I'm dead serious....

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  • EXprettyboy
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 101

    I'm dead serious....

    We are in pain... this ailment torments us, We can't even forget it because it is literally always 'on our mind'.

    We spend alot of our money on anything that might help.

    Who cares about this issue more than us? ...nobody.
    Time and time again we wait for months on end, for some multi national corporation to come up with a lack luster treatment, and then exploit the shit out of our insecurity for big money. Hat's of to the companies that are the real deal though, they're our only hope.

    Here's my proposal :

    There are enough of us to set up are own Non-profit organisation dedicated to a cure. If we all contributed a small donation, we could set up our own facility, A laboratory staffed by motivated scientists. Spencer could be CEO.

    Why would we do that?
    1>We would no longer be held by the balls by these companies, we would be a strong independent organisation, united.

    2>We would never be in the dark about progress.

    3>We would feel like we are part of the biggest movement ever formed to cure this.

    4>If we hit the jackpot we would not be financially exploited, we would be the owners of the cure.

    5>Everybody here knows how deep this runs for us, nobody would work harder than us. We could even publish every detail of the science on the internet daily. People like you and me could have access to the research from home and a cult of part-time scientists would be born, It would be a legitamit past time when your depressed! All those baldies with sky high I.Q.s put to work.

    Take wikipedia for example, one of the biggest website's in the world self funded. Can you imagine the power of a website and laboratory that we owned? the bald population at least pro-actively preoccupied. I think we should suggest this to spencer for discussion on his radio-show.
  • VictimOfDHT
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 748

    I have thought about this myself. I have always believed having someone who's suffering from hair loss -I mean emotionally suffering- on a research team would be the way to push things forward, much faster. If we have a whole team made up of people who too are suffering would be the best thing.

    The ONLY reason why we're in 2011 and still don't have a cure or a treatment for this curse is because no body really cared about finding one. Yeah, we have those "big four" but they're new on the scene and they're doing it purely for the money -which is ok- but they sure don't give a rat's ass about our emotional suffering.

    Like they say, "necessity is the mother of invention". I'm sure if a bunch of really desperate balding guys -with education in biology or whatever field it is- put their heads together and decide to decipher the mystery of this curse (baldness) it probably won't take'em long to find a solution to this shitty problem. Of course, there's the funding issue but that shouldn't be too big of a problem.

    As long as we're relying on a bunch of lazy ass mother ****ers (so-called researchers) whose only job is to torture mice with their mouse hair loss experiments we will never get a cure not now and not in another million years.
    Yes, again, we have the "big four", who don't seem to be in a hurry to go nowhere with their research, but come on, 4 ? That's all ? 4!! Out of all the thousands of labs and researchers around the world, only 4 are willing to tackle a problem that has, and still is destroying the lives of countless millions of men and women.
    If there were any fairness and logic in this ****ing world, the problem of hair loss should be treated as endemic instead of a joke. Think about this, at this VERY moment there are thousands if not millions of men and women who are crying their eyes out, suffer extreme depression, anxiety, self-image and self esteem issues...., and who live in total isolation and it's all because of their hair loss problem. HOW the **** is this NOT an endemic, and why the **** aren't there more people/organizations/labs and funding to try and fix this god damn curse ?????????????????????????
    **** THE WORLD.


    • DontKnowWhatToDo
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2011
      • 27

      Androgenically afflicted of the world, unite!

      ..and no I'm not being facetious. I think it's a good idea.


      • EXprettyboy
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 101

        Lets ****in' do it!!!

        Money and business is polluting the progress of the cure and even if successful we will be financially exploited. And we may be waiting in vain, we could end up with our pants down in 2015 if they tell us it didn't work.

        It's not about money for us. It's about one thing ONLY.

        .....Solving this problem.

        and if we can't solve it, then knowing we did our best.

        In the 1980s, Augusto Daniel Odone, was devastated when he learned that his 6 year old son was going to die of a terrible disease within 2 years that there was no cure for. Augusto had no medical background. He devoted himself to finding a treatment. He concocted 'Lorenzo's oil', named after his son. His son lived beyond 30, and so did many others suffering with the condition as a result of the new medicine.

        It would be advantageous for us to follow this line of thought for several reasons. We should form an organisation Dedicated to the cure. Money is immaterial for us all that matters is the cure.

        1) FULL DISCLOSURE : As I said before, we could publish all research and progress online for every bald man who cares to read an understand and perhaps even contribute. We could do that because we don't care about intellectual property or proprietary technology, we care about the cure. Also I feel that this would make us feel like we are in control, like any one of us is on the forefront of the battle for the cure. And finally we would never be in the dark again, we wouldn't have to trust corporations with conflicted interest between their companies success financially and the truth.

        2) NO FINANCIAL CONTAMINATION : In business, all decisions are made with maximum profit as the objective. But this is not OUR end goal. We would not be a business. Our end goal is the cure. We would make decisions that are not restrained by money considerations. We would NOT operate like a business. We would operate in a way that optimises the chances of finding the cure.

        3) ORGANISATION : If we really want to resolve this issue we need get focused. When humans need to achieve something, the best way is to get united, make a plan and execute.

        There is always a delay from when something as become a practical possibility and the time we realize it would be a good idea. I feel this is one of those no brainers.

        I spend a lot of money on Rogaine and lasers and Hair supplements. I'm a student, I have very little money. But I would donate in a heartbeat towards this cause, that I feel would be our best hope of actually getting this done once and for all.

        What exactly am I suggesting?
        Well if you can't handle your hair slowly fading away and Your life is really suffering as a result, then I'm suggesting that you be a part of a new league of men, dedicated to finding the cure, not for profit but for the sake of your quality of life.
        It will become a new standard procedure for the hairloss sufferer, talk to your docter, feel depressed,Buy rogaine, AND THEN JOIN THIS ORGANISATION.
        Obviously such a venture would have start up costs and running expenses. How could that be raised? Donations, or maybe a small membership fee, or perhaps sell advertising space on the site just to raise money. the facility may be entitled to a research grant.

        What then?
        We buy a facility, with a laboratory and set up a website that's purpose is to publish all findings, educate, and interact with contributors.

        What do I expect to happen?
        Teams of dedicated researchers work on the cure in the lab. There research and findings are published online. Balding men and women all over the world of access to every bit of science and medical information relevant to balding. They also have access to the latest up to the minute information on research findings. It could be like the worlds biggest interactive puzzle, where the sole objective is to find a cure. We have our motivation.

        If we didn't succeed in our bid to cure it, we will at least have been a part of a powerful movement towards the answer and we wouldn't be out of pocket to much, I mean the more involved the smaller the individual contributions necessary. Whats a few dollars or euros to the balding guy who spends 1000's a year on crap treatments?? I think just being a part of this team would make me feel better.

        Now on the flip side if we did manage to do it, which we very well could if we got together and worked for it, without the financial bullshit that corrupts other companies attempts,.... We would be able to cure people of their misery of one of the most prominent and yet superficial ailments in history. We WOULD GIVE PEOPLE THE CURE FOR FREE. It's ours. this would not be about money. Other noble men in history have allowed their discoveries to be issued for free to ease human suffering in selfless acts.

        So lets not wallow in self pity and and shame. Let's not trawl forums looking for vague relief. Lets take action and do what we can. Let's work together, take a deep breathe, and get our mohawks, curls, afros, pony tails, fringes, pompadours, etc. BACK!!!


        • DontKnowWhatToDo
          Junior Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 27

          Originally posted by EXprettyboy
          Let's work together, take a deep breathe, and get our mohawks, curls, afros, pony tails, fringes, pompadours, etc. BACK!!!
          especially pompadours

          I'd suggest registering an internet domain name, as well as setting up a paypal account.


          • EXprettyboy
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2011
            • 101

            and dreadlocks, I forget dreadlocks.


            • EXprettyboy
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2011
              • 101

              Let's see if we could get spencer to discuss it on his show.


              • EXprettyboy
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2011
                • 101

                A name could breathe life into this seed of an Idea....

                I don't like negative focused names like Anti-balding based terminology....
                ..... I prefer positive type wording that's Pro-hair growth.

                ....Simplicity is key... Why are organisations always cheesey cliche acronyms? ...I don't like those either.

                A notion just occurred to me, by calling it something with bald in the phrase you immediately alienate most. People with early mpb who are in denial, think it's not for them. And although most of the population are not suffering hairloss everybodys hair gradually becomes less that youthfull, And they would be interested in a treatment to revamp their hair aswell. It would be like a leisure pursuit for them, like steroids in bodybuilding, Just tweeking their hair.

                Anyway why bother dissecting this any further what about just

                Pro-Hair Growth Organisation


                International Society for Hair Rejuvination


                The Hair Project

                Anybody else got any Ideas for a name?

                And I acknowledge that this new Idea might seem a bit over the top because I pushed it out there with vaulting ambition, but I just wanted to express the idea in the fullness of it's potential fruition.

                It's not really that far fetched when you think about it. A group of guys getting together to solve a mutual problem. Except with the internet and our unprecedented misery and the difficulty of the task, ....It is a lot of guys tackling a problem of a scale never done before. It's comparable to all those men who built the pyramids... Alot of cooperation and consistent effort will get us there.

                Or you could cross your fingers and wait for a while. I don't like being a passenger in life though, I like independence, control and actual progress.


                • DepressedByHairLoss
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 876

                  Man, I couldn't agree more with this. We have so much more invested in this than any scientist, researcher, or doctor because we are all so very unfortunately living with this baldness shit. It just frustrates me so much that I can't do anything effective about this shit (ineffective stuff like Rogaine and Propecia don't count). I truly believe that if a scientist or doctor was suffering from baldness, they would be totally more eager to bring an effective cure to fruition rather than just testing on mice or keep on offering the same old hair transplants. After all, you can't really feel the horrible effects of baldness until you walk in the shoes of some one who is suffering from it. I know that first hand. My folks can't even begin to grasp the negative effects that baldness has on my life. I try to tell them time and time again but all I get is useless advice like "stop complaining", "hair does not make the man", or "you need to adjust to it". Hell, even I didn't know what a disastrous effects baldness would have on me until I experience it.

                  I was thinking of doing something similar, Exprettyboy. I was going to send a donation to Histogen (the company that I believe is developing the most effective solution to our problem), with a note, describing how important their hair loss treatment will be to so many people, and describing the extremely negative effects that baldness has on a person's life. I'd bet that if a bunch of us did that, then they might actually see how important their potential product is to so many people, and how so many of us cannot bear to live with this baldness shit any longer. And maybe they'd even make what they have now available after Phase II is done. That would be a dream come true for me, and I believe that they can do that in some East Asian countries. Hell, when I first started really suffering the effects of baldness a little more than a year ago, I researched all I could about what was being done to attempt to cure baldness. I saw a bunch of scientific articles about proposed things that regrew hair on mice and had a possibility to regrow hair on humans. So I e-mailed all of these scientists, asking them if they were doing anything to make these available to humans, describing how horrible it is to live a life with baldness and how so many of us are so desperate for a more effective treatment. I believe (and I still do) that if some of these chemicals were made available to humans, then we would find the magic bullet that could cure baldness once and for all. But lo and behold, these scientists were either unable, unwilling, or just didn't give a shit about even attempting to test these things beyond mice. And I e-mailed well over 100 of these scientists, some several times.

                  But yeah, we could definitely set up some kind of website detailing all of the scientific findings that could potentially cure baldness. I would work on this website for me and I work in IT for a living so I could help out with a lot of the mechanical aspects of the website for free. We could encourage dedicated scientists and researchers (NOT those just testing on mice) to develop effective solutions. We could also encourage doctors (not necessarily hair transplant doctors) to make autologous stem cell treatments for hair loss available to us as soon as possible. Many of us simply cannot bear to live another day with this terrible disease and want effective solutions as soon as possible. And since autologous stem cell treatments involve taking stem cells from your own body, they are not subject to the rigorous scrutiny of the bullshit FDA or extensive clinical trials. For example, several places that I know of are extracting stem cells from a person's own adipose tissue and injecting them into balding areas of the scalp in order to stimulate hair growth. I heard that this hasn't fulfilled expectations but at least they're on the right track.

                  Finally, our website/organization would not marginalize the disease of hair loss at all. I literally cannot ****in stand it when some news about hair loss is reported on the internet and then beside it they have some picture of a bald guy scratching his head or some other idiotic photo like that. And I really cannot stand the constant baldness jokes on TV, like that ****in piece of shit from Seinfeld who for some reason loves to make fun of himself and his baldness. And then of course they portray the bald guy on the TV show and some neurotic piece of shit loser. Man, I'd like to take that Seinfeld creator and break his ****in jaw.

                  So yeah, I'm definitely down for creating a website to encourage REAL researchers and scientists (not mice people) to develop effective treatments for hair loss as soon as possible. I'd be willing to do some legwork with regards to developing the website free of charge. Also, maybe we should make even a large donation drive to a company like Histogen, encouraging them to make their HSC Complex available to the public as soon as possible, such as maybe after Phase II in some East Asian countries. Exprettyboy, I really like how you said that you like your independence and the ability to control your own destiny. I'm the same way; if there's something that I don't like about myself, I want to be able to change it, NOT 'accept it'. Acceptance is absolute horseshit. I want to be able to change this baldness crap once and for all.


                  • DontKnowWhatToDo
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 27

                    Originally posted by EXprettyboy
                    The Hair Project
                    ^my vote


                    • EXprettyboy
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 101

                      The Hair Project

                      It is because of people like you that this could work. You've offered your IT skills to help, and you realize the value this organisation could have in your life. What you've already offered is more than enough. All The Hair Project would need from anybody would be a small contribution from every member. It could be a small donation or it could be something else. Maybe you have a skill you could offer IT, Medicine, or anything relevant.

                      The only problem I can see with balding desperate scientists is that emotion can cloud judgement and lead to reckless decisions. When I say the organisation is comprised of us, I mean the owners/decision makers are the concerned proactive sufferers. We drive the organisation with the cure as our focus, not profit. The actual scientists doing the research would be professionals maybe with some vetted interest but we need to keep this formal in that sense for it to have merit.
                      There is no reason why some bald carpenters, bricklayers, Lab designers and other peripheral professional bald men who care couldn't contribute their services as an offering to our shared resolution.
                      All we need from the scientists is that they are top caliber pro's, and we pay them a salary. I'm sure some of them will be bald and have a personal commitment to this but that's not essential from the actual scientists in the lab.

                      George Costanza is the character your referring to. The archetype Loser replete with Norwood 7 hairloss. I know, I know..... He's not the only one. That guy Ted from Scrubs is another one. In any movie if ya want to make somebody instantly appear "less than", just make him bald. Thats why we grow up with this association of balding with Weakness. But the reality is ....a lot of us are not weak men. Some of us are actually potentially great men, but are devastated by hair loss. We try our best none the less but it's is still depressing. Some of us are Winners.

                      As far as I can see there is a pattern with hair loss sufferers. They get depressed, they retreat from society somewhat, and they inhibit their own expression. They are emotionally consumed. Their lives effectively end.
                      As far as pro-activity and direct action goes, They take treatments that ultimately don't work, yet take a massive amount of effort and money.
                      And when were done with our medicines, and we've declined the invitation to the party, we go on a hair loss forum seeking some consolation from the fact that we're not the only ones who think this sucks.

                      Whether you realize it or not, YOU ALREADY ARE A PART OF THIS GROUP OF MEN :

                      > Your life has been effectively ruined or at least Largely compromised by advancing baldness, and you are devastated by the fact. You would do anything to escape this.

                      > You spend ridiculous money on useless treatments that don't really work.

                      > Your waiting for a cure but you don't know if it's coming, and you can't trust what the big corporations say.

                      I think it might be an idea to try to simplify my idea's explanation so new people reading this can understand fast.
                      We need to step things up a notch.
                      It's time we got organised and pooled our energy and resources to tackle the biggest demon in our lives once and for all. At the moment our behaviour is not cutting it, we're losing, we've got our balding heads in the sand.
                      The Hair Project would be a self funded non profit organisation that has one objective; To cure baldness.
                      From member contributions, The Hair Project could have a laboratory staffed with qualified dedicated scientists. It would also run a website that educates, and updates it's members with every detail of the science and research daily.
                      Anybody can read the information and become just as knowledgeable as the next person on the subject because of the ease of access. They may even come up with some observations themselves and talk directly to the experts.

                      As it is we are all already spending time and money on this problem, and we have already sacrificed alot of pride and dignity.
                      All we have achieved is to make pharmaceutical companies alot of money, and had a bitch and a whine on the internet.
                      we are already emotionally and financially invested in this, but in a very NEGATIVE way. Basically we are getting ****ed.

                      What I'm suggesting is that if this really is important to you, and it is actually devastating for you.... Then lets do something about it... Something Positive... Lets set up The Hair Project together, and be part of the Solution. And when we find it lets issue it for free.

                      I'm gonna quote myself from another thread cos I don't think I can phrase it any better than I did the first time....


                      • EXprettyboy
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 101

                        Yeah I'm not saying that balding prevents you from succeeding, I'm saying it is a drain on the self esteem and confidence. Thats not something we can choose not to feel. we can act tough and get on with it, but regardless it is a burden. Emotionally strong men can overcome it, But what if your self expression requires you to be not distracted by this issue??

                        I said it's a shame that talented and great men in the past undoubtedly did not reach their potential because of their self esteem being chipped away at.

                        Read some of the posts on this site ...these guys are hurting. Maybe you and footballer Wayne Rooney and surfer Kelly Slater and actor Jason statham don't give a **** about it and are unperturbed BUT most of us are drowning in self pity and shame. We devote every minute to trying to muster the strength to live 'normally'. But then we're at a party and we're consumed by self consciousness and fear. And even if society did get over it, I don't think I could!!

                        Can you imagine for a moment if this was cured.... A whole legion of men ready to express themselves without any distraction or without having to overcome any inner demons or fear, or self esteem issues IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

                        I intuitively know that that first generation of redeemed former mpb victims are gonna be a ferocious bunch. Renewed vigor and and confidence will drive them to do extraordinary things. Emotions that they had blocked off 'forever' will overwhelm them. They will have gotten through a certain death of Identity and be reawakened to LIFE! Nobody else will understand. The strength we will derive from this difficult period will make us overcome anything. That first wave of desperate men will be free again, and they will be a formidable breed. They will be hungrier and more determined than other men. New confidence and freedom will spawn creativity, unstymied expression and AMBITION.

                        For later generations it wont be an issue. MPB will never be enough of an issue to drive men to edge like this again. They won't get it either. It will be an easily resolved flaw, that people don't think about twice.

                        But for the meantime, I have to tolerate being an easy punchline, and the young girls automatic last choice, and the victim of my own inner deprication.

                        I just spent the day walking around town to find a ****ing nice hat to wear to college to hide my Achilles heel in the first day of college tommorow. I'm ashamed of balding. I'm also ashamed of my Vanity. I used to feel good, I was reasonably attractive, I was free to express talent. Now I'm the balding guy, my energy is wasted trying to maintain my hair count and trick everybody into not realising!.


                        • EXprettyboy
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 101

                          we can not use the name "The Hair Project", its already taken, so we're back to suggestions!


                          • VictimOfDHT
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2011
                            • 748

                            EXprettyboy, I commend your enthusiasm. I see you're serious about this that you wrote such a long reply but unfortunately, I doubt this will go any where. The problem with people is that most of the time -if not all of it- they don't want to do anything and they just leave it to the "experts". That's one thing I hate about people. It pisses me off that there are 7 billion people on this god damn planet and only a handful are doing something about hair loss -or maybe pretending to. This is why I'm pissed at the human race. WE ALMOST NEVER WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING. If I were rich I'd open my own research center and make it open for anyone who wants to join or contribute to the research to put an end to this misery that's ruining the lives of millions of people.


                            • Follicle Death Row
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 1066

                              It's not a bad idea. However I'm pretty sure the likes of Replicel, Aderans, Histogen and co. are pretty damn focused on this because of the potential financial reward. We always go on about how we have the full human genome now for the best part of a decade yet nothing has come of it. It's not so simple. We actually still know squat about much of human biochemistry.

                              When the human proteme (the full compliment of human proteins and their structure and interactions) is finished we can expect big things. The big problem with all this biochemistry is that we have the genes down and we see the effects. The stages between gene to disease/conditon is mind boggling. It's like a black box flight recorder.

                              However there's always cause for optimism. Check this out (hopefully the link is allowed). Online gamers worked out the structure of an aids like retro virus enzyme.

