NEED HELP!Propecia does not work

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  • Johann
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 5

    NEED HELP!Propecia does not work

    I took Propecia for about a year now and im still loosing my Hair. Guess Im a non responder cause it did really do nothing for me . during my Year on propecia my Hairloss even much more worse than without, but i do not think thats due to finasteride my genes should rather be responsible for it.As you may think Im really depressed and I dont know what to do, cause my Hairloss Situation is getting worse even If i decided to take action against it.Ive read about Avodart the only problem is that I cant get a prescription for it cause my doctor told me he wont prescribe it against MPB and I guess not many doctors down here in Europe do it. Is there anyone who can help me? What can I do its just such a frustrating Situation I just cant do anything. So Please Help me somehow cause I cant even get a transplant if Im shedding the whole time theres got to be a way to stop it

  • PatientlyWaiting
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2011
    • 1639

    Sorry to hear about your situation.

    It's very strange, one whole year on Propecia and no results, just continuously shedding.

    My hair stopped shedding just 1 month in to generic Finasteride.

    Please answer these questions: How old are you? Did you take the 1mg pills every day? When did your hairloss started? Have you gone to a dermatologist?


    • Johann
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2011
      • 5

      Im 24 years old right now my hair loss was not bad for about 5 years just some very slow recession from nw 0 to 1,5. The strange thing is when I started Propecia 1 mg daily it all got worse .But I do not think that its the finasteride thats causing it ,I think my genictical situation must be very bad so that I moved from a nw 1,5 to a nw 2,5 getting close to a nw3 in one .... year on Propecia. what makes me even suffer more is that theres no strong hair loss in my family my father is 50 hes a nw3 my maternal grandfather is 70 still a nw2 and I dont even respond to Propecia! I have talked to a dermatologist he prescribed Propecia and Rogaine to me he took blood samples but everything is ok. I visited him last month and he just said theres nothing more I can do I should just accept it and theres nothing more I can do so right now Im really depressed dont know what I should do .


      • saniaa83
        • Feb 2011
        • 45

        I've been on Propecia for close to 3 months now and started about a month and a half after i started noticing hair loss. I'm far from bald at this point, but I'm 19 years old and the thought of looking like my father when I'm 22 is scaring the crap out of me.

        I feel like I've noticed an increase in hair loss since I've been on propecia and have seen multiple times that this can be a shedding phase which would be a sign that the drug is working. My initial question is, how, if at all, can one know if this is the shedding phase or just normal hair loss?

        My main purpose of making this post is to know when i should start seeing regrowth from propecia. Ive seen the shedding should/could last 3-4 months. By this, is it meant that regrowth (buds on the scalp) should occur only after this phase has passed? And if so, how far after, should i see the initial regrowth in the 6-8 month frame or closer to the 4-5 month time frame?

        I know every person reacts differently to this type of treatment, but if you guys can humor me, that will do.

        I will probably begin using rogaine foam soon, although i'm having reservations about the difficulty and pain of applying it, since my hair is on the longer side. Sure, I could cut it, but i'm afraid that it will become obvious that I'm balding.


        • belowzero
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 1

          Sania - My understanding is that the shed will eventually stop. Then you will have to wait through the dormancy phase of the hair cycle until the hairs regenerate. If it takes 2-3 months for the shedding to stop , then another 2 months afterward your hairs will start to regrow but it could take longer. Personally I have been on Finasteride for like 2 years now, and in my experience i didnt really notice a shed or anything. I just know my hairloss didnt progress any more. Its so slow that you dont even see it happening, kind of like you dont just wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and think my hair is growing back. The best thing is just to accept what it looks like now. Keep taking the finasteride and just forget about it. In 2 years time youll look in the mirror and think 'my hair looks roughly the same as it did when i started'. In that case you are doing well.

          Johann - I would jump on Generic Dutasteride mate. I am 25 and i have been taking the stuff for 3 months now. I was taking finasteride (prescription proscar split into quarters) for 2 years and it is working but i suspect not enough so now i am taking Dutas (Dr. Reddys) from inhouse 0.5mg a day & still taking my proscar quarters. I may up it to 1mg or 2.5mg in future but right now i cannot afford those kind of quantities. If you can afford it , from the sound of your situation get on the 2.5mg immediately. Keep taking your finasteride aswell just incase the Dutas thats generic is a bad batch or something at least youll have something protecting your scalp, Fin is better than nothing. Get on the rogaine too, ive been using the foam on my frontal hairline and it offers maintenance more than anything but its bloody hard to apply so perhaps get the liquid and apply it all over your scalp.

          Let me know how you guys get on, im hoping youll both respond well.

          Cheers from the land downunder



          • ohlife
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 134

            Hey belowzero... you're from Aus right? Well, unfortunately propecia didn't work for me (although, only 8 months in, it might have) and gave me sides that were untenable, so I had to quit. However, I still have quite a stash which I need to get rid of.. I understand this isn't a place of business but if I could offload the rest of what I have at an obviously cheaper than retail price, would you be interested? Let me know privately, cheers.


            • diffusing
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2011
              • 10

              Sania- I'm in your same situation, diffuse thinner, been on proscar for about 2 months, still shedding and itchy scalp. Hopefully it clears up soon. I do know for a fact however that my serum dht levels are lower since being on it, so that is a good sign. My DHT levels went from 30 to 20 in a month.

