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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2011

    Unhappy need help...desperately

    so here is my story. i'm 19 and have a significantly recceded hairline. The first time anybody noticed my receding hairline I was probably 14 or 15, this was after getting a buzzcut which I haven't done since. I know my fate, complete baldness by the age of 50. Every uncle in my family is almost entirely bald, slightly less hair than george costansa. and my father is also extremely bald. It seems inevitable to escape my fate, I've tried rogaine and special shampoos but what's the point?

    I just need some advice on how to accept this and get past it. I've been severly depressed for the last few years (for initial reasons other than balding) and everytime I make a good step in the right direction my receding hairline brings me back down.

    I know a lot of you have/are going through what I am. But I think this is an extreme circumstance, I doubt very many of you noticed you were loosing your hair before you even got your drivers license.

    On a side note, I asked my dermotolagist about taking the generic Finasteride, but he said it was unsafe because you have to cut the pills, don't know the dosage your getting, etc. and refused to prescribe it to me. And I know propecia is WAY to expensive at this point in my life, what is it like $70 a month or something?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by madore9 View Post
    so here is my story. i'm 19 and have a significantly recceded hairline. The first time anybody noticed my receding hairline I was probably 14 or 15, this was after getting a buzzcut which I haven't done since. I know my fate, complete baldness by the age of 50. Every uncle in my family is almost entirely bald, slightly less hair than george costansa. and my father is also extremely bald. It seems inevitable to escape my fate, I've tried rogaine and special shampoos but what's the point?

    I just need some advice on how to accept this and get past it. I've been severly depressed for the last few years (for initial reasons other than balding) and everytime I make a good step in the right direction my receding hairline brings me back down.

    I know a lot of you have/are going through what I am. But I think this is an extreme circumstance, I doubt very many of you noticed you were loosing your hair before you even got your drivers license.

    On a side note, I asked my dermotolagist about taking the generic Finasteride, but he said it was unsafe because you have to cut the pills, don't know the dosage your getting, etc. and refused to prescribe it to me. And I know propecia is WAY to expensive at this point in my life, what is it like $70 a month or something?
    Gutted, i feel for you - 19 and losing hair is shitty. I felt like crying today, thinking about my thinning mop and telling close friends my worries, and i'm 41.

    Can't advise you on Med's, but a chap on here called Spex can point you in the right direction, hopefully he'll read this.

    Sorry dude, it's crap and you're not alone, we all feel desperate, i know i do, in a way i'd kinda like it if my Family were actually bald. I have an OLDER brother that has ALL his hair, it majorly hurt's me that i got the dodgy gene and he didnt, but then again, i'm not so bad as to really wish my Family bald, that's just plain nasty, i'm more envious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Mate, I have empathy for you. It's ****ing hell when you realize you're going bald, and especially at a young age, but trust me, once you get into the real world, no one is going to give a shit. If you can keep your composure and be one confident dude, no one is going to say anything. And I know it's hard to be confident when you're initially balding/bald, it's almost a paradox, but you will learn over time to accept yourself. I'm not bald yet, I have a ton of hair (though it is pretty thin), but I know by the end of this year, I will probably have to start shaving my head. I've had nightmares before about going bald, but I'm just starting to accept my baldness for what it is. It's been a long transition into this state (almost 2 years), but if I can do it, so can you man. Keep your head up.

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