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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    i think everyone can relate to this post...its not game over for us, im telling you, we just have to work a little harder....

    locke, i think that if you know her and really like her you should ask her out. if you dont know her, get to know her before you do, she might not be what you expected etc....

    youl be glad you find out one way or another. i would rather spend energy on people that like me to be honest.

    good luck let us know what you decide.


  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Strange, the foam doesnt bother me one bit really - only been using it a few times so far mind you, but initially not bothered at all by it.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011


    Dude, women only care about:

    A) Money
    B) Money
    C) Security bought through Money
    D) Money
    and most important of all
    E) MONEY.

    You're young now and harbor illusions that romance may actually be possible and that women can be anything more than security-seeking hags from hell. Check out a really hot guy who's always broke, is not in school and has no bright future. Sure, he ****ed his share of hippie/punk rock chicks till 25. What is he doing afterwards? Smoking pot and rotting away, that's what he's doing.

    In your place, I'd just shave it all, work out and focus on making a shitload of dough.

    At age 30, I was privileged enough to not be seriously affected by hairloss till 27-28. I used to wear my hair really long, be in bands, work out and be "THE COOL GUY". You know what it got me?

    Jack shit, that's what it got me. One night stands leave you with bitter memories of what could have been, had you focused on money. And fat chicks who want to marry you don't count as conquests, really.

    You could have an ass in the place of your face but if your pockets were full enough, women would find you "unique".

    So my point is. It doesn't matter to ANY of them if you are bald, have a tattoo on your head or have hair like Antonio Banderas circa 1995. Riding the tail end of your student years, some of the girls you meet may still delude themselves with idle talk about "cute guys" but they're all after the ****ing nest egg. The sooner you realize this, the better for you.

    Don't believe me?

    Get an HT, work out, invest on a cool bachelor pad. You know who's gonna **** you? The same skanks that would have ****ed the bald, skinny, shitty living you. The very same ones. You know why? They are the ones who stand to benefit from you. We see fine tits and ass and we want to cum all over them. They see muscles and hair and think "Yeah, but how am I gonna raise two kids on muscle and hair?"

    End of story.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by AgainstThis View Post
    Dude, women only care about:

    A) Money
    B) Money
    C) Security bought through Money
    D) Money
    and most important of all
    E) MONEY.

    You're young now and harbor illusions that romance may actually be possible and that women can be anything more than security-seeking hags from hell. Check out a really hot guy who's always broke, is not in school and has no bright future. Sure, he ****ed his share of hippie/punk rock chicks till 25. What is he doing afterwards? Smoking pot and rotting away, that's what he's doing.

    In your place, I'd just shave it all, work out and focus on making a shitload of dough.

    At age 30, I was privileged enough to not be seriously affected by hairloss till 27-28. I used to wear my hair really long, be in bands, work out and be "THE COOL GUY". You know what it got me?

    Jack shit, that's what it got me. One night stands leave you with bitter memories of what could have been, had you focused on money. And fat chicks who want to marry you don't count as conquests, really.

    You could have an ass in the place of your face but if your pockets were full enough, women would find you "unique".

    So my point is. It doesn't matter to ANY of them if you are bald, have a tattoo on your head or have hair like Antonio Banderas circa 1995. Riding the tail end of your student years, some of the girls you meet may still delude themselves with idle talk about "cute guys" but they're all after the ****ing nest egg. The sooner you realize this, the better for you.

    Don't believe me?

    Get an HT, work out, invest on a cool bachelor pad. You know who's gonna **** you? The same skanks that would have ****ed the bald, skinny, shitty living you. The very same ones. You know why? They are the ones who stand to benefit from you. We see fine tits and ass and we want to cum all over them. They see muscles and hair and think "Yeah, but how am I gonna raise two kids on muscle and hair?"

    End of story.

    Now those really are words of wisdom. A break down of your average fkn woman

    Ain't got no honey if you don't flash the money - get saving dude

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011


    It will be sad if you get convinced to give up and shave your head. Makes you wonder why you even signed up here. I am reading things that a live person would tell me. The one's who are telling you to give up, no disrespect to any one, are either bald,older than you and gave up or they're either bald, older than you, and gave up.

    You are 23, you are young, it's really your choice. But I doubt you signed up here to be told to just shave your head, that is something you could have heard from any one in the streets.

    AgainstThis and Mudge made pretty good comments, words you would hear from older guys that have already been in your position and i'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about. They give pretty good motivational words. I personally would not take their advice for now, because i'm not a quitter, but I think there will be a day in the future where I will say "damn, mudge and againstthis from bald truth were right all along" but for now, i'm young, and i'm not going down without a fight.

    Whoever's advice you stick with, good luck with whatever you choose to do. Do whatever makes you happy, don't do whatever makes some one else happy.

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
    The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time" - Thomas Edison

    "Never allow a person to tell you "No", who doesn't have the power to say Yes" - Eleanor Roosevelt

    I will just leave it at that. Again, good luck with whatever choice you make.

  6. #16
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    Jan 2011


    PatientlyWaiting makes a good and valid case.

    If you still want to fight it, you have to set your expectations in a realistic place. Heck, new things come down the pipeline all the time.

    But if you put your life on hold till you get your hair back, it's a lose/lose situation.

    And here's a good scenario for you. Let's say you beg, steal or borrow 15.000$ for a top notch, Hasson & Wong, Johnny Depp HT, ok? You stay on finasteride countering the side effects with Viagra, Levitra, Cialis and anything else you can get your hands on. Suppose you get all those pills from trips to Mexico so they don't devastate you financially.

    Now suppose you put that 20.000$ towards a shiny sports car, buying shots and possibly a sharp suit.

    Go out with a full head of hair and just enough money for your beer and let me know how you do with chicks older than 19. Go as a ****ing cueball with a sportscar and let me know of the porn star count.

    It's a sad, bitter world we're all living in

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Yo man, I'm sorry you're going through with all this, especially at the ripe age of 23. I can relate to you; I'm almost 22, I'm a medical student, and I've been losing my hair since I was 19. As much as I hate the thought that I'm going to be bald within the coming year, I think we have to take this opportunity and realize that there are other aspects that chicks are into besides hair. Sure there are superficial chicks out there, but I can assure you, if you shave your head, get some muscle, and develop a great personality along with some confidence, you'll be getting the cream of the crop.

    One of my best friends has a severe receding hairline, and he has a completely different outlook on life than I do in terms of hair loss. He knows he's going to be bald, but he could give a shit less. This dude instead shaved his head, kept on working the **** out (keep in mind this dude is built like a tank), and kept on having the same funny/confident personality he's always had. This is the same dude that's had around 15 different girlfriends since high school, is trying to bang a latina chick to finish his "around the world" quest (he's ****ed every ethnicity except for hispanic), and is an all around perennial bad ass.

    My point is, even though hair loss ****ing sucks, there's so much more to somebody than just hair. I can assure you that if you have a "tough as nails" attitude with life, and are confident with who you are, you will be absolutely fine. Please, give it a chance and see what it can do for you!

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2011


    All I can say is you don't need to be a doormat to get women.

    Making apple tinis and what not is loser talk (no offense). Women like winners.

    The characteristics of a winner is a smart, confident guy who doesn't leave his balls at the disposal of someone's approval.

    I myself have done a HT but in my realm I want to look good and presentable for my work and for my private life. It all is a part of my game but I don't sit down wondering whether some woman who probably is not as half intellectual and couldn't achieve a 10th of what I can achieve thinks of my looks. She should feel privileged that I am talking to her and if she doesn't then it isn't my problem.

  9. #19
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    Jan 2011


    So it's a nice sunny evening here - i go out for a beer, having had two compliments from different people about my hair earlier this week, i was pretty confident, and looking forward to a nice relaxed beer.

    On the way to the pub, two men, early 20's are walking alongside me, one mutter's sarcastically "I like your hair" I know the **** was talking to me, i brushed it off and carried on walking.

    So was the Wanker taking the Piss? Yep i think he was.

    Those four shitty word's from his mouth cut so deep, and far out-weighed the two compliment's i had earlier.

    It is indeed a shitty world we live in, i looked up to the sky and asked the Lord above to activate a baldness gene in both of them, ****'s.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by AgainstThis View Post
    Dude, women only care about:

    A) Money
    B) Money
    C) Security bought through Money
    D) Money
    and most important of all
    E) MONEY.

    You're young now and harbor illusions that romance may actually be possible and that women can be anything more than security-seeking hags from hell. Check out a really hot guy who's always broke, is not in school and has no bright future. Sure, he ****ed his share of hippie/punk rock chicks till 25. What is he doing afterwards? Smoking pot and rotting away, that's what he's doing.

    In your place, I'd just shave it all, work out and focus on making a shitload of dough.

    At age 30, I was privileged enough to not be seriously affected by hairloss till 27-28. I used to wear my hair really long, be in bands, work out and be "THE COOL GUY". You know what it got me?

    Jack shit, that's what it got me. One night stands leave you with bitter memories of what could have been, had you focused on money. And fat chicks who want to marry you don't count as conquests, really.

    You could have an ass in the place of your face but if your pockets were full enough, women would find you "unique".

    So my point is. It doesn't matter to ANY of them if you are bald, have a tattoo on your head or have hair like Antonio Banderas circa 1995. Riding the tail end of your student years, some of the girls you meet may still delude themselves with idle talk about "cute guys" but they're all after the ****ing nest egg. The sooner you realize this, the better for you.

    Don't believe me?

    Get an HT, work out, invest on a cool bachelor pad. You know who's gonna **** you? The same skanks that would have ****ed the bald, skinny, shitty living you. The very same ones. You know why? They are the ones who stand to benefit from you. We see fine tits and ass and we want to cum all over them. They see muscles and hair and think "Yeah, but how am I gonna raise two kids on muscle and hair?"

    End of story.
    An atleast you'll be ready for that all important expensive cure when it comes out

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