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  1. #11
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    Exclamation The Hair Project

    It is because of people like you that this could work. You've offered your IT skills to help, and you realize the value this organisation could have in your life. What you've already offered is more than enough. All The Hair Project would need from anybody would be a small contribution from every member. It could be a small donation or it could be something else. Maybe you have a skill you could offer IT, Medicine, or anything relevant.

    The only problem I can see with balding desperate scientists is that emotion can cloud judgement and lead to reckless decisions. When I say the organisation is comprised of us, I mean the owners/decision makers are the concerned proactive sufferers. We drive the organisation with the cure as our focus, not profit. The actual scientists doing the research would be professionals maybe with some vetted interest but we need to keep this formal in that sense for it to have merit.
    There is no reason why some bald carpenters, bricklayers, Lab designers and other peripheral professional bald men who care couldn't contribute their services as an offering to our shared resolution.
    All we need from the scientists is that they are top caliber pro's, and we pay them a salary. I'm sure some of them will be bald and have a personal commitment to this but that's not essential from the actual scientists in the lab.

    George Costanza is the character your referring to. The archetype Loser replete with Norwood 7 hairloss. I know, I know..... He's not the only one. That guy Ted from Scrubs is another one. In any movie if ya want to make somebody instantly appear "less than", just make him bald. Thats why we grow up with this association of balding with Weakness. But the reality is ....a lot of us are not weak men. Some of us are actually potentially great men, but are devastated by hair loss. We try our best none the less but it's is still depressing. Some of us are Winners.

    As far as I can see there is a pattern with hair loss sufferers. They get depressed, they retreat from society somewhat, and they inhibit their own expression. They are emotionally consumed. Their lives effectively end.
    As far as pro-activity and direct action goes, They take treatments that ultimately don't work, yet take a massive amount of effort and money.
    And when were done with our medicines, and we've declined the invitation to the party, we go on a hair loss forum seeking some consolation from the fact that we're not the only ones who think this sucks.

    Whether you realize it or not, YOU ALREADY ARE A PART OF THIS GROUP OF MEN :

    > Your life has been effectively ruined or at least Largely compromised by advancing baldness, and you are devastated by the fact. You would do anything to escape this.

    > You spend ridiculous money on useless treatments that don't really work.

    > Your waiting for a cure but you don't know if it's coming, and you can't trust what the big corporations say.

    I think it might be an idea to try to simplify my idea's explanation so new people reading this can understand fast.
    We need to step things up a notch.
    It's time we got organised and pooled our energy and resources to tackle the biggest demon in our lives once and for all. At the moment our behaviour is not cutting it, we're losing, we've got our balding heads in the sand.
    The Hair Project would be a self funded non profit organisation that has one objective; To cure baldness.
    From member contributions, The Hair Project could have a laboratory staffed with qualified dedicated scientists. It would also run a website that educates, and updates it's members with every detail of the science and research daily.
    Anybody can read the information and become just as knowledgeable as the next person on the subject because of the ease of access. They may even come up with some observations themselves and talk directly to the experts.

    As it is we are all already spending time and money on this problem, and we have already sacrificed alot of pride and dignity.
    All we have achieved is to make pharmaceutical companies alot of money, and had a bitch and a whine on the internet.
    we are already emotionally and financially invested in this, but in a very NEGATIVE way. Basically we are getting ****ed.

    What I'm suggesting is that if this really is important to you, and it is actually devastating for you.... Then lets do something about it... Something Positive... Lets set up The Hair Project together, and be part of the Solution. And when we find it lets issue it for free.

    I'm gonna quote myself from another thread cos I don't think I can phrase it any better than I did the first time....

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Yeah I'm not saying that balding prevents you from succeeding, I'm saying it is a drain on the self esteem and confidence. Thats not something we can choose not to feel. we can act tough and get on with it, but regardless it is a burden. Emotionally strong men can overcome it, But what if your self expression requires you to be not distracted by this issue??

    I said it's a shame that talented and great men in the past undoubtedly did not reach their potential because of their self esteem being chipped away at.

    Read some of the posts on this site ...these guys are hurting. Maybe you and footballer Wayne Rooney and surfer Kelly Slater and actor Jason statham don't give a **** about it and are unperturbed BUT most of us are drowning in self pity and shame. We devote every minute to trying to muster the strength to live 'normally'. But then we're at a party and we're consumed by self consciousness and fear. And even if society did get over it, I don't think I could!!

    Can you imagine for a moment if this was cured.... A whole legion of men ready to express themselves without any distraction or without having to overcome any inner demons or fear, or self esteem issues IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

    I intuitively know that that first generation of redeemed former mpb victims are gonna be a ferocious bunch. Renewed vigor and and confidence will drive them to do extraordinary things. Emotions that they had blocked off 'forever' will overwhelm them. They will have gotten through a certain death of Identity and be reawakened to LIFE! Nobody else will understand. The strength we will derive from this difficult period will make us overcome anything. That first wave of desperate men will be free again, and they will be a formidable breed. They will be hungrier and more determined than other men. New confidence and freedom will spawn creativity, unstymied expression and AMBITION.

    For later generations it wont be an issue. MPB will never be enough of an issue to drive men to edge like this again. They won't get it either. It will be an easily resolved flaw, that people don't think about twice.

    But for the meantime, I have to tolerate being an easy punchline, and the young girls automatic last choice, and the victim of my own inner deprication.

    I just spent the day walking around town to find a ****ing nice hat to wear to college to hide my Achilles heel in the first day of college tommorow. I'm ashamed of balding. I'm also ashamed of my Vanity. I used to feel good, I was reasonably attractive, I was free to express talent. Now I'm the balding guy, my energy is wasted trying to maintain my hair count and trick everybody into not realising!.

  3. #13
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    we can not use the name "The Hair Project", its already taken, so we're back to suggestions!

  4. #14
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    EXprettyboy, I commend your enthusiasm. I see you're serious about this that you wrote such a long reply but unfortunately, I doubt this will go any where. The problem with people is that most of the time -if not all of it- they don't want to do anything and they just leave it to the "experts". That's one thing I hate about people. It pisses me off that there are 7 billion people on this god damn planet and only a handful are doing something about hair loss -or maybe pretending to. This is why I'm pissed at the human race. WE ALMOST NEVER WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING. If I were rich I'd open my own research center and make it open for anyone who wants to join or contribute to the research to put an end to this misery that's ruining the lives of millions of people.

  5. #15
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    It's not a bad idea. However I'm pretty sure the likes of Replicel, Aderans, Histogen and co. are pretty damn focused on this because of the potential financial reward. We always go on about how we have the full human genome now for the best part of a decade yet nothing has come of it. It's not so simple. We actually still know squat about much of human biochemistry.

    When the human proteme (the full compliment of human proteins and their structure and interactions) is finished we can expect big things. The big problem with all this biochemistry is that we have the genes down and we see the effects. The stages between gene to disease/conditon is mind boggling. It's like a black box flight recorder.

    However there's always cause for optimism. Check this out (hopefully the link is allowed). Online gamers worked out the structure of an aids like retro virus enzyme.


  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Follicle Death Row View Post
    It's not a bad idea. However I'm pretty sure the likes of Replicel, Aderans, Histogen and co. are pretty damn focused on this because of the potential financial reward. We always go on about how we have the full human genome now for the best part of a decade yet nothing has come of it. It's not so simple. We actually still know squat about much of human biochemistry.

    When the human proteme (the full compliment of human proteins and their structure and interactions) is finished we can expect big things. The big problem with all this biochemistry is that we have the genes down and we see the effects. The stages between gene to disease/conditon is mind boggling. It's like a black box flight recorder.

    However there's always cause for optimism. Check this out (hopefully the link is allowed). Online gamers worked out the structure of an aids like retro virus enzyme.

    Hey man, actually my friends agree with you that the monetary rewards for inventing a cure for hair loss would be plenty of motivation for scientists to cure baldness. However, upon further examination, I don't believe that this is the case. If it was, then way more than 4 companies would be trying to cure hair loss. I thiink what frustrates so many of us is that there are so few people/companies even trying to cure hair loss. At least with regards to other diseases/conditions, there are so many people trying to cure them. So at least if these other diseases/maladies are not cured yet, at least sufferers know that there are many people/companies out there trying to cure them. We can't say that with hair loss in the slightest. If these big companies really wanted to cure hair loss and make a ton of money, then they would at least try to something. I think we're unfortunately stuck with 3 camps of people: 1) Big money pharmaceutical companies that don't give a shit about curing hair loss, 2) Scientists that ONLY test on mice, and 3) hair transplant doctors that don't want to cure hair loss because then they would be out of business and their transplants would become obsolete. I'm actually going to post a ton of chemicals/potential remedies that have plenty of potential to grow hair but have never been tested on humans. My beef is that there are plenty of things that could be tested to cure hair loss, yet no one is doing anything further than testing them on mice. I'm actually going to list a ton of them here. Since this forum is all about possibly setting up our own organization to hopefully attempt to encourage real scientists to conduct experiments to benefit humans (and not mice), then maybe they can choose from the list below. Lastly, Follicle Death Row, I don't mean to second guess you here or anything like that; I've read your posts on here and you seem like a very sensible person. So anyway, here's the list of potential cures that have never been brought beyond the mouse stage.

    1. Noggin

    2. Cyclosporine

    3. Thymosin B4

    4. N-WASP

    5. Laminin 511

    6. Ephrin A3

    7. BMP Signaling

    8. Lgr5

    9. Proteasome Inhibitors

    10. Beta Catenin Signaling

  7. #17
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    I think this will be my last post. I've gained about as much consolation as a person can from knowing that I'm not abnormal in my emotional response to hairloss... that was important.
    But I believe reading about other peoples hair loss depression and hopeless misery for an extended period will only serve to ruin me entirely. I am a man of action, and I believe discussing ineffective treatments constantly, and telling each other how horrible we feel is negative and unproductive. It's depressing.

    I of course hope that one of these companies will announce in the near future that they've done it, they have an effective treatment for MPB.

    As regards my idea to get together and do something productive and proactive and attack this thing together ourselves,....I realize that not everybody is as ambitious as I am, and it's not my place to preach to others about the appropriate communal response. But I honestly feel if there were a 100 intelligent men willing to devote themselves to the cause in their spare time we could achieve somthing. **** it. I don't want to talk about this any more, about balding, about a means of curing it, about ****ing rogaine.

    I know in my heart that if I am to feel thoroughly satisfied and fulfilled in my youth, I can't do it norwood 2+. There have been beautiful females in my path that have been ambiguous in their response to me (I'm still attractive and relatively young), that haven't been 'taken'. I haven't got the confidence. As I said before I'm gonna treat my own hairloss with a renewed enthusiasm and that will buy me a year of looking 'not bald yet'.

    Overall I've been blessed with a good genetic hand across the board but it's all wasted if I walk around bald and depressed and '****ed up'.

    And that is why I am willing to read about stem cells, hormones, free radicals and dna. Because my life's value is threatened by hairloss more than any other obstacle. I am obliged to respond. It is incumbent we react to threat. ....Just because nobody else has ever beaten this doesn't mean we couldn't. anyway Idle talk is pointless.

    May we all be emotionally strong, and never lose the self love that makes being alive worthwhile.

  8. #18
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    It's complicated alright. I'm sure they could grow a great amount of hair tomorrow but that drug would also probably mess us up big time. Dr. DeYarmann seems to think HM is closer to 15 years off than 5.

    I'm all for this organisation though. The more players in the field the better for all of us.

    ***Edit: Image fail. This is what I wanted to put up.


  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by EXprettyboy View Post
    International Society for Hair Rejuvination
    I like this one. Sounds legitimate and a name like this carries some clout. ISHR though is a little too similar to the ISHRS. I'd go with something like the International Hair Rejuvenation Association (IHRA).

  10. #20
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    Default To Exprettyboy

    Dear Exprettyboy
    I, my self has not only thought about it, but has done my best to make some progress, I call it a movement, and I, now can see there a lot of people out there who think same as me, so can you please leave your mail here for me, or any other means for me to contact you?

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