Are Women Your Motivation To Get Your Hair Back?

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  • Sogeking
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 497

    I would rather give up my hair than my arm or leg.
    I need hair to attract women, nothing else. I mean there are other things in life I like to do like sports, watching good movies and i would definetly like to travel to tropical paradises some day. Don't need hair for any of that.
    I mean the modern American society is constantly emphasizing the importance of sex and good looks to the point of it becoming more important than the air we breathe.
    Everything is about sex. Everything revolves around sex. Please.

    It is strange how everyone is promoting the importance of political correctnes. Everyone is an equal being despite their religion, race, age and so on. However it is still okey to berete "ugly" people. The existence of those less pleasing to the eye just shows how in the nature or animal kingdom it is not about the looks but whole other slew of attributes and/or characteristics.

    If you spend years of your life being depressed you are just wasting the time which is not abundant. Getting your hair back should be one of your objectives in life, not a defining feature.

    Now thats my personal opinion, just trying to describe a different perspective .


    • Scorpion

      You need your legs and arms more than hair to attract women. Nobody would date a cripple except anomalies, but many would settle for a bald guy. Notice I'm using the word "settle".


      • scar85
        • Aug 2011
        • 47

        Originally posted by Scorpion
        Yeah, or just be good looking. Which what I'm trying to do for the last 3 years. Too bad it is still not enough and I keep getting rejected. I already know that I won't be getting anything in this year because of braces, but I at least hope that when I have good teeth I will have MPB in control as well, so that maybe will improve my chances.

        In terms of douchebags - girls like them when they are attractive guys only.

        I would better be dead than with shaved hair (seriously) because it will make me much more uglier. I am, unfortunately, gifted with abnormally large head and forehead which make me look really ugly. I cover it with bangs now, but hair loss will not let me do this forever.
        Same boat there man..unfortunately I am not attractive with a shaved head. I was also unfortunately gifted with a somewhat large forhead, and the only thing that ever covered that was my NW1 hairline. Now..that is slowly fading away too at the age of 26. My hair was my security blanket. Take that away from me, and I couldnt pull half the girls I could with my full head of hair. Talk about slow torture.

        But to answer the question, yes women are in a way my motiviation to keep my hair or recover whats lost. But Ive always been known for my thick full head of hair, and thats what I was for 26 years..seeing that change is hard..I feel like Im not myself. So self confidence and self image is more important to me.


        • BientotChauve
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2011
          • 5

          What about wearing a wig ? Nowadays, they look so real ! It has its advantadges and its drawbacks but if you just want to get laid, it would be very helpful!


          • scar85
            • Aug 2011
            • 47

            Originally posted by BientotChauve
            What about wearing a wig ? Nowadays, they look so real ! It has its advantadges and its drawbacks but if you just want to get laid, it would be very helpful!

            Not the same feeling as having your own hair. Thats why i dont care about the topikal stuff the end of the day your still bald.


            • Scorpion

              Originally posted by BientotChauve
              What about wearing a wig ? Nowadays, they look so real ! It has its advantadges and its drawbacks but if you just want to get laid, it would be very helpful!
              Yes, and once wind blows it off on a windy day and someone you know sees, you can pretty much move to another country.


              • DAVE52
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2010
                • 776

                Interesting comments
                I personally don't think having a full of hair is goign toi be the difference between you getting that woman you want and not getting her .
                Having hair might give you more confidence etc etc but there needs to be other personal qualities in us that a woman will find attractive.

                I also don't think bald is ugly as someone mentioned.

                Sure it sucks to eb bald , but it is what it is , as we get older it's going to happen .

                We need to learn to deal with it : HT, drugs , live with it as it is or shave it bald or shave it short .

                It's all in our mind .

                I had a lady @ work when I jokingly mentioned my bald crown say " who cares " - andf I keep thinking back to what she said and wished I could have said that 11 yrs ago and just shaved my head short

                Yes it still bothers me to this day but I try to deal with it the best I can and I have no desire to go back for a 2 nd HT . I can cut my hair short at the back and the scar isn't visible , I do not want to take the chance of creating another scar that might turn out to bad

                I think it's better to keep your hair short than long , messy , or the dreaded combover to cover the bald spot .

                As another member ( Piscium ) commented in his introduction who had the old punch transplant

                1. Ask your surgeon about the scarring as well as the results. The thick scar I have at the back of my head causes me more anxiety than anything else. Every so often a barber or hairdresser exposes it and sends me spiralling into a depression!
                2. Wait! From what I have read, new treatments are less than 5 years away and will give far superior results. When I first had a HT, treatments such as follicle multiplication were unimaginable. Now, I believe, they are a real possibility. If you can, hang on.
                3. Think very carefully before you commit. Once you go down the HT path there is no turning back, and you will likely spend the rest of your life trying to hide it, improve it or reverse it.

                Good luck to all


                • DAVE52
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 776

                  Originally posted by BientotChauve
                  Nowadays, they look so real ! It has its advantadges and its drawbacks but if you just want to get laid, it would be very helpful!
                  They don't look real at all


                  • elias
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 8

                    for me as 21 years old guy women are 80% of the reason that i hate this fact ..
                    why in the hell a girl in my age would be with a bald guy ! we are a minority ! being bald doesn't mean that you are ugly but makes me older that's why iam dispointed


                    • PatientlyWaiting
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 1639

                      It definitely is


                      • michel2tiffin
                        Junior Member
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 2

                        Thanks for sharing this information. I think you’re exactly right about Are Women Your Motivation To Get Your Hair Back?

                        Yes. And probably. But I'm on eharmony atm and have an almost overwhelming number of people I'm talking to. Probably 15-20 at the e-mail stage and about 20-25 more at other stages. Some of these people are very attractive and, since they're matched to your education/etc, aren't gold digging. I don't even bother sending initial contacts any more because I have too many people to keep track of.

                        I'm in my 30s and probably a NW4, way big forehead. I did not use flattering pictures either. I think a lot of it depends on your sense of humor or personality or whatever, however you set up your profile and talk to people. Honestly I'd recommend online dating to guys here. You'd be surprised how many girls are interested in guys who are obviously balding.

                        Bit of a relief. I still think I look like crap and am going down hill, but . . . I will kill myself at another time.



                        • PatientlyWaiting
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 1639

                          Originally posted by AgainstThis
                          You get women with A) Money in your Pocket and B) Confidence.

                          Now confidence is something that when under 25 is defined and produced by how you actually look and how much of an alpha male you are. If you didn't experience a social metamorphosis after high school, it's highly unlikely you'll change in university or college.

                          After 25, even if you look like Brad Pitt, the only women who will be interested in if you DON'T have a good job/security/insurance plan will be white trash crazies and alkies and hags. Having lived that precise dream, I can tell thee it is not all that it is cracked out to be.

                          And finally, once age catches up with you, it doesn't really matter what's ON your head, but what's IN your head boyo.

                          Take heart.
                          That's so false. I'm sorry.

                          It helps get the pretty gold diggers yes. But getting a real down to Earth girl, you don't need any money. I speak from experience, and I am a poor balding guy.


                          • 25 going on 65
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 1476

                            I'm reluctant to post this because I don't want to seem like I'm filling the void Scorpion left. But... being over 25 and dirt poor, you can still be with a lot of women if you look good. It's true that a lot of them won't see you as a potential long-term partner, but that only matters if that's all you want.

                            If you look good, regardless of money, you're the go-to guy when...
                            -women get out of their relationships or marriages. (Lots of rebound sex.)
                            -the trophy wife needs a lay while her husband is on business trips. (Lots of forbidden sex.)
                            -single women are open to one-night stands at a bar, club or party. (Lots of casual sex.)
                            -women want a "friend with benefits." (Companionship AND lots of casual sex.)

                            Once you don't look good, then yeah, money and confidence work wonders. But it's a bitch having to work hard at something that a lucky dice roll used to get you for free. Especially when other areas of your life are highly screwed up as it is.

                            But to answer the question in the thread title: yes.


                            • Bishopchester
                              Junior Member
                              • May 2012
                              • 9

                              Absolutely yes. Fallen in love with the most perfect girl in the world, she's way out of my league. I am desperate to keep myself as presentable as possible for the sole reason of being able to interest her as much as I possibly can, nothing else matters to me.


                              • Bishopchester
                                Junior Member
                                • May 2012
                                • 9

                                Originally posted by Scorpion
                                1) Get off these forums.
                                2) Make some money.
                                3) Improve looks (get wig, tan, single digit bodyfat, muscles, plastic surgery).
                                4) Enjoy your short-lived looks getting a partner who is slightly better looking than you could originally get and living some time before you become old and ugly and die.

                                You won't get her. If you have fallen in love, then she has the power and most likely is better looking than you. It doesn't matter, her looks will fade soon and she will be useless. You are both useless anyway. Don't give the woman power just because she is born with a slightly more symmetrical face. You will give your power and love to some dust-ball who just managed to luck-out on genes? Pathetic.
                                Thanks for the encouragement...

