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  • StressedToTheBald
    • Jan 2012
    • 452


    "Writing in the journal Biology of Reproduction, researchers said the finding could explain why Japanese men, who eat more soy, rarely have prostate cancer. They said the molecule could be used as a treatment for cancer and hair loss. The team found that the molecule, an isoflavone called equol, "handcuffs" the male hormone DHT - a by-product of testosterone. Equol is a metabolic product of the flavonoid daidzein. The researchers say this could be particularly important for men who have been diagnosed with either an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or cancer of the prostate. DHT has also been implicated in research into the causes of male pattern hair loss."

    ^ Lund, TD; Munson, DJ, Haldy, ME, Setchell, KD, Lephart, ED, Handa, RJ (Apr 2004). "Equol is a novel anti-androgen that inhibits prostate growth and hormone feedback.". Biology of Reproduction 70 (4): 1188–95. PMID 14681200.

    ^ Atkinson, C; Frankenfeld, CL, Lampe, JW (Mar 2005). "Gut bacterial metabolism of the soy isoflavone daidzein: exploring the relevance to human health.". Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 230 (3): 155–70. PMID 15734719.
  • 2020
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 1527

    ignore that it was posted by StressedToBald, but seriously: Japan is one of the healthiest countries in the world and they also have a VERY LOW incidence of pattern baldness.... Something tells me it's not 100% genetics


    • chrisis
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2012
      • 1257

      If you're suggesting a link between low incidence of baldness in Japanese men with their healthy diets, you might as well suggest a link between their healthy diets and their height (shorter than average), their hair colour (black typically!), and the shape of their eyes (no offence intended).

      Genetics IS VERY IMPORTANT, much moreso than diet. It seems to me more likely that races that don't exhibit much MPB just don't have it in their genetic profile, rather than it being anything to do with what they eat. Besides, MPB has been around for a long time - much longer than the typical "unhealthy diet" of western civilization.


      • 2020
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2012
        • 1527

        Originally posted by chrisis
        you might as well suggest a link between their healthy diets and their height (shorter than average),
        Diet has A LOT to do with your height! Eating the right foods during the young years can definitely make you taller!

        Originally posted by chrisis
        Genetics IS VERY IMPORTANT, much moreso than diet. It seems to me more likely that races that don't exhibit much MPB just don't have it in their genetic profile, rather than it being anything to do with what they eat. Besides, MPB has been around for a long time - much longer than the typical "unhealthy diet" of western civilization.
        right, I'm not saying that certain diets will make you immune to MPB but I think it can certainly delay it...


        • StressedToTheBald
          • Jan 2012
          • 452

          Originally posted by chrisis
          If you're suggesting a link between low incidence of baldness in Japanese men with their healthy diets, you might as well suggest a link between their healthy diets and their height (shorter than average), their hair colour (black typically!), and the shape of their eyes (no offence intended).

          Genetics IS VERY IMPORTANT, much moreso than diet. It seems to me more likely that races that don't exhibit much MPB just don't have it in their genetic profile, rather than it being anything to do with what they eat. Besides, MPB has been around for a long time - much longer than the typical "unhealthy diet" of western civilization.
          Interestingly enough, Japanese people have the greater ability to produce this molecule than Western people do.

          "Several studies indicate that only 25 to 30 percent of the adult population of Western countries produces S-equol after eating soy foods containing isoflavones,[12][13][14][15] significantly lower than the reported 50 to 60 percent frequency of equol-producers in adults from Japan, Korea, or China.[16][17][18][19]."

          Its a fact that Western people have worst diets and highest percentage of baldness comparing to any other race. Coincidence ?

          A great percentage of bald people also have inflamatory condition in their folicles.. and Western diets are known to be imflamatory.

          Now, I am not saying its that simple - my diet today is heavenly healthy comparing to junk stuff that most people eat, and still I am bald and they are not. I used to have the worst diet in world when I started balding though.


          • chrisis
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2012
            • 1257

            But what are we specifically suggesting is the source of the baldness, if it's to do with diet? General bad health is a bit vague. As a vegetarian since I was 17, meat has apparently not been a factor in my case.

            I'm extremely skeptical that MPB is linked to diet. I think it's genetic. I think there are other types of hair loss that may be linked to diet, but they're not classed as MPB. The western diet hasn't been around long enough to make any difference at a genetic level.

            I firmly believe MPB just happens to be more prevalent in certain races.


            • 2020
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2012
              • 1527

              Originally posted by chrisis
              I'm extremely skeptical that MPB is linked to diet. I think it's genetic. I think there are other types of hair loss that may be linked to diet, but they're not classed as MPB. The western diet hasn't been around long enough to make any difference at a genetic level.
              it is genetic yes.... if you got the gene, you will go bald eventually but the argument here is that a BAD DIET will speed up that process....


              • StressedToTheBald
                • Jan 2012
                • 452

                Originally posted by chrisis
                But what are we specifically suggesting is the source of the baldness, if it's to do with diet? General bad health is a bit vague. As a vegetarian since I was 17, meat has apparently not been a factor in my case.

                I'm extremely skeptical that MPB is linked to diet. I think it's genetic. I think there are other types of hair loss that may be linked to diet, but they're not classed as MPB. The western diet hasn't been around long enough to make any difference at a genetic level.

                I firmly believe MPB just happens to be more prevalent in certain races.
                I am vegan myself. Its processed fats and white sugar - its even in those foods that are portryed as healthy. It easily messes up hormonal balance.

                Its an interesting issue. I wish someone had made a study, research, whatever.. What puzzles me the most to be honest .. If we would for example to imagine Western Parent No.1 who became bald due to imbalance of hormones etc. caused by poor nutrition.. and had a kid.. and kid inherited baldness and continued with same poor nutrition, and so on, and so on. Well, its not an impossible theory ? Both genes + ongoing bad nutrition.

                I don't know how long something has to be around to cause and start genetic change. It is said that Japanese men were rarely seen bald before WW2.. After Yankees came and with all fast food, plenty of sugars and fats.. the rate of bald Japanese men is today way much higher than it used to be.

