DHT your body’s 5a-reductase enzyme converts free roaming testosterone DHT inside the hair cell follicle. The DHT then binds to the hair cell receptor and causes it to atrophy or shrink. Eventually your hair follicle stops producing hair and you lose that follicle. There are two types of the 5ar enzyme; Type I and Type II. Type II 5ar seems to be the main culprit in MPB as the type II enzyme is present in the hair follicles. Finasteride is a specific inhibitor of Type II 5ar inhibitor that reduces DHT produced by the type II 5ar by 85%-90% and reduces the overall DHT blood serum levels by 65%.

    As you can see Finasteride (PROPECIA ) is extremely useful as a treatment for MPB as it directly attacks the problem. Nizoral shampoo is thought to help “dull” the androgen receptors in the scalp which the DHT binds to. Together they provide a synergetic effect.

    You can purchase reliable meds from here if you are in the UK:


    Minoxidil is a hair stimulant. It is the only FDA proven hair stimulant on the market. However stimulating hair and protecting hair from further damage are two separate actions

    Minoxidil will artificially augment your hair while you use the compound but it does NOT have any know effect on 5ar or the androgen receptors in the scalp. A very reliable source is


    The best way to attack MPB is to:

    1. Stop further damage to your hair via DHT. You can accomplish this best by using Finasteride to inhibit the 5ar enzyme and Nizoral to “dull” the androgen receptors.

    2. **If** further thickening/regrowth is needed after the hair damaging DHT androgen is reduced then minoxidil can be used to further augment your existing hairs and perhaps even stimulant some dormant hair follicles to resume growing.

    Use all these 3 products together -

    1. Minoxidil 2 x a day – once in the am and once in the pm
    2. Finesteride (propecia/proscar) 1mg per day
    3. Nizoral 2 x a weeks (no more) – will dry your scalp out!

    Propecia: is 1mg Finasteride typically £40-£45 for a months supply. VERY expensive!!!
    Proscar: is 5mg Finasteride. (Cutting Proscar into 5ths gives you Propecia )
    Finpicia :1 mg generic Finasteride is very reliable and affordable - it’s exactly the same drug as Propecia and its what I now take for ease and maximum efficiency.

    FYI -

    Dutasteride and finasteride (PROPECIA) are both 5-alpha-reductase (5AR) inhibitors. Both treatments work by inhibiting 5AR, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the primary androgen in the prostate. It is a primary factor in the development and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and other prostate diseases and is also a major cause of hair loss.

    .5mg – 2.5mg of Dutasteride provides better results in hair maintenance/regrowth as opposed to Finasteride

    However, the benefit likely comes from its higher inhibition of type II 5ar not its suppression of type I 5ar. Merck tested a specific type I 5ar inhibitor called “MK386″ in a human trial and found it had no effect on balding.

    Jumping on the Dutasteride bandwagon before the Finasteride bandwagon is not a good idea. For most men Finasteride is enough to halt and even reverse MPB… In the off-chance your body becomes tolerant of Finasteride (over the years) you always have Dutasteride to fall back on…

    Side-effects on Dutasteride may be more common, any such sides would last longer as the half-life of Dutasteride is much longer then Finasteride, and unlike type II 5ar type I 5ar *is* present in brain tissue. Finally, keep in mind that DHT is not an evil androgen that just causes hairloss. Various bodily functions benefit from DHT. Finasteride inhibits 65% overall DHT levels leaving 35% for your body to use (most of that 35% is from the type I 5ar that isnt a big factor in hairloss). Dutasteride inhibits 90% or more overall DHT levels leaving 10% or less for your body…

    Basically, use Finasteride **first** and only resort to Dutasteride if you must – This is just my opinion

    Nizoral Shampoo 2%
    Info on Nizoral shampoo:

    Nizoral is an anti-fungal shampoo that kills the fungi that cause seborrhea and dandruff.

    Groups of individuals have discovered that Nizoral (when used regularly) is a very useful alopecia treatment, once again it would appear that the role of a substance for the treatment of hair-loss is stumbled upon accidentally!

    Nizoral contains a chemical called ketoconazole, it is known that when ketoconazole is ingested orally that it inhibits the binding of androgens to receptors in the body and this would include the binding of DHT to hair-follicle receptors.

    Furthermore positive results with Nizoral shampoo are often noted within a few weeks, whereas a pure anti-DHT affect may take a few months. It is therefore likely that Nizoral exhibits another method to its anti-hair-loss effect.

    One such theory of Nizorals anti-alopecia effects may be on its activity upon sebum.

    Sebum is a fatty substance that accumulates in the scalp around the hair follicles. Its possible that the removal of sebum may help “unclog” the hair follicle and expose it to more nutrition from an improved blood supply, rather like unclogging a drain!

    It is known that Nizoral can remove and reduce sebum deposits.

    Good sources can be found on Amazon

    Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

    Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

    View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

    Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

    I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


    • StressedToTheBald
      • Jan 2012
      • 452

      You might want to reconsider Your options before its too late. Propecia is a health hazard. Its now officially linked to permanent erectile dysfunction, cancer, depression etc. by 2 top US studies of Dr. Traish(Boston) and Dr. Irwig(Washington).. You should know whats at stake if You decide to gamble with Your health. Regardless of the percentages, risks are very real and very serious. Do not let propecia promoters here tell You otherwise.
      At Examiner.com™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.

      This drug is soon either to be officially banned or risk labels upgraded to highest levels to include these extremely serious health conditions. Manufacturer has pulled down their own website and 1st class lawsuits are on the way as damaged people whose lives have been ruined by propecia are pressing charges.

      2011. Warning by FDA

      "[6-9-2011] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing healthcare professionals that the Warnings and Precautions section of the labels for the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5-ARI) class of drugs has been revised to include new safety information about the increased risk of being diagnosed with a more serious form of prostate cancer (high-grade prostate cancer). This risk appears to be low, but healthcare professionals should be aware of this safety information, and weigh the known benefits against the potential risks when deciding to start or continue treatment with 5-ARIs in men."


      • G-squad
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2012
        • 16

        Thank you so much spex! Your explanation helped me a lot in understanding the reasoning behind hair loss and why i should use such medication to treat it. =) I am willing to try all of those things but I was wondering, should I use popular name brand monoxidils to treat my scalp or is any monoxidil with topical solution a wise choice?

        Also, should I buy the generic propecia 1mg or 5mg? Note:

        Note: I am 20 years old and at the early stages of losing my hair. However, i have treated my hair in the past year with 2% monoxidil and laser comb 3 times per week. It has given me a lot of small hair at my temple. My hair were improving like no tomorrow until I started using the 2% monoxidil once a day before going to bed. This movement made me go back to the way I was about almost a year ago, which is why i was trying to look for a stronger monoxidil 5%... and also heard how beneficial propecia is.

        So can you help me out a bit answering 2 of my questions?
        Do I need generic propecia 1mg or 5mg?
        Do I need to buy branded monoxidil 5% or any solution as long as its a topical solution, for example Kirkland Monoxidil 5%?


        • born
          • Nov 2011
          • 66

          Originally posted by Spex

          Basically get on " The big 3 " to beat DHT, THE CAUSE OF HAIRLOSS!

          Propecia ( Finasteride ), Minoxidil and Nizoral

          Here is the thing you need to make sure you understand when it comes to MPB:

          The main known factor that causes hairloss is DHT. To form DHT your body’s 5a-reductase enzyme converts free roaming testosterone DHT inside the hair cell follicle. The DHT then binds to the hair cell receptor and causes it to atrophy or shrink. Eventually your hair follicle stops producing hair and you lose that follicle. There are two types of the 5ar enzyme; Type I and Type II. Type II 5ar seems to be the main culprit in MPB as the type II enzyme is present in the hair follicles. Finasteride is a specific inhibitor of Type II 5ar inhibitor that reduces DHT produced by the type II 5ar by 85%-90% and reduces the overall DHT blood serum levels by 65%.

          As you can see Finasteride (PROPECIA ) is extremely useful as a treatment for MPB as it directly attacks the problem. Nizoral shampoo is thought to help “dull” the androgen receptors in the scalp which the DHT binds to. Together they provide a synergetic effect.

          You can purchase reliable meds from here if you are in the UK:


          Minoxidil is a hair stimulant. It is the only FDA proven hair stimulant on the market. However stimulating hair and protecting hair from further damage are two separate actions

          Minoxidil will artificially augment your hair while you use the compound but it does NOT have any know effect on 5ar or the androgen receptors in the scalp. A very reliable source is


          The best way to attack MPB is to:

          1. Stop further damage to your hair via DHT. You can accomplish this best by using Finasteride to inhibit the 5ar enzyme and Nizoral to “dull” the androgen receptors.

          2. **If** further thickening/regrowth is needed after the hair damaging DHT androgen is reduced then minoxidil can be used to further augment your existing hairs and perhaps even stimulant some dormant hair follicles to resume growing.

          Use all these 3 products together -

          1. Minoxidil 2 x a day – once in the am and once in the pm
          2. Finesteride (propecia/proscar) 1mg per day
          3. Nizoral 2 x a weeks (no more) – will dry your scalp out!

          Propecia: is 1mg Finasteride typically £40-£45 for a months supply. VERY expensive!!!
          Proscar: is 5mg Finasteride. (Cutting Proscar into 5ths gives you Propecia )
          Finpicia :1 mg generic Finasteride is very reliable and affordable - it’s exactly the same drug as Propecia and its what I now take for ease and maximum efficiency.

          FYI -

          Dutasteride and finasteride (PROPECIA) are both 5-alpha-reductase (5AR) inhibitors. Both treatments work by inhibiting 5AR, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the primary androgen in the prostate. It is a primary factor in the development and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and other prostate diseases and is also a major cause of hair loss.

          .5mg – 2.5mg of Dutasteride provides better results in hair maintenance/regrowth as opposed to Finasteride

          However, the benefit likely comes from its higher inhibition of type II 5ar not its suppression of type I 5ar. Merck tested a specific type I 5ar inhibitor called “MK386″ in a human trial and found it had no effect on balding.

          Jumping on the Dutasteride bandwagon before the Finasteride bandwagon is not a good idea. For most men Finasteride is enough to halt and even reverse MPB… In the off-chance your body becomes tolerant of Finasteride (over the years) you always have Dutasteride to fall back on…

          Side-effects on Dutasteride may be more common, any such sides would last longer as the half-life of Dutasteride is much longer then Finasteride, and unlike type II 5ar type I 5ar *is* present in brain tissue. Finally, keep in mind that DHT is not an evil androgen that just causes hairloss. Various bodily functions benefit from DHT. Finasteride inhibits 65% overall DHT levels leaving 35% for your body to use (most of that 35% is from the type I 5ar that isnt a big factor in hairloss). Dutasteride inhibits 90% or more overall DHT levels leaving 10% or less for your body…

          Basically, use Finasteride **first** and only resort to Dutasteride if you must – This is just my opinion

          Nizoral Shampoo 2%
          Info on Nizoral shampoo:

          Nizoral is an anti-fungal shampoo that kills the fungi that cause seborrhea and dandruff.

          Groups of individuals have discovered that Nizoral (when used regularly) is a very useful alopecia treatment, once again it would appear that the role of a substance for the treatment of hair-loss is stumbled upon accidentally!

          Nizoral contains a chemical called ketoconazole, it is known that when ketoconazole is ingested orally that it inhibits the binding of androgens to receptors in the body and this would include the binding of DHT to hair-follicle receptors.

          Furthermore positive results with Nizoral shampoo are often noted within a few weeks, whereas a pure anti-DHT affect may take a few months. It is therefore likely that Nizoral exhibits another method to its anti-hair-loss effect.

          One such theory of Nizorals anti-alopecia effects may be on its activity upon sebum.

          Sebum is a fatty substance that accumulates in the scalp around the hair follicles. Its possible that the removal of sebum may help “unclog” the hair follicle and expose it to more nutrition from an improved blood supply, rather like unclogging a drain!

          It is known that Nizoral can remove and reduce sebum deposits.

          Good sources can be found on Amazon

          spex how long have you been on finasteride?Has it helped you maintain what you have?


          • Spex
            Dr Representative
            • Nov 2008
            • 4289

            I have been on Finasteride for over a decade. Yes its essentially the secrect to my overall success as it meant i STOPPED further loss and based on the success of this i then was able to rebuild the front successfully over time via HT's.

            There are a few pics knocking about on me before/after finasteride to show clearly the benefits i have recieved from taking it and staying on it.

            Pics also on my website.

            Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

            Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

            View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

            Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

            I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


            • G-squad
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2012
              • 16

              Originally posted by Spex
              I have been on Finasteride for over a decade. Yes its essentially the secrect to my overall success as it meant i STOPPED further loss and based on the success of this i then was able to rebuild the front successfully over time via HT's.

              There are a few pics knocking about on me before/after finasteride to show clearly the benefits i have recieved from taking it and staying on it.

              Pics also on my website.

              Hey Spex, did u use kirkland monoxidil before while treating your hair?


              • G-squad
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2012
                • 16

                Originally posted by Spex
                I have been on Finasteride for over a decade. Yes its essentially the secrect to my overall success as it meant i STOPPED further loss and based on the success of this i then was able to rebuild the front successfully over time via HT's.

                There are a few pics knocking about on me before/after finasteride to show clearly the benefits i have recieved from taking it and staying on it.

                Pics also on my website.

                Can you also answer these questions please.

                Do I need generic propecia 1mg or 5mg? ( Im 20 years old)
                Do I need to buy branded monoxidil 5% or any solution as long as its a topical solution, for example Kirkland Monoxidil 5%?


                • Spex
                  Dr Representative
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 4289

                  Sorry G-Squad i missed those.

                  I used to use Kirkland but man its greasy and a pain. I now use the Rogaine foam version which is fantastic to apply and even more effective. Its cheap so serious consider it. It dry rapidly and also gives the hair body and boost

                  I personally take 1mg generic finpecia now after cutting Proscar into 5ths for years. ( 5mg finasteride tabs)

                  You only need 1mg of the drug daily. You can either cut proscar up into 5ths or find a good reliable source of generic 1mg tabs.

                  Propecia is 1mg Finasteride but very pricy. The other forms are exactly the same in my honest opinion.

                  Hope this helps
                  Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                  Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                  View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

                  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                  I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                  • Spex
                    Dr Representative
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 4289

                    Me before meds :

                    After :

                    Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                    Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                    View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

                    Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                    I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                    • G-squad
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 16

                      Thank you for advising but kirkland was effective in combination with the propecia right?

                      N congratz! Your back filled in really nicely. =)


                      • Spex
                        Dr Representative
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 4289

                        Yes it was effective. The main weapon is essentially propecia( 1mg finasteride )

                        If you are happy with Kirkland then roll with it - its an effective product however the new foam version of minoxidil is generally viewed as much better and easy to apply.

                        Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                        Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                        View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

                        Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                        I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                        • G-squad
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 16

                          so your hair are not stick after you use the rogaine foam right?

                          Well Ive given my order for kirkland and propecia so now i just gotta wait until they come in... but nonetheless thank you for your help and i'll definitely consult with you in the future Spex.

                          Preciate it!


                          • Spex
                            Dr Representative
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 4289

                            No worries.

                            No the foam literally dries in seconds and after it actually volumizes the hair

                            All good and best of luck.

                            Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                            Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                            View Media interviews www.spexhair.media

                            Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                            I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.


                            • G-squad
                              Junior Member
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 16

                              Originally posted by Spex
                              No worries.

                              No the foam literally dries in seconds and after it actually volumizes the hair

                              All good and best of luck.

                              Hey spex, I had another question, is it proper to wash your hair everyday before using another dose of monoxidil the next day?

