Umar or Bauman??????

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  • redhusky
    Junior Member
    • May 2011
    • 11

    Umar or Bauman??????

    I am considering to cover a scar on back of head from birthmark, Ive nailed it down to Umar and Bauman. The advantage to Umar is that I can do a Beard to Back of head fue with no futher scarring on back of head. Has anybody used either or?? My concern is that u can tell beard hair is has different texture. If you can give me your feedback and if you r happy with the results.
  • amadeus
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 295

    If all you need is to cover a scar why would you choose to have beard hair transplanted? Body and face hair is a last resort. The growth is unproven to be consistent and looks weird if you ask me. Dr. Umar is all about marketing and promoting himself on Youtube and on hair forums. I think his transplants look very unnatural too. If it’s between the two go to Bauman


    • redhusky
      Junior Member
      • May 2011
      • 11

      Thx for insight, u gotta hand it to umars repairs though, he helped some sad cases


      • SilverSurfer
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2010
        • 116

        Dr Cole would be your best option. I am talking from experience.


        • Dr. Glenn Charles
          IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
          • Nov 2008
          • 2423

          Keep in mind that where ever you decide to go for FUE into scar that the results are vre unpredictable. Scar tissue does not have normal collagen or blood supply. Therefore, when placing grafts into scars the results will vary. It may also take several sessions of grafting to obtain the density needed to provide camoflauge.
          Dr. Glenn Charles
          Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
          View my IAHRS Profile


          • Alan Bauman, MD
            IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
            • Nov 2008
            • 12

            Transplants into Scar using FUE

            Certainly, transplanting into scar is not an exact science and we do not pretend to 'erase' scars completely. Understanding that a 'good' result is simply better cosmetic coverage and improved skin texture in that area is a good start for any patient seeking this kind of work. Our goal is always to improve your lifestyle by helping you hide your scars better by enabling you to perhaps with a shorter haircut.

            When it comes to choosing a surgeon, a background of surgical experience in this area is critical. Currently we perform scar repair/refinement and scar camouflage procedures on a regular basis in my full-time hair restoration practice. I feel that my background in General Surgery over 15 yrs ago has helped me enormously when it comes to addressing scar tissue and wound healing. Many wound-healing treatment like Hyperbaric Oxygen, LLLT, ECMs (like Acell, Humatrix, Cook SIS, etc.) that now appear as 'new' have been a part of my practice for years because I was exposed to them as a General Surgeon in the mid 1990's.

            In my hands, the NeoGraft FUE process of hair transplant harvesting yields the best results for cases of scar repair.

            Typically, we would use your scalp donor hair as a first choice for scar coverage although we have had good success with other sources of donor (including beard and body). There are also certain well-published surgical techniques and wound-healing protocols that I utilize that, in my opinion, seem to help get us better results.

            Above are photos of a pro-bono procedure we performed using NeoGraft FUE in conjunction with the ISHRS Operation Restore program. You can watch the news report of his story here:
            The swirl or vertex area is a difficult area to achieve coverage because the hairs diverge, so careful angulation of the implanted follicles was the key to success here...

            His results seen here 6-months after his procedure are seen here below:

            The most difficult kind of scar to hide is a vertical scar in the scalp. Below you can see the results of an FUE case I performed manually back in 2004--not easy!. Additional work could be performed to further camouflage the area with today's techniques which utilize slightly smaller grafts and instruments.

            There are many other repair and camouflage cases I could post here, but these were among the most challenging and rewarding for us.

            Good luck in finding the surgeon that is right for you.

            Alan J. Bauman, M.D.
            Medical Director

            Bauman Medical Group, P.A.
            Alan J. Bauman, MD
            Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
            View my IAHRS Profile
            Diplomate, American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons
            My website:


            • JustJoe
              • Oct 2008
              • 50

              I would suggest Dr. Bauman

              Originally posted by redhusky
              I am considering to cover a scar on back of head from birthmark, Ive nailed it down to Umar and Bauman. The advantage to Umar is that I can do a Beard to Back of head fue with no futher scarring on back of head. Has anybody used either or?? My concern is that u can tell beard hair is has different texture. If you can give me your feedback and if you r happy with the results.
              Hello. I would suggest Dr. Bauman and here's why:

              1. I have had 3 procedures with Dr. Bauman and I live 1000 miles away from him, but still fly to have hom do my procedures. I had FUE (with Neograft), I had FUT (STRIP), and I also had an area of scalp removed due to an injury. All of the procedures have had a very good oucome.

              2. Besides myself, I know many others who have had great results with Dr. Bauman.

              3. It is likely that no single doctor does MORE transplants per day,year,week than Dr. Bauman.

              4. Staff and follow ups. When your at Dr. Bauman's office, you really are "King for a Day." YOU are the one who gets to tell the doctor exactly what you want (assuming it's realistic), YOU are the one who can question anything at anytime, YOU are the one is in charge of what YOU want.

              Example: I wanted my hair line straight across, Dr. Bauman said he would do it, but HIGHLY recommended against it because it looks unnatural. In the end, I agreed with Dr. Bauman and he saved me from looking silly. YOU are in charge, but Dr. Bauman's advice about hair is going to be correct, BUT he will listen for hours until YOU are happy with the treatment plan.

              5. Dr. Bauman is a known innovator with hair transplants, he may have more than just a procedure to offer you that may work.

              6. Dr. Bauman does a lot of "detail" work. For example, for me, he had to remove dead tissue (about the size of a Quarter), close the skin after dead tissue was removed WITHOUT damaging any hair! He did it and it was located slightly behind my hairline.

              7. Dr. Bauman is a Surgeon, he's trained in Surgery, specifically of the scalp.

              8. Dr. Bauman once diagnosed a condition of mine from a picture, when ALL other doctors missed it IN PERSON! He's well trained and seen it seems.

              9. Dr. Bauman is more of a quality shop, he's not going to be a bargin. You get what you pay for!

              That's my experience 4 procedures, 3 transplants, 1 tissue removal.

              Hope that helps?

              One of my examples:

              My hair now (which is even better now than this older photo):
              Last edited by JustJoe; 06-03-2011, 07:02 AM. Reason: Add photos


              • PayDay
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2008
                • 604

                Dr. Bauman definitely has a solid reputation. I’ve heard him on Spencer’s show several times and I like him. The best thing to do is to check out other people who had a transplant done by the doctor you are considering. What I have found is that there is some complaint about every doctor I have ever researched. The problem is since all of these complaints are anonymous you just don’t know if they are real or not. I know one thing for sure, Kobren would not put Bauman on the IAHRS website or have him on his show so often if he wasn’t a great doctor. Cole is very good too so you should check him out too. Umar, not so much from what I have seen and read. Something just doesn't seem right about him. Harris is also a big FUE doctor so you should see what he can do for you too.

                good luck!


                • redhusky
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2011
                  • 11

                  thanks fo feedback

                  thanks for all the feedback, I should post pics or start a thread "my wife thinks Im crazy for worrying about this!" Thanks Dr Bauman for ur insight and response.


                  • JustJoe
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 50

                    Originally posted by redhusky
                    thanks for all the feedback, I should post pics or start a thread "my wife thinks Im crazy for worrying about this!" Thanks Dr Bauman for ur insight and response.
                    It's BIG to some! We understand. You won't go wrong with Dr. Bauman, that's all I know for sure.

                    Good luck!


                    • UK_
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 2744

                      Bauman has a great rep - he also performs PRP+ACELL


                      • KeepTheHair
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1215

                        Dr. Cole is the best.

