19 Year Old, Intro and Dr. Gho

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  • nrj
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 21

    19 Year Old, Intro and Dr. Gho

    Hello everyone, im 19 years old and am new to the hairloss community, its funny isn't it when you didnt worry about hairloss you never even think about how people go bald and why.

    Nevertheless since i had gotten a couple of remarks about my hair at the barbers and shedding an odd amount in the shower, i decided to starting becoming suspicious and had decided to book an appointment with the belgravia clinic (london).

    If you live in london please dont be sucked in by the consumerism and visit this clinic, its one of the worst experiences i have had for hair loss, the woman was apparently a "trichologist", it looked like she had just flown in from eastern europe and couldnt speak english properly, there she tried to explain to me how hair loss happens works. Even though i allready knew i thought i would just listen to what she had to say. In conclusion it was clear from the off that these people's jobs were to depress you as much as possible so that you can cave in and feel completely dependant on them.

    I left being told i had male pattern hair loss and then began the obsession, ever since then my life hasnt been the same, hours upon end researching and watching video after video of supposed treatments with many people taking advantage of vulnerable hair loss sufferers to sell their fake remedies and make a crap load of money, i dont know how these people sleep at night.

    I can say that since then i have grown quite a lot as a person as every person does when facing a problem at quite a high magnitude. I ofcourse am still no where near over it and am dreading the days when it becomes visible.

    Honestly, the biggest shock for me is that the treatments are so incredibly limited, is propecia, minoxidil and nizoral and saw palmetto shampoo's all there is? we live in the 21st century and i dont think people understand the devastation people go through when they are told they are losing their hair.

    For a man its devastating, one cant imagine how its like for a female to experience balding.

    After my days and weeks of research i have decided to give minoxidil a go, even though im contemplating my decision now as a slight brainfog and headaches has lead me to think its not worth, and i barely put half a capful everytime.

    On to propecia, i have listened to crap loads of shows by spencer even though my hair loss is recent and would probably say im a NW1 or 2 (not quite sure) and have heard him render it a drug that most people do not experience side effects with. Almost every user i have seen on many different forums complains of at least mild side-effects and many have stated they have quit due to the side effects. Propecia blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT, i have seen many doctors against Fin on forums and my GP has told me of the side-effects, there is no long-term effects studies on propecia and we dont even know all the uses of DHT in the human body. Fair enough if your taking it and its working but i haven't taken it yet and dont know how my individual system will respond to inhibition of these enzymes blocking DHT conversion and am not willing to stand any of the systemic side-effects and the chance that i could become impotent !

    I currently use RegenePure and Regaine. I know there are companies working on a cure or treatment and all i can say is hurry the **** up !

    Sorry if this was a bit waffly to reach my point.

    It will take a long time to explain why i picked Dr. Gho, i dont even know if he will even treat me yet. But i have decided to book a consultation this month and have many questions i would like to ask him and whether he can perform a coverup task for me (diffuse thinning) over a couple of years and have seen a thread like this before as to what questions you want to ask him, after lots of research i feel as though if he is performing what he says he is, it may well be like an effective but very expensive treatment for hair loss, i am only 19 and will have to work and save and hope to help everyone deal with this goddamn annoying problem and will try and keep everyone updated.

    What questions do you want me to ask him and what advice do you have for me? thanks.
  • Sogeking
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 497

    Hi nrj. I'm glad you joined us. We share the same beliefs, although I would say I am accepting my hair loss somewhat well. Sure it botthers me, but it is not something I give much thought to since it would be in vain. For me until something better comes there is no point worrying over something you can't change. However as I mentioned I would still very much like to have a full head of hair in the future and I am willing to pay for it.

    That said this forum gave me an opportunity to be a part of community that is eagerly awaiting for a new, better treatment and discuss it thoroughly.

    I wish you luck with Rogaine. As for Dr. Gho it is something I wish to see, since we mostly know the answers he gives to people. I still want extensive photographic evidence with testimonials from his patients thorugh independent sources.

    However I am not betting on it. Besides I placing my hopes in the future...


    • nrj
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 21

      Hey Soge, thanks for your opinion. I genuinely try and feel like this everyday but its hard watching your hair fall out day by day and theres nothing you can do about it.

      I chose this forum because it was the best, the others are way too depressing and limited, i've read alot of posts by people here and there generally doesnt seem to be much arguements or negativitiy (from that i've seen). Most people here seem to be well informed and very knowledgable on hair loss.


      • RichardDawkins
        • Jan 2011
        • 895

        nrj THANK YOu finally someone actually said whats going on :-)

        You are true the other forums are actually pretty damn dangerous because there ar a lot of lets say strange people

        For example there was one guy who went to Gho and he showed a donor picture with very crystal clear regenerated follicles, everyone could see this.

        And guess what happened some people said "All i see are dots......" and believe me you could easily see the hairs coming again.

        Another thing is, in this forum not many people have actually questions for Gho because deep inside a lot of people know this works and right now there are efforts to get a petition done for other surgeons to get this in their "mill"

        But if you would post your thread at hairsite, believe me the same old questions would come up like always.

        Thanks for joining this board here, this was a wise decision.

        Also i am very happy that a youngster found its way into a smart position and not to dangle around and cry later because of a scar or something along the line


        "You see my dear surgeons, the more and more younger patients re not willed anymore to only get a traditional A to B transplant. Keep that in mind my fellow surgeons and clinics. Maybe now is the time to visit Gho and talk about icences etc"


        • krewel
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 188

          Even though I'm happy you chose to have an appointment with Gho, I'm not sure if hair transplants should be done at your age because your hair loss still proceeds and I think Gho probably will tell you the same unless it's obvious that you have a clear case of NW1 male pattern baldness.
          I guess an option would be taking Finasteride after a hair transplant.
          But apart from all this, you made a good choice with Gho and he will tell you what to do and what your options are since he knows a lot more about hair loss than all of us.


          • nrj
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 21

            Hi rich, I have visited hairsite but not made an account, and i think i've even seen that thread, i also saw a thread rumouring that sneijder had an iron deficiency before surgery and that gho was opportunistic to book him in for a surgery...

            Kewel - agreed, the only problem is that i dont want it to become visible to the point where people can notice it, my previous mind frame was to get back my old lower hairline and contemplated surgeons like alvi/antonio armani but first and foremost on my list is maintaining my look and donor regeneration (hope it works/looks like it does) im almost 100% sure about the 90% regeneration and will seek Gho's advice on what to do. I think a big deterrant is the price and locations available which may lead to people wanting to poke as many holes as possible in the treatment, im lucky enough to live in london and have an appointment next week. Who knows maybe i will get to have my old hairline back if i have enough procedures, hopefully by then replicel and histogen etc.. will be done.


            • yeahyeahyeah
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 1818

              Originally posted by nrj
              Nevertheless since i had gotten a couple of remarks about my hair at the barbers and shedding an odd amount in the shower, i decided to starting becoming suspicious and had decided to book an appointment with the belgravia clinic (london).

              If you live in london please dont be sucked in by the consumerism and visit this clinic, its one of the worst experiences i have had for hair loss, the woman was apparently a "trichologist", it looked like she had just flown in from eastern europe and couldnt speak english properly, there she tried to explain to me how hair loss happens works. Even though i allready knew i thought i would just listen to what she had to say. In conclusion it was clear from the off that these people's jobs were to depress you as much as possible so that you can cave in and feel completely dependant on them.

              I left being told i had male pattern hair loss and then began the obsession, ever since then my life hasnt been the same, hours upon end researching and watching video after video of supposed treatments with many people taking advantage of vulnerable hair loss sufferers to sell their fake remedies and make a crap load of money, i dont know how these people sleep at night.
              I am glad that I have read this, I had exactly the same experience with them at a NW1-2.

              Did a woman susan try to hard sale you into using their products? Anyway, I remember her telling me that if left untreated, I would be significantly bald in "2 years", the trichologist also dismissed the theory of a "mature hairline"...this was in 2009, my hair is extremely thick right now and I get complimented for it. Pierce brosnan/jordan knight style hairline, no thinning elseware at 26. *touch wood*

              I remember when I bought their treatment they told me to put minoxidil everywhere, this raised alarm bells, because I knew this could in effect make my hair dependent on them. So I stopped after a couple of applications of minoxidil.

              With that said, like you, after that experience it has caused me to become obsessed with hairloss.


              • nrj
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 21

                yeahyeahyeah - omg dude, i dont know but that place disturbed the sh** out of me, i actually asked about the hairline thing and asked does every single person follow this pattern and become completely bald and she was reluctant to answer me and i think she said well mostly this pattern happens or something.

                My dad is 65 and his hairline is way more receeded than mine and has very thin hair - very similar to mine (his is receeded a bit more on the left side than the right) when i saw his head shaved i felt a bit of hope, if thats the case i can just do a 1 time surgery and fix the hairline, do you think there's a chance? thanks.


                • yeahyeahyeah
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 1818

                  Originally posted by nrj
                  yeahyeahyeah - omg dude, i dont know but that place disturbed the sh** out of me, i actually asked about the hairline thing and asked does every single person follow this pattern and become completely bald and she was reluctant to answer me and i think she said well mostly this pattern happens or something.

                  My dad is 65 and his hairline is way more receeded than mine and has very thin hair - very similar to mine (his is receeded a bit more on the left side than the right) when i saw his head shaved i felt a bit of hope, if thats the case i can just do a 1 time surgery and fix the hairline, do you think there's a chance? thanks.
                  Given your age, if you are visibly thinning then that is a bad sign. Everyone I know who is developing severe hairloss, is thinning early on.

                  But be sure that you are actually thinning, the trichologist at the belgravia centre told me I was "thinning", despite my hair being this thick with a little whorl at the back:

                  Which scared the shit out of me...Ive now realised they are using hard sales tactics. (imagine if I put minox all over that mane)

                  If I were to be a NW6 , I probably would have started diffusing/thinning at 23-24.

                  Looking at old photos my hairline has roughly stayed the same. I guess the problem with hairloss is that it is unpredictable. Have you got a picture of your hairline I can see?


                  • nrj
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 21

                    well, i'd say my hair is still pretty thick and the hair loss has almost stopped after a week on minoxidil (weird) my hairline hasnt receeded much at all but the shed in the showers has scared the bejeezus out of me. Do you mind checking back in a few days when my iphone is fixed (to take pics) so you can check out the hairline pics?

                    im 19 but as far as i can remember all the way up till the day i visited belgravia i had treated my hair terribly, i'm visiting gho next week, hopefully he can clear this up which wont require me to upload pics.

                    how comes you still surf this forum? are you mpb free ? why did you visit belgravia in the first place?

                    thanks !


                    • yeahyeahyeah
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 1818

                      Originally posted by nrj
                      well, i'd say my hair is still pretty thick and the hair loss has almost stopped after a week on minoxidil (weird) my hairline hasnt receeded much at all but the shed in the showers has scared the bejeezus out of me. Do you mind checking back in a few days when my iphone is fixed (to take pics) so you can check out the hairline pics?

                      im 19 but as far as i can remember all the way up till the day i visited belgravia i had treated my hair terribly, i'm visiting gho next week, hopefully he can clear this up which wont require me to upload pics.

                      how comes you still surf this forum? are you mpb free ? and how long did you take minox for?
                      My hairline matured from about 23-24, no idea if it is MPB or what:

                      My hairline has changed from a straight hairline to this: Aside from that my hair is incredibly thick. No crown thinning as of yet. Hairline seems to be stable for the past 7 months. Have I got anything to worry about?

                      Suspect it is just a perfect mature hairline. I surf this forum because I am just really interested in hair cloning. If it comes out in the next few years, I will try and restore my hairline to a juvenile hairline.

                      Didn't take minox for very long - 2 applications then stopped.

                      By the way it is normal to lose hair in the shower. I lose 20 strands all the time.


                      • nrj
                        Junior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 21

                        oO, i'd have to say my hair line looks very similar lol, except mine is just thin all round, although after 2 weeks on regaine and using a good shampoo it looks a lot thicker, i'd say im losing less then 20 hairs atm.

                        1 side note, both sides of my family have thin hair ( i dont really care if its thin just that it doesnt go), even the women in my family have thin hair, my hair is probably thicker than my sisters. my mums side has a couple of bald men but everyone from my dads side has full heads of hair which are also very thin.

                        i just want out of this mpb train lol ! lets hope the cures/treatments come out in the next 2 years, just incase .

                        Btw your hair line looks really good and if its just a maturing hairline it looks better as it gives your face length and looks more masculine, hope you dont have mpb or any more recession !


                        • yeahyeahyeah
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 1818

                          Originally posted by nrj
                          oO, i'd have to say my hair line looks very similar lol, except mine is just thin all round, although after 2 weeks on regaine and using a good shampoo it looks a lot thicker, i'd say im losing less then 20 hairs atm.

                          1 side note, both sides of my family have thin hair ( i dont really care if its thin just that it doesnt go), even the women in my family have thin hair, my hair is probably thicker than my sisters. my mums side has a couple of bald men but everyone from my dads side has full heads of hair which are also very thin.

                          i just want out of this mpb train lol ! lets hope the cures/treatments come out in the next 2 years, just incase .

                          Btw your hair line looks really good and if its just a maturing hairline it looks better as it gives your face length and looks more masculine, hope you dont have mpb or any more recession !
                          Can I see a pic of your hairline?

                          Yeah from the sounds of it, I think you've inherited the thin hair. Don't have a lot of thinning hair in my family, luckily. And thanks for the compliment.


                          • Tracy C
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 3125

                            Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                            By the way it is normal to lose hair in the shower. I lose 20 strands all the time.
                            It is normal to shed up to 100 hairs per day. Some days you may shed more, other days you may shed less.


                            • nature
                              Junior Member
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 10

                              Hello everbody....well i'm also 19 years old and i'm very interested for HST ...i'm probably going to done it in 2014,15,..Money isn't a problem...if there is need for 10 procedures ..no problem...But i read somwhere that at hasci told someone that best results they can get are like joling's.If other clinic could extract 6000+ grafts then way Gho don't want to do more than 3 procedures for the front part.I now it's dangerous to have HT before 25 years but with hair regenration you could go every year for procedure to follow up your hair loos...I always like my hair and now i'm basically losing my attractivnes...i have high cheekbones and strong jawline ...and most of the women find me very attractive...but now my forehead is getting bigger and i have really bad headshape...right now it isn't that bad(NW2)...and i have hairstyle that put my hair on my forehead ...like bieber but i have it only because i need it...in normal conditions i woudn't have it...my hair loos will probably end at nw5 becouse my grandpha is nw5 and his temples and some part of vertex are compleatly bald but on other aga possibly affected parts of head .his hair is diffused.i hope that some of upcoming treatments will come in next 5 years ...it isn't importatnt to me who will be first but i think that they will be great thing for adding more density for transpanted hairs and on diffused parts of head...
                              Few questions ..to you think that Gho would let me in future to have procedure every year until i reach the level that will satisfied me(as i said money isn't problem), probably to nw1 ..1,5 ...probably 2-3 maybe 4 procedurs of 2000 or more grafts for front and for vertex i'm planning to use minoxdil and hold that hair as long as possible and in future add nano fibres or to have ht plus fibre...but the main point is that my front and temples need to be fixed really well...??
                              after HT would loner hair give better results...because i see spencer have some sort of hairstyle that i liked have in future but right temple must have much more hair...so is t better to have longer hair after HT??
                              So,this is all and sorry for my long post and bad english but i need to hear what other people think about my situation and possible future treatments.

